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[_ Old Earth _] Is evolutionism compatible with the Bible?


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Then do you also believe that every astrophysicist is wrong in calculating the age of the universe at about 14 billion years?
It stands to reason that they pretty much have to be wrong, or are outright maliciously lying.

In my opinion, some of it is literal and some is metaphor.
This sounds right. Some of it is obviously metaphor.

I believe that is literal though the widely accepted canon of scripture does not go into great detail. You have to go to the Book of Enoch and Jubilees to get more information as well as extra-Biblical documents.
Right. But, just because something is extra-biblical doesn't mean it's anti-biblical. Plus, there's just too much archaeological evidence and stories/videos floating around about all this stuff that, they all can't be lying. There's something to this. Stories about finding giant's skeletons and then the Smithsonian shows up and takes them, and "loses" them. Plus the book of Enoch says that the fallen angels played around with mixing animals and humans (just to provoke God)...and what do we see all over Egypt? Statues of men with bird heads and stuff like that...So they started making this up 4500 years ago?! I don't buy

Yeah, see what I mean? Scripture supports the Angel view...archaeology supports it...that's a pretty convincing package to me.
It stands to reason that they pretty much have to be wrong, or are outright maliciously lying.
Exactly how does that "stand to reason"?
IF they "have it wrong" then explain exactly where their observations, measurements, calculations, etc. are wrong.
If they are "outright maliciously lying" then give proof of your charge against them.
Plus, there's just too much archaeological evidence and stories/videos floating around about all this stuff that, they all can't be lying. There's something to this. Stories about finding giant's skeletons and then the Smithsonian shows up and takes them, and "loses" them.
Yeah. I've seen Chuck Missler's video.
I do not put a lot of credence in "stories."
"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see."
Yeah, see what I mean? Scripture supports the Angel view...archaeology supports it...that's a pretty convincing package to me.
Archaeology also supports civilizations existing about 12,000 years ago which would predate the Young Earth Creationist view. Do you accept that archaeological evidence also?
If Adam and Eve were the result of evolutionism...then what of Adams parents? Siblings and friends? They didn't fall. Surely some of their progeny would still be alive today...and if not were alive for thousands of years.

So, what does the bible teach?
Romans 5:13 12Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all mene because all sinned—
Your theory has more than one man. It has a population which disagree's with scripture. So, so far you have not really explained why all men sin.

1st Cor 15:21 also mentions one man....For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead.

That is why the rest of the story would be discounted. I hope this helps explain things a bit clearer.
And yet we are told that Adam and Eve were made distinct from the rest of the creatures in some important way. They could have been the first two modern humans (homo sapiens sapiens? Help Barbarian lol), that were specifically created in God's image, which would make any other ancestry irrelevant.
And yet we are told that Adam and Eve were made distinct from the rest of the creatures in some important way. They could have been the first two modern humans (homo sapiens sapiens? Help Barbarian lol), that were specifically created in God's image, which would make any other ancestry irrelevant.

Are you saying Adam was made from the dust then Eve from Adams rib....and the rest of the people at that time...evolved?

You never did reply to the progeny of the non-modern people who were exactly like Adam..but not made in Gods you know what kind of can of worms you're opening up?
Just for the record calling on Barbarian for help will be no help because he failed to answer the question as to why we fact for barbarian Genesis is a myth. At least you give it some literal historical value.
Are you saying Adam was made from the dust then Eve from Adams rib....
I said, "If Adam and Eve were the result of evolution." In other words, if God used evolution to create, then Adam and Eve were the end goal of that evolution, made in some way to be in God's image, unlike the rest of the creatures.

and the rest of the people at that time...evolved?
The rest of what people?

You never did reply to the progeny of the non-modern people who were exactly like Adam..but not made in Gods you know what kind of can of worms you're opening up?
I did reply. I said they're irrelevant.

Just for the record calling on Barbarian for help will be no help because he failed to answer the question as to why we fact for barbarian Genesis is a myth. At least you give it some literal historical value.
I clearly called for Barbarian's help in knowing what the technical, scientific name for modern humans is. He knows that, I don't.
I said, "If Adam and Eve were the result of evolution." In other words, if God used evolution to create, then Adam and Eve were the end goal of that evolution, made in some way to be in God's image, unlike the rest of the creatures.
Adam was made from the dust then Eve from Adams rib....which is NOTHING like evolutionism.
The rest of what people?
Those who were alive when God made Adam from the dust.
I did reply. I said they're irrelevant.
That's your answer? they're irrelevant?????? OK, whatever.
I said, "If Adam and Eve were the result of evolution." In other words, if God used evolution to create, then Adam and Eve were the end goal of that evolution, made in some way to be in God's image, unlike the rest of the creatures.
That is exactly what I believed, (among other things) before I became a Christian.
That is exactly what I believed, (among other things) before I became a Christian.
Why would you believe in Adam and Eve, much less them being created in God's image, prior to becoming a Christian?
Hello calvin here,
I have heard and studied this sethite view and found it to have flaws in it. While it seems difficult to hold that the Angel view of Genesis 6 as dogmatic, we must be able to concur that if the sethite view were correct then it should have other scriptures to support it.
Firstly Edward, I do not subscribe to the "Sethite View" please keep this in mind as we progress through your post.
These are not found by me anywhere. Some of the immediate questions that arise from the sethite view would be, If the text was intended to contrast the "sons of Seth and the daughters of Cain," why didn't it say so?
Here is the first problem I have with the "sethite" view, The 'daughters of Cain where is that Biblical? It is not! It is the daughters of man that are talked about and they are said to be attractive. Why people think that Cain's daughters were attractive in contradistinction to Seth's daughters is a mystery to me.
Seth was not God, and Cain was not Adam. (Why not the "sons of Cain" and the "daughters of Seth?" There is no basis for restricting the text to either subset of Adam's descendants. Further, there exists no mention of daughters of Elohim.)

Besides, if the sons of Seth and the daughters of Cain had offspring together...then why are they referred to as Nephilim? That makes no sense.
The text does not at any point say this! The reference to Nephilim is very obscure. It simple states that the Nephilim were on the Earth in those days and afterwards....after what? and exactly what days are 'those days'?
Could the Nephilim simply have been the sons of Cain in contradistinction to the sons of Seth?...We simply do not know so we should leave it at that IMO.
How does the "Sethite" interpretation contribute to the ostensible cause for the Flood, which is the primary thrust of the text in Genesis 6? The entire view is contrived on a series of assumptions without Scriptural support.
I agree
Why were the children Nephilim as a result of the unions of the lines of Seth? (Bending the translation to "giants" does not resolve the difficulties.) It is the offspring of these peculiar unions in Genesis 6:4 which seems to be cited as a primary cause for the Flood.
Not so Edward, that is an interpretation that you are supplying, no?
Verse 4 mentions the Nephilim, yes, however consider who were indeed the 'mighty men of old'? Please read and consider Gen 4:24 though to, and most carefully Gen ch 5, up to Gen 5:32. Would not these men who are named qualify as men of renown? What does renown mean and does it not apply to those mentioned in Ch 5?
Procreation by parents of differing religious views do not produce unnatural offspring. Believers marrying unbelievers may produce "monsters," (LOL), but hardly superhuman, or unnatural, children! It was this unnatural procreation and the resulting abnormal creatures that were designated as a principal reason for the judgment of the Flood.
Again Edward you seem to be supplying ideas that simply do not enjoy Scriptural support.
Where does Scripture say as you are suggesting? What I am seeing is that "The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." V5 Esv.
No mention of hybrids, no mention of fallen angels, no mention of Nephilim, only the wickedness of man.....why is that?
The very absence of any such adulteration of the human genealogy in Noah's case is also documented in Genesis 6:9: Noah's family tree was distinctively unblemished. The term used, tamiym, is used for physical blemishes.
This may be true, and may well be significant,(probably is) however consider for a moment that in Noah's lineage there must have been countless hundreds of families that are not specifically named. We know zilch about them or if they were all that Godly or not.
Why were the offspring uniquely designated "mighty" and "men of reknown?" This description characterizing the children is not accounted for if the fathers were merely men, even if godly.
Again Edward read these texts with the utmost care. Consider please v4b "These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown." These mighty men who were of old can hardly be referring to the children.
A further difficulty seems to be that the offspring were only men; no "women of reknown" are mentioned. (Was there a chromosome deficiency among the Sethites? Were there only "Y" chromosomes available in this line?)
Again Edward you seem to be supplying unjustifiable interpretation. Nothing what soever is stated in Scripture about these children's gender.
There are other problems with the Sethite view also but this is the big one. Considering the Angel view, we would also look towards other scriptures to line up with it and support it. I found a couple which could in the NT.

"In the mouths of two or three witnesses every word shall be established." In Biblical matters, it is essential to always compare Scripture with Scripture.
Ahh! At last we two are in 100.0000% agreement:sohappy
This is in two parts as the forum thinks the reply is too big for one part.
Part two
Edward continues:
The New Testament confirmations in Jude and 2 Peter are impossible to ignore.

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell [Tartarus], and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; 2 Peter 2:4-5
Peter's comments even establishes the time of the fall of these angels to the days of the Flood of Noah.
How so??
And when did the Satan fall? Was it at the time of the flood or at or even before Eden? We simply do not know.
The New Testament confirmations in Jude and 2 Peter are impossible to ignore.

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell [Tartarus], and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; 2 Peter 2:4-5
Peter's comments even establishes the time of the fall of these angels to the days of the Flood of Noah.
How so?? Where does Peter say that the angels fell in sin at the time of the flood? I see a transition between v4 and v5.
Assuming the Satan is also an angel (arch Angel perhaps) when did it fall? Did that occur at the time of the flood or at least as early as the garden of Eden episode?
When we consider Peter's letter in context, ie looking at what precedes V4, we see that God's judgement is, and has been active throughout the ages.
You stopped at v5, but V6,v7 are also part of Peter's argument, why not consider them in context as well? There is judgement of ungodliness followed by destruction. That is what Peter is saying, he also goes on to talk about mercy and deliverance of the Godly.
Even Peter's vocabulary is provocative. Peter uses the term Tartarus, here translated "hell." This is the only place that this Greek term appears in the Bible. Tartarus is a Greek term for "dark abode of woe"; "the pit of darkness in the unseen world." As used in Homer's Iliad, it is " far beneath hades as the earth is below heaven`." In Greek mythology, some of the demigods, Chronos and the rebel Titans, were said to have rebelled against their father, Uranus, and after a prolonged contest they were defeated by Zeus and were condemned into Tartarus.

The Epistle of Jude also alludes to the strange episodes when these "alien" creatures intruded themselves into the human reproductive process:

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 6,7
The allusions to "going after strange flesh," keeping "not their first estate," having "left their own habitation," and "giving themselves over to fornication," seem to clearly fit the alien intrusions of Genesis 6. (The term for habitation, oikētērion , refers to their heavenly bodies from which they had disrobed.)
Here I am seeing a great difficulty that you are labouring under.
Of whom exactly is it said that they went after "strange flesh"?
Was it not the inhabitants of Sodom and surrounding cities?
If you want to link the "in like manner" with the angels then you have to suppose these fallen angels were also doing unlawful things amongst themselves. BTW we never hear of girl angels, why is that do you think?
In discussing the resurrection and the age to come, what did Jesus disclose to us?
Mat 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.Esv
There is no marriage in heaven and what exactly is marriage? Is it not the harmonious merging of two genders into one? On that note is it not interesting to see that these 'sons of God' actually took as their wives any of the women they chose. They did not just inseminate them, but formed a life long bond with them. This makes little sense for an ageless being to do.
So neither of these two New Testament Scriptures tell us that the angel who fell mated with human women, and since it seems that angels have no gender, if it were even possible for them to take on a flesh/blood body, why would they not have also transfigured into seductively beautiful women and had it off with men as well?
These allusions from the New Testament would seem to be fatal to the "Sethite" alternative in interpreting Genesis 6. If the intercourse between the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" were merely marriage between Sethites and Cainites, it seems impossible to explain these passages, and the reason why some fallen angels are imprisoned and others are free to roam the heavenlies.
Again there is nothing in Scripture to support the exclusiveness of Sethite/Cainite only marriages. The fact that some of the fallen angels are imprisoned and some are not is indeed a mystery.
All we can think is that both states suits the Lord's purpose.
So I seem to be stuck here in the Angel view. I've been wrong before, and I'm not so egotistical to not be able to admit it if I could be proven wrong. That hasn't happened. The case made for the Angel view is lots stronger than the Sethite view and has not been debunked properly and conclusively. Knowing that the enemies primary tool is deception, I really can't allow the apparent absurdity of the text of Genesis 6 to give me cognitive dissonance and reject it. However twilight zone it may actually makes much more sense than the other views that I've heard.
Have you considered that in order or spirit beings, (angels) to become flesh and blood men having the ability to procreate with women would require God like power to create their new bodies? Angels remember have no gender of their own. We mostly refer to them in the masculine state because there is no neuter gender in the Hebrew language, so a thing is either he or she. And Angels not marrying need no gender so I do not believe the Lord created them with gender for which there is no use. For them to aquire gender requires powers and ability far beyond that of created beings. IMO.
Why would you believe in Adam and Eve, much less them being created in God's image, prior to becoming a Christian?
Well sir what makes you think that Christianity has a monopoly on the Old Testament?
I was once lost and I followed many fruitless trails until Christ Jesus found me.
Leave it at that.
Please keep on topic. If anyone wants to discuss their views of the Nephilim, please take it to the Theology forum.
G'day Oz, calvin here,
challenging as must be on the mend.
here is a link (I hope) Books II/Jones - Chronology of the OT.pdf
Interesting no end. You may recall that I have stated previously that I do not go in for following this author or that author.
The above pdf book was stumbled on as I was seeking a simple time line graphic similar to Graeme Goldsworthy's 'Gospel and Kingdom..(I can't seem to locate my copy.
Well, I have only quickly scanned the many pages, however it seems it might be a good read. It might also answer your questions.


I'm feeling much better but have a lot of work to do in relocating from my present house.

I browsed the content of that link but read the conclusion right through.

This indicates the author, Floyd Jones, committed the begging the question fallacy (arguing in circles). He started believing the biblicist, young earth creationist view and concluded with the same model. Anyone who varied from this, he claimed was 'compromising'.

There are leading evangelical scholars who accept an old earth dating. This author wrote:
The following individuals—respected authors, Bible scholars, scientists, pastors, linguists, and more—hold to a diversity of views on the timing of God’s creation. And yet all have affirmed, in documented sources, that an ancient universe and Earth (including big bang cosmology) pose no threat to Christian orthodoxy, but rather may be considered plausible and valid interpretations, even literal interpretations, of the biblical text. Not one sees the question of age as a crucial doctrinal issue.
John Ankerberg
Gleason Archer
John Battle
Michael Behe
William Jennings Bryan
Walter Bradley
Jack Collins
Chuck Colson
Paul Copan
William Lane Craig
Norman Geisler
Robert Godfrey
Guillermo Gonzales Hank Hannegraff
Jack Hayford
Fred Heeren
Charles Hodge
Walter Kaiser
Greg Koukl
C. S. Lewis
Paul Little
Patricia Mondore
J. P. Moreland
Robert Newman
Greg Neyman
Mark Noll
Nancy Pearcey Perry Phillips
William Phillips
Mike Poole
Bernard Ramm
Jay Richards
Hugh Ross
Fritz Schaefer
Francis Schaeffer
C. I. Scofield
Chuck Smith Jr.
David Snoke
Lee Strobel
Ken Taylor
B. B. Warfield
Barbarian, your arguments are valid only if the Bible is subject to people's interpretations, but it is not.

Are you serious, Zackuth? Everything we read is subject to our understanding it - interpretation. Everything from local newspaper to school text book to the Bible!

Try interpreting this passage:

6 Lot went outside to meet them. He shut the door behind him. 7 He said, “No, my friends. Don’t do such an evil thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters that no man has ever slept with. I’ll bring them out to you now. Then do to them what you want to. But don’t do anything to these men. I’ve brought them inside so they can be safe” (Gen 19:6-8 NIRV).​

Please interpret the meaning of v. 8 for me.

I don't know about Calvin...but seeing it put that way, I would say , yes.

So you have a presupposition that young earth creationism (YEC) is the biblical way to interpret all creation verses in OT and NT. Therefore, all other interpretations are wrong. Is that your perspective?
Nope. You've confused "evolution" and "evolutionism." You just posted an example of "evolutionism."


A linear transformation of one species into another is "evolutionism",but not part of evolutionary theory. It's a common misconception about the way it works. This is Darwin's concept:

Not a ladder, but a branching bush. This is why there's so much amusement when a creationist asks "if we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?" Perfectly reasonable question in "evolutionism", but absurd in evolutionary theory. "Evolutionism" is a sort of summary for the misconceptions people have about evolution.

Not so!

Evolutionism is a related term of evolution.

As nouns the difference between evolutionism and evolution
is that evolutionism is (countable) any of several theories that explain the evolution of systems or organisms while evolution is (general) gradual directional change especially one leading to a more advanced or complex form; growth; development (source).​

This example I gave was of evolution and not of evolutionism, which involves explaining several theories of evolution.

It is you who is leading us up the garden path. This is an example of evolution and NOT evolutionism:


It's the traditional way Christians understood Genesis [as a parable].

Please document that the 'traditional way' of interpreting Genesis is as a parable.

Also, please provide the exact quotes with documentation for your statements from Augustine.

So you have a presupposition that young earth creationism (YEC) is the biblical way to interpret all creation verses in OT and NT. Therefore, all other interpretations are wrong. Is that your perspective?

Absolutly. 100% absolute. If you are old earth you are wrong. You are deceived. If you subscribe to evolutionism you are also wrong. It's more than simply my perspective, it's biblical fact.


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