Christophobics knocked out my Internet

May it never be!
I know the Beatitudes really well.
No calling others names...never done it here; never done it in real life.

Be careful of the words you say,
Make sure they're nice and sweet,
You never know from day to day,
Which words you'll have to eat.

Source forgotten !

I'm not saying to lash out at anyone...or should we really even just feel like it. Injustice...plenty in this world. I expect it. Acting out our feeling? We're not 5 years old SB.

All I'm saying is.....
What do we do about it?
Just ask if the person is Christophobic.
That's all. It kind of says a lot in one simple question.
It seems to have worked for every other group.

Except I don't care to be mistreated.
I don't count it as pure joy.
I don't think those in Africa that are being killed because they believe in Jesus consider it as pure joy. Watching a small son's head cut off because the family is Christian is not joyful.

I'm not talking about being called a name I don't like...
I'm talking about dealing with persons that are afraid of Christianity....

L. Krauss...a renowned scientist has gone so far as to say that something CAN come from nothing because of his fear of God and the fact that God might be real.

This is what I'm talking about...
N ot being called names because I'm Christian.
Being called names is what I'd like to see stopped.
If only we could get the secular world to respect us and the God we serve.
If only we could get the secular world to respect God,

You,mean we Not God is to change mens hearts?

If by respect you,mean not,blasphemy,also believe that Son died then ,doesn't that mean that person is saved

As much as I would love to see it,Jesus himself said that world would hate you for His sake that there would be few ,

The Egyptian respected joseph so,much that they included a type of circumcision and recorded highly of him.yet 400 years later God decimated Egpyt as foretold to Abraham.

While I would love to see what you say ,locally and world wide I could use examples of the opposite .

Calabash,a black town of thatch houses located in the Savannahs of st.Lucie county ,it had gambling,drinking ,prostitution and the weekend noise of merrirment could be heard from miles away.the sheriff tolerated that until he heard of outlaws hidden there and formed a posse and arrested all and burned it down.blacks up to,the civil,rights act of 68 couldnt have a good time along side whites .this was their only place .in,sure they didnt cuss,swear there .

That was pre 1925 ,possibly 1905,and before as with modern roads and so forth thatch homes wouldn't be needed.we had speak easy homes,bars here I have been to three possible places.two,confirmed and one suspected of it.
Because Muslims who make movies would never disrespect there religion and the same goes for Christians who make movies. The people who make these movies you are talking about probably are not religious, and thankfully you live in a country that allows for free speech and criticism.
Some so-called Christians pick on others.

You cannot ban mosques and temples that's a violation of freedom of religion. Churches are a foreign building. This woman is a hypocrite.

We're talking about two different ideas here.
The problem is probably that I'm not expressing myself correct.
I can't talk about this anymore since the misunderstanding is very great and I can't fix it.
If only we could get the secular world to respect God,

You,mean we Not God is to change mens hearts?

If by respect you,mean not,blasphemy,also believe that Son died then ,doesn't that mean that person is saved

As much as I would love to see it,Jesus himself said that world would hate you for His sake that there would be few ,

The Egyptian respected joseph so,much that they included a type of circumcision and recorded highly of him.yet 400 years later God decimated Egpyt as foretold to Abraham.

While I would love to see what you say ,locally and world wide I could use examples of the opposite .

Calabash,a black town of thatch houses located in the Savannahs of st.Lucie county ,it had gambling,drinking ,prostitution and the weekend noise of merrirment could be heard from miles away.the sheriff tolerated that until he heard of outlaws hidden there and formed a posse and arrested all and burned it down.blacks up to,the civil,rights act of 68 couldnt have a good time along side whites .this was their only place .in,sure they didnt cuss,swear there .

That was pre 1925 ,possibly 1905,and before as with modern roads and so forth thatch homes wouldn't be needed.we had speak easy homes,bars here I have been to three possible places.two,confirmed and one suspected of it.
Here's what I wish J,
I wish Christianity was respected.
Think of when the Constitution was written, the Bill of Rights, it's obvious that the founders of America were Christians that wanted freedom of religion...NOT freedom to attack religion.

What has happened in the past 200 years?
What has caused this change?
Did the church do anything to halt the modern day belief system, which is known as modernism?

Just stuff to think about.

In Italy, crosses in cemetaries are being covered and are being asked to be removed by the Islam religion here because they are offensive.

Perhaps you could check out the following link...I think most could be translated to English by right clicking on your mouse.

What I'm asking is:
How did we get here?
WE are accused of fearing Islam...
Does Islam not fear Christianity???

Here's what I wish J,
I wish Christianity was respected.
Think of when the Constitution was written, the Bill of Rights, it's obvious that the founders of America were Christians that wanted freedom of religion...NOT freedom to attack religion.

What has happened in the past 200 years?
What has caused this change?
Did the church do anything to halt the modern day belief system, which is known as modernism?

Just stuff to think about.

In Italy, crosses in cemetaries are being covered and are being asked to be removed by the Islam religion here because they are offensive.

Perhaps you could check out the following link...I think most could be translated to English by right clicking on your mouse.

What I'm asking is:
How did we get here?
WE are accused of fearing Islam...
Does Islam not fear Christianity???[/QUOTE]
The cross thing was a bit much ,but if we allow them we must allow all.

Read up on Paine ,if he was in,England after the revolution he would have seen prison for his age of reason.
All I'm saying is.....
What do we do about it?
Just ask if the person is Christophobic.
That's all. It kind of says a lot in one simple question.
It seems to have worked for every other group.
This is my only point of contention. We should not ask if somebody is Christophobic.

Do you like being called Homophobic? What I have heard you say, and please, correct me if I've misunderstood you, but I've heard you say that Gay's using the word Homophobic worked to secure their constitutional rights. Since it worked for Gays, then we should adopt their tactics and call people Christophobic if and when they disagree with out beliefs.

If I heard you correctly, you also used Islam as an example of garnishing respect for our beliefs. Maybe you could let me know more about your idea's of how Christianity can implement Islamist ideology to garnish the same respect toward Christianity.

The questions I have for you is this, and they are simple questions.

1. Do we want to be like the Islamists?
2. Do we want to be like the LGBQ community
3. Do we want to be like Christ.

If we want to be like Christ, then how does Christ teach us to respond?

This isn't about what Stovebolts wants, it's about how Jesus teaches us how to respond to those who both hate or disrespect us.
Here's what I wish J,
I wish Christianity was respected.
Think of when the Constitution was written, the Bill of Rights, it's obvious that the founders of America were Christians that wanted freedom of religion...NOT freedom to attack religion.

What has happened in the past 200 years?
What has caused this change?
Did the church do anything to halt the modern day belief system, which is known as modernism?

Just stuff to think about.

In Italy, crosses in cemetaries are being covered and are being asked to be removed by the Islam religion here because they are offensive.

Perhaps you could check out the following link...I think most could be translated to English by right clicking on your mouse.

What I'm asking is:
How did we get here?
WE are accused of fearing Islam...
Does Islam not fear Christianity???

If you read your OT, what you're talking about is Exile. Imagine what Jeremiah felt as he looked around Jerusalem and people were starving to the degree that women were eating their babies. How about Ezekiel as he remembered the Temple. There is so much to learn from History and those who have experienced much greater tragedy.
Even under Nero, both Christians and Jews were persecuted and Christians were burned to light up the streets of Rome.

My point is this, God has equipped us for any situation. Doesn't mean we like it and it doesn't mean we think it's fair. More often than not it's not fair because people are not fair and they do bad things both to themselves and to others. But honestly, the worse it is around us the brighter we can shine God's light, and that might even get us killed, just like it did Stephen. In short, we don't adopt what works for the secular world or other religions unless it agrees with God's word. If it's contrary to the teachings of Jesus, we don't follow their ways because we are commanded to follow the ways of Jesus.

The trick is this. We become Holy, because God is Holy. We were set apart for this VERY reason and it takes FAITH to believe and become who God equipped us to be.
What I do find amazing is how apparently Allah really means God, and Muhammad's official name is Muhammad Allah, so Mohammuds name is Muhammad God.

Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdullāh

Abdullah or Abdallah is the primary transliteration of the Arabic given name, Arabic: عبد الله‎, built from the Arabic words Abd and Allah.
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"sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never harm me."

Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

In the midst of persecution will we retaliate or will we let the light of Christ shine through us to draw others to Christ.
The person who wrote "sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me" obviously didn't know what they were talking about.
You can choose not to,let it bother you,ain't always easy.

Try watching a documentary,about,pat Tillman and then have strong memories about the time overseas ,the saltiness of seeing the place you,were station,the part of you that hated what you became ,the part of you that wants to always be there ,The loss of men,the comradeeie.

Yet despite that ,my,wife didn't notice it .

To name a few.

Disagree. That's generalisation. Not all gays or Dems are Christianphobes. I know a couple of gays who I see sometimes through friends and they know I am Christian and don't agree with the practice of homosexuality and they are not against me. In fact we have great general conversation and get along fine.
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Disagree. That's generalisation. Not all gays or Dems are Christianphobes. I know a couple of gays who I see sometimes through friends and they know I am Christian and don't agree with the practice of homosexuality and they are not against me. In fact we have great general conversation and get along fine even they know my view because I don't shove it there face and talk about it and call them sinners everytime I see them, just like I don't keep reminding everyone I know who is a sinner about there sins.

People seriously need to stop picking on gays like its an abomination worse than there own sins, as every born again Christian has asked God for forgiveness and mercy and they probably have a million sins in there life.

Oh I completely agree with you one hundred percent. Although it's definitely a fact that homosexuality is a sin, it's also definitely a fact that there was and is no Christian, or person for that matter alive today except for Jesus Christ that was a hundred percent sinless.
IMO Though the word christophobia is new, the condition is indeed a thing and has been throughout the ages. It just very important to use it within its very narrow definition. Overuse and misuse will dilute its effectiveness in correctly defining the condition when and where it actually exists.
IMO Though the word christophobia is new, the condition is indeed a thing and has been throughout the ages. It just very important to use it within its very narrow definition.

Throughout the ages. You mean Jewistianphobes talking about the people of the scriptures and the so called polytheists who believe in a trinity?
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How many muslims are in New Zealand? Percentage wise? After they achieve a certain percentage of a given population, they begin pushing for "rights" Sharia.

I'm not sure how many Muslims there are in New Zealand but im sure the majority don't care about Sharia law and just want to live there life in peace and don't want strick islamic law, especially the females, most Muslims probably don't even know a verse of the Quran if you ask them, it's only the front line extremist leaders that push it.
Oh I completely agree with you one hundred percent. Although it's definitely a fact that homosexuality is a sin, it's also definitely a fact that there was and is no Christian, or person for that matter alive today except for Jesus Christ that was a hundred percent sinless.

So why does homosexuality get picked on more than any other sin?. A sin is a sin yet homosexuality seems to be a hot topic yet drunkards, sluts, liars, and cheaters don't get half the hard words gays get. It's just a complete joke. A false prophet here tried to blame gays for a earthquake. No, Sodom was destroyed because the heart of all men was crooked and wicked, it does not say anything about gays, God did not destroy Sodom because of gays, it's not scripture, yet gays always get blamed just because a couple gays wanted to abuse Lot in Sodom and it was a noted situation in the bible so suddenly everyone was gay and the whole region got punished and destroyed because it was gay town. What a load of unbiblical crap some people believe.

Whoever is without wrong and does not need to ask God for forgiveness and mercy and does not need a saviour cast the first stone. And the people who admit they do are the people who cast the stone especially on gays. It's just not cool.

Gays do get called out more than unbelievers and sinners in general. It doesn't make sense.
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So why does homosexuality get picked on more than any other sin?. A sin is a sin yet homosexuality seems to be a hot topic yet drunkards, sluts, liars, and cheaters don't get half the hard words gays get. It's just a complete joke. A false prophet here tried to blame gays for a earthquake. No, Sodom was destroyed because the heart of all men was crooked and wicked, it does not say anything about gays, God did not destroy Sodom because of gays, it's not scripture, yet gays always get blamed just because a couple gays wanted to abuse Lot in Sodom and it was a noted situation in the bible so suddenly everyone was gay and the whole region got punished and destroyed because it was gay town. What a load of unbiblical crap some people believe.

Whoever is without wrong and does not need to ask God for forgiveness and mercy and does not need a saviour cast the first stone. And the people who admit they do are the people who cast the stone especially on gays. It's just not cool.

Gays do get called out more than unbelievers and sinners in general. It doesn't make sense.
My older half-brother picked up on my second class status in the nightmare family I was born into. He began emo/psycho abusing me. This turned to physical abuse then ultimately sexual abuse. Being traumatized by it, I ran crying to my mother. She initially chastised him then teamed with him to make it look like to "dad" I initiated it. "Dad" scolded me while my half-brother got away with it. Thereafter he humiliated me by calling me "queer". For decades I hated homosexuals. Only after learning decades later that most homosexuals were also molested, did I began to view them as fellow victims and that everyone reacts to trauma differently and in their own way. In order to stop a large percentage of crime/mental illness/drug abuse/suicide/violence then society needs to quit barking up the wrong tree and blaming those exhibiting symptoms of abuse and go after the CAUSE. Society needs to go after the perpetrators. Go after the pedophiles. Quit protecting them by giving them a pass.