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Views on Yoga?

Are you suggesting that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego can fall before the gold statue to avoid fire? Isn't it about what's in THER own heart and mind (as GojuBrian said)?

Nick, what you do every day can is not interpreted by another culture as idol worshipping. It is idol worship that you took from that culture only to re-brand as exercise and do it everyday.
Are you suggesting that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego can fall before the gold statue to avoid fire? Isn't it about what's in THER own heart and mind (as GojuBrian said)?

Nick, what you do every day can is not interpreted by another culture as idol worshipping. It is idol worship that you took from that culture only to re-brand as exercise and do it everyday.

For the last time, it is exercise. Nothing spiritual is involved. From my experiemce, that is.
Look mate, if you have a problem with yoga, then fine, don't do it. But don't berate Christians who like yoga exercises.

A Christian going after Hindu practices called yoga for physical health.

(Prov 3:5-8) Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones.
Regardless what you believe, it sounds like one could make the practice an idol fairly easily.

To be fair, Yoga in its true form is worship. I think if you spend any amount of time researching Yoga you will agree. If you are not practicing Yoga in its true form, why are you calling it Yoga? True Yoga incorporates many aspects, not just the physical. Half a dime is a nickel, not a dime.
well then if something offends you then dont do it. shoot i dont do tv all that much for good reasons and yet some of you can. well then what was that i had in mind to post here?ah yes lets not forget the english names for the days. those are quite pagan. monday(moon'sday) and lets see thursday(thor'sday).so we are calling out to false god's when we say this? what about the callender?

january, the first month is for janus. august as in augustus ceaser. july of julius ceaser. hmm woops we were worship some vile gods here arent we?
Are you suggesting that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego can fall before the gold statue to avoid fire? Isn't it about what's in THER own heart and mind (as GojuBrian said)?

Nick, what you do every day can is not interpreted by another culture as idol worshipping. It is idol worship that you took from that culture only to re-brand as exercise and do it everyday.

As I say? Don't look to me!

1 Corinthians 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.

Proverbs 16:2 All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD.

How about we just call it calesthenics? Does that suit you?
Its a non-issue for me. I don't care for Yoga or it's imitation. I used to do energy training and spiritual training too. I know what can happen so I stray from it because it happened to me. Call it Susan, I don't care.
well then if something offends you then dont do it. shoot i dont do tv all that much for good reasons and yet some of you can. well then what was that i had in mind to post here?ah yes lets not forget the english names for the days. those are quite pagan. monday(moon'sday) and lets see thursday(thor'sday).so we are calling out to false god's when we say this? what about the callender?

january, the first month is for janus. august as in augustus ceaser. july of julius ceaser. hmm woops we were worship some vile gods here arent we?

You miss the point that day by itself is not pagan. Referring to a name by which an entire culture refers is not the same as worship. The LORD Himself at certain places referred the devil, demon etc by name.
How about we just call it calesthenics? Does that suit you?

What you said is a politically correct term for justifying a christian doing yoga. if it is not yoga, then don't call it as yoga.

Yoga is a hindu worship. PERIOD.

A Christian seeking after pagan methods for well being, spirituality, peace blah blah is not something Christ will be happy about.

(John 14:27) "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Is yoga giving more peace through medication than what the Lord has left for us?
Do you sleep with your head pointed north?

Although I know which is north from my house, I never knew or even cared about the direction of my sleep.

To your question, my answer is: No

Me and my elder daughter sleep East. My wife sleep West and my younger daughter sleep North.
Oh, I wasn't talking to you Felix. I didn't imagine you to put much thought to it as you are not interested in Yoga. It was for the Yoga practicers here. Just a small jab that only I got because it is obscure. Those are the best ones, you know! :yes
You miss the point that day by itself is not pagan. Referring to a name by which an entire culture refers is not the same as worship. The LORD Himself at certain places referred the devil, demon etc by name.
those were days of said worship long ago. english is a germanic language that is also influenced by the vikings. that is where we got the days from!

if it offends you then dont do yoga. so i should just do chiropractic or pop pills for my back till i die. or should if i could find someway of strengthening my core. yoga does that and some here dont teach the religious aspects of it at all.

pain meds fyi dont cure but cover up and the doctors tell you that. then theres surgery. i dont want that as im not there yet.
I was reluctant to come into this thread, as I've been involved in other similar ones before. It seems it comes down to the area (for me, anyway) where you are asked to "clear your mind". We should never "clear our mind" unless we are availing it to the Lord in order to hear what He would say. A person is on dangerous ground when they get into that realm, because that's where demons can begin to lead them.

If someone is grounded and doing yoga for the sake of stretching and using non-medicinal ways of reducing stress without "releasing their mind", it becomes a non-spiritual matter. But I would always counsel believers to be aware of when that line is crossed. That said, I think the word "yoga" is used today in a general sense that's not the same as the to true eastern yoga for a lot of people.
You know what I think about this. Things have as much influence over you as you let them. If you put some other religion up on a pedestal of power over Christians, of course you are at risk of influence because you have already defeated yourself in your mind with needless superstitions.

That then affects your faith as you may assume God is not more powerful. This is where satan tempts you away via doubt from the protection of the holy spirit.

We should never give anything credit for being greater than God or able to affect the holy spirit which resides in us.

I don't buy into it, witches, satanists, yoga, pagans wicca, anything else could be anything to be spiritually fearful of. They cant hurt us.

Why do you think they are all the minority? It is because Jesus holds the keys to life and death and defeated Satan.

This is why:

37 Who can speak and have it happen
if the Lord has not decreed it?
38 Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
that both calamities and good things come?
39 Why should the living complain.

So god sents be it. It didn't come from the will of people attending functions or fake Gods.

He is jealous and wont stand us worshiping another God.

If we don't do that and are filled with the spirit-

Romans 8

31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

2 timothy 1:7

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Guys Thats what I think if this be scared of other stuff thing!

I do respect all your positions on this as for your own reasons have decided them.

I thought about this a lot and am not really scared or concerned.

I am definatly not saying here regularly visit creepy things but if you do pray and dont be scared filling your mind wth superstition you wil be fine. If you are there to evangelise in love you will be especially a target for the devil but you wil be ok.

I could be wrong, It has happened many times before!
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wait, i'm not into it but i am just curious should christians do yoga or is it ok if a christian do yoga?

Yoga is AWESOME!
It's the BEST method I've learned of directly applying Christ's teachings (if you have a good yoga teacher).
Most of the yoga teachers I've had have honored different religious interpretations - so that all can resonate.

Jesus taught that the "kingdom of God is within you."
Yoga helps you get into that kingdom within - through breathing, through focus, which then can be applied when life's little or big storms rage.
We know that "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
How you think affects you not only mentally & emotionally but also physically.

Yoga helps me harmonize physically, spiritually & emotionally - so I can be more effective in living.
I love yoga!

@brian. i will do a thread on gichin funagoshi and what he did and the book i have. its interesting how close my art and yours retained what he says.
We haven't agreed on very much, but I definately agree here! :thumbsup

I'm sure that some thing I do every day can be interpreted by another culture as idol worshipping. But you know what? I love God and wish to serve Him. It's the heart.

Yep! Exactly!

And to my friend, Felix... Namaste. :nod
Or if you're more comfortable with this, fine: :wave