- Jul 25, 2017
- 2,185
- 641
Hello WYou have a site.
Yes I do have a site W......https://bibleinteraction.freeforums.net/
It is an uncensored site. It is for open exchange of ideas. At the bottom thread on the site, visitors are addressed in this way;https://bibleinteraction.freeforums.net/thread/91/new-visitors-guestsDo you hide behind TOS
You will never be edited or censored here.
This site is designed to be a place of open exchange before God.
That should keep anyone from lying .
Some of us have been on message boards where people who are supposed to be Christians have openly lied.
I set this board up so a liar and abusive moderator can have no power over you.
If anyone knows how to improve or set the topics up better feel free to jump in.
The second post is similar;
They site is designed to let you ask any questions, or to have free ,unedited, uncensored , posting. Your posts will not be edited or deleted as they are on several other sites..
The members here will attempt to answer you, and challenge what you post, if need be.
We ask that you post responsibly as the eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the good and the evil.
You will notice some of the links copied and pasted are very long. This is to provide resource material.
Feel free to take a sentence or a paragraph to single out for discussion.
There is no attempt to re-invent the wheel or, look for novelties here.
An effort is being made to draw from sources both current, and also reaching back to uncover much of the wisdom that was given to those who have gone before us.
Why is that?
Many things we puzzle over in our day has already been wrestled with and forgotten .
We might be unaware of the treasure we have already been given by God by those who went before us. Jump in and look around. feel free to agree or disagree, just be as biblical as you can be and put it out there. Any biblical question, is a good question.
Individual Posts on any topic in the correct thread will not be edited or deleted.
Posts that are in a wrong thread will be moved or totally deleted as they only disrupt a thread.
This has become necessary as Some have tried to disrupt threads rather than participate freely and unedited
This is the closest thing to a TOS....I do not believe in censorship. Most come to read or listen to the links or sermons. I suggest that because the links I post are often long, I suggest people cut and paste a portion of one of the topics , into the general discussion forum, and we can can have interaction in that place. You are welcome, and despite your views you will be free to express them.
W, as I have said before, I am trying to help. If questions are asked, I try and offer an answer. If a difference is being discussed, it will also be answered. If a person comes in hostile and attacks, that is okay also, but when they get answered, there will be no TOS hiding place. They will be answered openly and honestly.or are they for the purpose of having a civil conversation?
I am who I am W. if you ask you will get an answer. I do not curse people out. But as scripture says, Open rebuke is better than secret love. If as an ex Rc I get into a debate on the catholic forum, I want the freedom to say what I know is true. I can speak against the Pope, without being told I am violating a TOS. otherwise I am not helping any RC who is bound by such error. they have no trouble answering non Catholics do they?I'll discuss anything if you come on over to Theology or Apologetics. But will your demeanor hold up?
I and other reformed have been slandered and lied about on several forums. I have been on other forums with thousands of posts, and not censored or ridiculed. One board used to put Calvinists on "coffee break" which meant you were shut down for two days, and then they would try and get us to recant of our beliefs. Eventually a mod there fabricated a post that I never made, posted it, then banned me from the site saying i violated the rules, this is no joke, it happened on 3 other sites as well.And why are the reformed so mad all the time?