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The "Elect"


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The elect are those who God has predestined to salvation.Who has the choice in Salvation God or man?
God calls us to believe,to receive Christ as Savior,by grace through faith John 3:16;Ephesians 2:8-9.
If a person truly trusts in Jesus alone for Salvation that person is one of the elect.
I have taught this doctrine for about 10 years. I have posted Scriptures on this theology a number of times in different threads, I can't help but believe you have read some. My position is 4 point Calvinism, and General Call of the Gospel. Since 2004, when I originated the "General Call of the Gospel" no other Salvation theologian had espoused that phrase except me. Since then, because I have preacher/teacher friends all over the USA, and this theology I put on Facebook for some of them, others are using my explanation because it's the only logical and Scriptural one out there.
I agree with Deborah.
It is more difficult for us to go back over your threads and posts to find an answer to what you are saying than for you to repost it.
If God chooses certain Christians and then uses the Holy Spirit to woe the others doesn't this make God a respecter of person. The word Christian was first used in Antioch, Acts 11:26, to describe the disciples of Christ, such as we who are his disciples that have been founded on Christ based by his doctrines that were designed for all and centers in Salvation that produces change, 1Cor 3:10, 12; 15:1-4; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 4:12; 1Cor 6:11, Acts 11:26.

Mat 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

Act 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
Act 10:35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
Act 10:36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)

Was God a respecter of persons when He chose Abraham instead of Sam Schmuk? NO! Neither is God a respecter of persons when He "hand picks" (called election) those He wants in His personal remnant of followers. There are many places in Scripture that state "God chooses". He has a right to choose without man arguing against His right to choose anyone He wants and use them, or not use them, anyway He wants.
I've never heard this before. Why do some get woes? What is different about their beliefs?

I'm sorry childeye, I forgot how to spell that word. I meant to say "draw" God chooses the elect Himself. The Holy Spirit draws a person to make a choice.
Was God a respecter of persons when He chose Abraham instead of Sam Schmuk? NO! Neither is God a respecter of persons when He "hand picks" (called election) those He wants in His personal remnant of followers. There are many places in Scripture that state "God chooses". He has a right to choose without man arguing against His right to choose anyone He wants and use them, or not use them, anyway He wants.

The remnant of God, which is usually the least of the least or those of a humbled heart before Him, would be like that of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the twelve disciples minus one and then that of Paul who were chosen of God to be His leaders amongst the people. It's like God calling one into His ministry as even now today many are called, but few are chosen.
I would suggest that we define our terms here. God has chosen people for numerous things, we should define what exactly we are speaking of. At times believers are called God's elect, Israel is called God's elect, Jesus is called God's elect. I think this is where get into trouble and have confusion because people have different ideas of these terms.
Is it possible to know if you are a chosen one or the ones the Holy Spirit calls?

Here's an example that might help you understand.

In the OT before the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as in Antioch in Acts God chose those certain man like Abraham, Issac, Jacob and others to be the leaders of His people as He gave them specific commands. In the NT Jesus gives certain commands to His disciples as in Matthew 28:18-20. We who are in Christ are all chosen of God to carry out that of Matthew 28:18-20, but now in various gifts that the Holy Spirit gives, 1Corinthians 12, to the Church (us) for the lifting up and edifying the saints of God as we all work as one body that is in Christ.
OK Butch, very good suggestion. I am wondering if you folk would like to help me really define this theology. So far, I have been alone in establishing a doctrine that I feel is more Scriptural than just a Calvinist theology of Salvation or an Arminian theology.

I would like to suggest two words that would describe the two groups of people that I see as making up the Church of Jesus Christ. The first group is the "pre-destined" The second is the "post-destined". These are new words perhaps to remedy what Butch was concerned about descriptive words.

This has been my problem right along my fellow theologians. I really like the TULIP theory of Salvation except the "L" Limited Atonement. I do not believe that God specifically chooses people to be lost and without an opportunity to respond to the Gospel and be saved. John 3:16 "For God so loved the World, that he gave his only Son, that Whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." So, in order to be faithful to Ephesians 1:4,5 We have to admit that, before the foundation of the world had been accomplished by Almighty God, He somehow chose certain men & women to respond to the Gospel at some point in their lives and become saved and a part of the "remnant of God" to represent Him to the all the lost men and women of the world. Because He knew us before we were born, like Jeremiah, He had us birthed into the family that is our family and birthed on the day, month, and year of our birth to reach a certain people for the Gospel that no one else could, with the "Gifts" to reach the lost. OK, that's the "pre-destined".

Now for the "post-determined" Since God is not willing that any man or woman perish, He is "determined" that they should be saved. Thus the Post-determined.

The "post-determined" men & women come to Jesus Christ thru what I have called a "General Call of the Gospel". Billy Graham might have been a pre-determined one. He certainly has been faithful to the GCOTG General Call Of The Gospel. Many people have come into the family of God thru this man of God, whatever you think of the man.

Someone asked, "how can you tell if you are a pre-determined?" That would be hard to tell as we view another person, probably impossible. An individual might have a feeling that he/she might be one? I for on had a very unusual conversion. For at least ten years, the Holy Spirit was wooing me, or calling me or drawing me (different words to mean the same thing) It's a long story but in 1974 after challenging God to prove if He was "up there", I entered the Glenwood Square Baptist Church in Portland, Maine, and gave my life to my Master Owner, the Lord of my life. I was saved and baptized the month of November 1974. I have a sneaky suspicion that I am a pre-determined one. over the years I have been called to prophesy, heal, preach, teach, rebuke etc, etc. I have been close to death about five times at least. I'm not bragging please believe me, these are just some of the facts that I feel a pre-determined one would have.

Are you with me? Suggestions? Questions?
So God knows before we are born if we will come to faith in Him.He is not just picking this person and that person to go to heaven.
Can being called of God be the same as His elect as in many are called, but few are chosen? I believe God calls all of us from the time of Adam until the return of Christ. I would think Gods elect would be those who have answered His call that He uses as the leaders of others as meaning being a Shepard (elect) to lead the flock.
Can being called of God be the same as His elect as in many are called, but few are chosen? I believe God calls all of us from the time of Adam until the return of Christ. I would think Gods elect would be those who have answered His call that He uses as the leaders of others as meaning being a Shepard (elect) to lead the flock.
Do you think "few are chosen" means that few will make a choice to ask Jesus Christ into their lives?
Do you think "few are chosen" means that few will make a choice to ask Jesus Christ into their lives?

It's like the parable of Matthew 22:1-14. Many are called to the marriage supper of Christ, but like the one who had not the marriage garment on was cast out of the marriage supper as he did not belong there. The meaning is that many call themselves a Christian and may even appear to be, but yet only give lip service as they have not been Spiritually born-again by that of John 3:3-7; Romans 10:9, 10. They believe in Jesus, but even Satan believes and trembles at His name. There is a big difference between having Jesus in your head and having Him living in your heart.
It's like the parable of Matthew 22:1-14. Many are called to the marriage supper of Christ, but like the one who had not the marriage garment on was cast out of the marriage supper as he did not belong there. The meaning is that many call themselves a Christian and may even appear to be, but yet only give lip service as they have not been Spiritually born-again by that of John 3:3-7; Romans 10:9, 10. They believe in Jesus, but even Satan believes and trembles at His name. There is a big difference between having Jesus in your head and having Him living in your heart.
Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Yes,I once had Jesus only in my head and not in my heart.When you do decide to ask Him into your heart what a difference your life is.
Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Yes,I once had Jesus only in my head and not in my heart.When you do decide to ask Him into your heart what a difference your life is.

Me too for many years, but praise the Lord I had to learned the hard way to ask Him into my heart as He has made me whom I am today.
OK Butch, very good suggestion. I am wondering if you folk would like to help me really define this theology. So far, I have been alone in establishing a doctrine that I feel is more Scriptural than just a Calvinist theology of Salvation or an Arminian theology.

What is it that you like about the Calvinist theology of Salvation compared to the Arminian theology?

I would like to suggest two words that would describe the two groups of people that I see as making up the Church of Jesus Christ. The first group is the "pre-destined" The second is the "post-destined". These are new words perhaps to remedy what Butch was concerned about descriptive words.

This has been my problem right along my fellow theologians. I really like the TULIP theory of Salvation except the "L" Limited Atonement. I do not believe that God specifically chooses people to be lost and without an opportunity to respond to the Gospel and be saved. John 3:16 "For God so loved the World, that he gave his only Son, that Whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." So, in order to be faithful to Ephesians 1:4,5 We have to admit that, before the foundation of the world had been accomplished by Almighty God, He somehow chose certain men & women to respond to the Gospel at some point in their lives and become saved and a part of the "remnant of God" to represent Him to the all the lost men and women of the world. Because He knew us before we were born, like Jeremiah, He had us birthed into the family that is our family and birthed on the day, month, and year of our birth to reach a certain people for the Gospel that no one else could, with the "Gifts" to reach the lost. OK, that's the "pre-destined".

Now for the "post-determined" Since God is not willing that any man or woman perish, He is "determined" that they should be saved. Thus the Post-determined.

The "post-determined" men & women come to Jesus Christ thru what I have called a "General Call of the Gospel". Billy Graham might have been a pre-determined one. He certainly has been faithful to the GCOTG General Call Of The Gospel. Many people have come into the family of God thru this man of God, whatever you think of the man.

Someone asked, "how can you tell if you are a pre-determined?" That would be hard to tell as we view another person, probably impossible. An individual might have a feeling that he/she might be one? I for on had a very unusual conversion. For at least ten years, the Holy Spirit was wooing me, or calling me or drawing me (different words to mean the same thing) It's a long story but in 1974 after challenging God to prove if He was "up there", I entered the Glenwood Square Baptist Church in Portland, Maine, and gave my life to my Master Owner, the Lord of my life. I was saved and baptized the month of November 1974. I have a sneaky suspicion that I am a pre-determined one. over the years I have been called to prophesy, heal, preach, teach, rebuke etc, etc. I have been close to death about five times at least. I'm not bragging please believe me, these are just some of the facts that I feel a pre-determined one would have.

Are you with me? Suggestions? Questions?


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