Yelling into the darkness

Sadly now and days times living in this must become unacceptable for me teach our children if girl a girl boy a boy
but we could do this in the America I grew up precious cherish memories for sure
24 weeks. She can hear you. She has fingerprints and footprints. She has tastebuds. She has lungs. She has hair. And at 24 weeks in the State of New York they can smash her skull and vacuum out her brain.
It’s not over yet!
President Trump is standing strong.
Americans must STAND STRONG
I just love a good fight, don’t you?
"Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground." Genesis 19:24-25 KJV ( Will be by fire can not be by water flood ) 1689612_1.jpg0.jpg
Donald Trump is a businessman not a politician who became president & has proven how useless politicians really are!

That’s the real reason they hate him!
This sadly all truth

#1 we must PRAY PRAY RE-PRAY
for all those negative effected



The pains of the shutdown are growing by the day. Soon, hundreds of thousands of federal employees will go without their second paycheck. The Trump administration has already called tens of thousands of federal workers back to work without pay. On Wednesday, hundreds of federal employees filled a Senate building in protest of being forced to go without pay.

Social services, like food stamps and health programs for pregnant women and children, will run out of money by March. National parks are going without maintenance, and the shutdown is taking a serious toll on the nation’s economic growth. The American public overwhelmingly blames Trump for the shutdown and wants it to end. In other words, the cost of Trump’s fight for the border wall is much, much bigger than the $5 billion he is asking for — and lawmakers are noticing.

But for now, Democrats and Trump are taking an all-or-nothing approach. And as the Senate votes showed, as long as that’s the case the government shutdown will go on.
YES I believe I will see my Lord before death calls me home But unsure the horrific events I will witness and see

I ask myself a question, how much further can we go,
It must break the heart of Jesus. as He's looking down below.
Once an unborn child was precious, now I look on in dismay,
For the powers that be, who tell us, it can be simply tossed away.

So, my question is rhetorical, for there is no way to check,
Could this be the generation, that will see the Lord come back?
For when I look around this world, I see such great despair,
The point of no return is coming, and we are almost there.

We must cast our eyes to Heaven, for He told us He'd return,
With a light to end the darkness that is brighter than the Sun.
He will gather up His people, as the end is drawing near,
When all hope has gone, then that's the time, that He will re-appear.

His appearance I will welcome, and His judgement will be swift,
Some will see His coming as a threat, and others as a gift,
But all must stand before Him, He will judge us one by one,
As we take responsibility, for everything we've done.......Amen.
A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:
'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.'
So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?'
She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'
The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.'
She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.
Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.'
The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!'
'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'
The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.
He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!
If you agree, please SHARE.
Together we can help save precious lives!
Love says, 'I sacrifice myself for the good of the other person.' Abortion says, 'I sacrifice the other person for the good of myself.'
By: Life is Dangerous: Let's Ban It
Annual cost of illegal immigration by state: CA.. $21.8 Billion NY.. $9.5 Billion TX.. $8.9 Billion FL.. $5.5 Billion IL.. $4.6 Billion NJ.. $3.5 Billion AZ.. $2.6 Billion GA. $2.4 Billion Annual national cost over $84 billion
Nurses say large babies aborted alive, turn their heads and seek their mothers, but there is no loving hand for them. They are cut up while alive, organs harvested while they thrash about and no, NO MOTHER there to save them. They die in agony.01b.jpg
Sadly coming forth as truth not snope hoax heart breaking and this is the pharmacy our medicine we take daily also involved