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Christophobics knocked out my Internet


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It was YOUR words, not those of Jesus, that were slanderous of me.

As far as "rethinking my position" - I have, and would thank you to delete my account here.
Jesus knew He was causing problems within the Sanhedrin.
He knew He was going to His death when He rode into Jerusalem the week of Passover.

Jesus absolutely supported fully what He believed in.
In the Garden of Gethsemene, He knew His death would come the next day. He didn't run from it....He rode triumphantly into Jerusalem...the city where He would die for His ministry.
I don't think you understand the cultural setting in Jerusalem when Jesus was around.
First, Herod murdered most of the Sanhedrien and those he didn't murder we're simply yes men. He then filled the Sanhedrein with Yes men that barely knew Tohah let alone Tanach.

This is how Hillel came into the equation. The Sanhedrien + Supreem court + didn't know how to navigate scripture. What do you do if Passover falls on a Sabbath? This was a real delimna.

Actually, the problem was that Herod was in bed with Rome and Jesus threatened stability between Jerusalem and Rome. It wasnt a religious battle but rather a political battle.

However, if you look at how Jesus spent his time, the majority of his time was spent with people who wanted to be around him. With little exception, he wasnt out looking for drama with the Sanhedrien or the Pharisees. He addressed then when needed, but he didn't go out of his way to seek them out.
On that note ,at times I feel I dont fit in,church .not all but we do have the upper class Catholic and Methodist churches,there's a new Anglican one on the beach ,of these three this seems more welcoming ,not that Methodist one isn't .the Catholic one has stories ,I have met police officers who during a paid traffic direction by the church were told not to use the facilities !
Just a quick request. If you ever attend the Anglican one can you please tell us how that went?
I really hate to see people fighting. Especially when it comes to people that I really like. :sad
I agree. There is absolutely no need for all this. Is there actual Christophobia? Absolutely. Can the phrase be abused? Absolutely. We should carefully choose our battles with a hostile world and which tools we may use, but be even way way more careful the battles we choose with each other. Most likely, this is a word fad that will fade on it's own. But, I would certainly consider using Christophobia if speaking to the press/media to back off a hostile attack by atheistic media.
Because Muslims who make movies would never disrespect there religion and the same goes for Christians who make movies. The people who make these movies you are talking about probably are not religious, and thankfully you live in a country that allows for free speech and criticism.
Where's my free speech to say mean things about black persons and Muslim persons and and Indian persons and yellow persons, etc???

What'g going on?
Are Christians the only ones that could be picked on with no repercussions?

How about if those persons making the movies were worried that the movie wouldn't do so well if there was cursing in it and taking God's name in vain?
I agree. There is absolutely no need for all this. Is there actual Christophobia? Absolutely. Can the phrase be abused? Absolutely. We should carefully choose our battles with a hostile world and which tools we may use, but be even way way more careful the battles we choose with each other. Most likely, this is a word fad that will fade on it's own. But, I would certainly consider using Christophobia if speaking to the press/media to back off a hostile attack by atheistic media.
You got the idea!
Where's my free speech to say mean things about black persons and Muslim persons and and Indian persons and yellow persons, etc???

What'g going on?
Are Christians the only ones that could be picked on with no repercussions?

How about if those persons making the movies were worried that the movie wouldn't do so well if there was cursing in it and taking God's name in vain?

simply don't support those movies and give up the media. in general I have.
howevery because of army regulations and work one, I cant simply say what I want that is gonna be misconstrued. I cant call the muslim clerk at water and sewer a paki and get a way with it.
I don't think you understand the cultural setting in Jerusalem when Jesus was around.
First, Herod murdered most of the Sanhedrien and those he didn't murder we're simply yes men. He then filled the Sanhedrein with Yes men that barely knew Tohah let alone Tanach.

This is how Hillel came into the equation. The Sanhedrien + Supreem court + didn't know how to navigate scripture. What do you do if Passover falls on a Sabbath? This was a real delimna.

Actually, the problem was that Herod was in bed with Rome and Jesus threatened stability between Jerusalem and Rome. It wasnt a religious battle but rather a political battle.

However, if you look at how Jesus spent his time, the majority of his time was spent with people who wanted to be around him. With little exception, he wasnt out looking for drama with the Sanhedrien or the Pharisees. He addressed then when needed, but he didn't go out of his way to seek them out.
SB, I never said Jesus went out of His way to seek out the Sanhedrin and problems. THEY came to HIM.

Do you believe Jesus knew He was going to His death when He marched into Jerusalem at the beginning of the Passover? This is what I stated.

Do you believe it was the Sanhedrin that carried out the trial the evening when Jesus was captured by the Roman soldiers and some of the Sanhedrin guards in the Garden of Gethsemane?

I DO believe THEY went looking for Jesus.'

What have I stated that makes you think I don't understand the cultural setting in Jerusalem at Jesus' time?
simply don't support those movies and give up the media. in general I have.
howevery because of army regulations and work one, I cant simply say what I want that is gonna be misconstrued. I cant call the muslim clerk at water and sewer a paki and get a way with it.
That doesn't work.
I'm of a certain age (38?) and Iv'e seen the changes in my lifetime and I think I know what works and what does not.
Closing an eye to what's happening does not cure the just cures if for ME but for society the damage goes on being done.
The new generation is faced with the problem head on since it wasn't taken care of by US. (not you, you're the new generation).

Whether I see a movie or not makes no difference to Holllywood.
What WOULD make a difference is if they respected MY FAITH as much as they respect the faith of Islam or the faith of abortionists or the faith of very young people acting like more mature people or, or,or, I could go on forever.

Why can't WE change the world somewhat which is one of the points Jesus was trying to make...The Kingdom of God on earth.
So, where is this Kingdom??? What are WE doing to bring it about?
SB, I never said Jesus went out of His way to seek out the Sanhedrin and problems. THEY came to HIM.

Do you believe Jesus knew He was going to His death when He marched into Jerusalem at the beginning of the Passover? This is what I stated.

Do you believe it was the Sanhedrin that carried out the trial the evening when Jesus was captured by the Roman soldiers and some of the Sanhedrin guards in the Garden of Gethsemane?

I DO believe THEY went looking for Jesus.'

What have I stated that makes you think I don't understand the cultural setting in Jerusalem at Jesus' time?
Sorry if I misunderstood you. From your previous post, it sounded like you were justifying calling others names because Jesus didn't shrink away from those he knew we're out to destroy him.

Listen, I live in the same world you do and I'm used to being unjustly persecuted and I could write pages on the persecution, slights and slander I've received or I've heard from none Christians and yes, I've been called a homophobe unjustly directly to my face because I believe that marriage in Gods eye is between a man and woman. Trust me, I get it and I share your frustration. The question is, what do we do about it? How do we respond? How do we react?

What we do and what we say as well as how we say it is very important. Hey, sometimes I've felt like unleashing on another because of some injustice. But that doesn't mean we act out our feeling in a destructive way.

Jesus gets angry with the Pharisees because of their hardened hearts. And what does he do? He heals a shrivled hand. Instead of lashing out on who he's angry with, he heals and that drives them nuts.

When I quoted Peter and Matthew, it's not just about obedience to what Jesus taught, it's about having enough faith to believe what Jesus says is true and live it out.

When Christians are given a bad name because of our poor behavior or loose words, we deserve being slandered and it should be a wake up call. But when we are mistreated for obeying our Lord, we ought to count it as pure joy.

When Peter wrote those words, it wasnt just a war of words for Peter. No, followers of Christ were being put to death. If he can say that when death is knocking at his door, then we ought to be able to live those words out when somebody calls us a name we don't like.
That doesn't work.
I'm of a certain age (38?) and Iv'e seen the changes in my lifetime and I think I know what works and what does not.
Closing an eye to what's happening does not cure the just cures if for ME but for society the damage goes on being done.
The new generation is faced with the problem head on since it wasn't taken care of by US. (not you, you're the new generation).

Whether I see a movie or not makes no difference to Holllywood.
What WOULD make a difference is if they respected MY FAITH as much as they respect the faith of Islam or the faith of abortionists or the faith of very young people acting like more mature people or, or,or, I could go on forever.

Why can't WE change the world somewhat which is one of the points Jesus was trying to make...The Kingdom of God on earth.
So, where is this Kingdom??? What are WE doing to bring it about?
So passing laws to limit fredom speech?
You can't save society ,why have the first amendment ?
So passing laws to limit fredom speech?
You can't save society ,why have the first amendment ?
No Jason.
What law makes the movie-makers stop them from NOT using Muhammad's name in an unrespectable manner?
They don't do this because Islam will not accept it and Hollywood knows it.

Speech should be free.
Speech should not slander anyone (as SB says).
No Jason.
What law makes the movie-makers stop them from NOT using Muhammad's name in an unrespectable manner?
They don't do this because Islam will not accept it and Hollywood knows it.

Speech should be free.
Speech should not slander anyone (as SB says).
Mocking isn't slander ,the govt can't prove which diety is real .

Besides in the past ,it wasny exactly, can talk all you want about that but I know my county was formed because if blue laws .you can't pass laws making men moral.

A man was arrested on Sunday for showing movies yet the county seat allowed it in its town .locals got fed up over the hypricisy and formed a new county .that was in,1925.
Speech should be free.
Speech should not slander anyone (as SB says).
The Bible says that those who believe AND follow God should not slander. Words matter, they matter a lot. God created with words so this idea that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me are in contradiction to Gods word.

We do not judge those outside, that is Gods role. If Muslims retaliate when they are slandered, then what difference is there from how they act and a homosexual responds to by calling others homophobic? There isn't any.

When we say, "It worked for homosexuals, so we should do the same", we are following worldly direction and not Christ.

Galatians 6
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

God cannot be mocked. Do you believe this?

Let us do good to ALL people.
Do we have enough faith to live this out?

Elsewhere, Paul writes,
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Sorry if I misunderstood you. From your previous post, it sounded like you were justifying calling others names because Jesus didn't shrink away from those he knew we're out to destroy him.
May it never be!
I know the Beatitudes really well.
No calling others names...never done it here; never done it in real life.

Be careful of the words you say,
Make sure they're nice and sweet,
You never know from day to day,
Which words you'll have to eat.

Source forgotten !

Listen, I live in the same world you do and I'm used to being unjustly persecuted and I could write pages on the persecution, slights and slander I've received or I've heard from none Christians and yes, I've been called a homophobe unjustly directly to my face because I believe that marriage in Gods eye is between a man and woman. Trust me, I get it and I share your frustration. The question is, what do we do about it? How do we respond? How do we react?

What we do and what we say as well as how we say it is very important. Hey, sometimes I've felt like unleashing on another because of some injustice. But that doesn't mean we act out our feeling in a destructive way.
I'm not saying to lash out at anyone...or should we really even just feel like it. Injustice...plenty in this world. I expect it. Acting out our feeling? We're not 5 years old SB.

All I'm saying is.....
What do we do about it?
Just ask if the person is Christophobic.
That's all. It kind of says a lot in one simple question.
It seems to have worked for every other group.

Jesus gets angry with the Pharisees because of their hardened hearts. And what does he do? He heals a shrivled hand. Instead of lashing out on who he's angry with, he heals and that drives them nuts.

When I quoted Peter and Matthew, it's not just about obedience to what Jesus taught, it's about having enough faith to believe what Jesus says is true and live it out.

When Christians are given a bad name because of our poor behavior or loose words, we deserve being slandered and it should be a wake up call. But when we are mistreated for obeying our Lord, we ought to count it as pure joy.

When Peter wrote those words, it wasnt just a war of words for Peter. No, followers of Christ were being put to death. If he can say that when death is knocking at his door, then we ought to be able to live those words out when somebody calls us a name we don't like.
Except I don't care to be mistreated.
I don't count it as pure joy.
I don't think those in Africa that are being killed because they believe in Jesus consider it as pure joy. Watching a small son's head cut off because the family is Christian is not joyful.

I'm not talking about being called a name I don't like...
I'm talking about dealing with persons that are afraid of Christianity....

L. Krauss...a renowned scientist has gone so far as to say that something CAN come from nothing because of his fear of God and the fact that God might be real.

This is what I'm talking about...
N ot being called names because I'm Christian.
Being called names is what I'd like to see stopped.
If only we could get the secular world to respect us and the God we serve.
The Bible says that those who believe AND follow God should not slander. Words matter, they matter a lot. God created with words so this idea that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me are in contradiction to Gods word.

We do not judge those outside, that is Gods role. If Muslims retaliate when they are slandered, then what difference is there from how they act and a homosexual responds to by calling others homophobic? There isn't any.

When we say, "It worked for homosexuals, so we should do the same", we are following worldly direction and not Christ.

Galatians 6
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

God cannot be mocked. Do you believe this?

Let us do good to ALL people.
Do we have enough faith to live this out?

Elsewhere, Paul writes,
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I feel like we're speaking about two different topics...
So I'm going to bow out right now.
As you surely know by now...I don't care to go on and on about a topic.

I feel like:

People do not have a phobia/fear of God, but just have no knowledge of Him and what Jesus taught. Many see how Christians can come against each other in what they say, but do not do themselves. It's like that of Matthew 23:1-36.

Scripture teaches us how to defend our faith by giving reason why we do and to do this with gentleness and respect, 1 Peter 3:15.

Always be sober minded, endure suffering, and do the works of an Evangelist, 2 Timothy 4:1-22.

Walk in wisdom towards outsiders, let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer each person, Colossians 4:5, 6.

The Lord's servant, im whom all of us are that are in Christ and He in us, must not be quarrelsome, but kind to each other, enduring evil, 2 Timothy 2:24, 25.

Blessed are you when others revile you, persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you, Matthew 5:11, 12.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
What'g going on?
Are Christians the only ones that could be picked on with no repercussions?

Some so-called Christians pick on others.

You cannot ban mosques and temples that's a violation of freedom of religion. Churches are a foreign building. This woman is a hypocrite.

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