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Search results

  1. A

    God Has Called Us To Be The Church Outside Of Church

    Don't worry. God is still performing His work in you and I can see that. How? Because you ACKNOWLEDGE the battle and see how you are outside of church sometimes which means you are no longer blind to it. It is a constant challenge because everyone puts on their best 'face' or show at church. So...
  2. A

    When did we become Christians?

    where are you departing too?
  3. A

    What it means to be a true follower of Christ

    Sounds like obediance and fellowship so far.
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    Resurrected flesh and bone does inherit the Kingdom of God.

    I agree. There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. Flesh and blood CANNOT and WILL NOT ever inherit the kingdom of God. If Christ was in the flesh than you would be able to see him with the natural eyes. He is in spirit which is why His spirit is able to abide in you. "We have...
  5. A

    Can Obedience To God Earn Salvation?

    True. Salvation is a free gift and just like any gift it has to be received. Since this is a free gift that Christ paid for with His life through the BRUTAL, BARBARIC death that He suffered for, than how much more should we use this grace of God for doing what Christ commanded us to do? Love...
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    What it means to be a true follower of Christ

    Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12 What was the doing? Healing the sick, feeding the...
  7. A

    Proof of Jesus?

    Yeah, its sad when many athiests do more for their fellow man than many so called Christians. I think it's good that they do good deeds. At least they got something right.
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    Proof of Jesus?

    Yes, if you have a drive to help fellow man than you are doing very well and I commend you. I believe that God is love. I don't blame you for rejecting the religious version of 'God' that man has created. The God that christians say only pre ordained a select few and then would send billions and...
  9. A

    The Lord Loves You

    What is the difference?? If God had foreknowledge before He created the earth that billions upon billions of people would end up in an eternal lake of fire being tortured endlessly while only a select few would end up in heaven than that would make God a sadistic, evil monster void of any...
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    Protecting Church Abusers

    Again, just because they are in the church does not mean they are APART of the church. It's time to separate the true from the false. ill say it again, men who molest boys and call themselves men of God are NOT men of God but are wolves in sheeps clothing. This is the Great Harlot. The great...
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    can a HEATHEN be saved ?

    1 John 2:3-6 "We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. 4 Whoever says, “I know him,†but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. 5 But if anyone obeys his word, love for God[a] is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we...
  12. A

    How does your Church outreach?

    I personally believe that we should get beyond the point where we depend on the church to organize outreaches. We should be doing outreach of some kind everyday. It may be a simple as opening the door for someone at the gas station, smiling more, helping someone in your family clean the house or...
  13. A

    How does your Church outreach?

    There of course are many diffferent forms of outreach which could be just a simple stand selling cakes at a village fete etc. I wouldn't say selling things and making money qualifies as an outreach. Now if they were giving away cakes and things than yes. Outreach is about giving not...
  14. A

    How does your Church outreach?

    This is amazing! This church in manifesting Christ to the world! These is true outreach and true ministry. Where is this church at again?
  15. A

    Are Christians to keep the Sabbath?

    Ok. You are twisting Scripture. Jesus kept the Sabbath ONLY because he was still under the law of Moses because he hadn't died on the cross yet and ushered in the era of grace. It doesn't say Paul observed the Sabbath, it says that he went to teach and talk to the Jews on the Sabbath because...
  16. A

    can a HEATHEN be saved ?

    People are so quick to quote the Scripture that says, " man comes to the Father except through me." when most people do not even truly understand the meaning. What does it mean that you have to go THROUGH Christ to get the Father? Does it means saying a magical prayer of faith? Or does it...
  17. A

    Proof of Jesus?

    No, I mean love. Jesus said, "If you have seen me you have seen the Father." Because all of Jesus words and actions came from the Father. It's the same with us. If your words and actions come from God than those who have seen those words and actions have seen the Father. You can have faith...
  18. A

    "The Word of Faith"

    Yes, "religious faith": Come to church every sunday and wednesday, give tithe and offerings, dress nice, memorize scripture etc. Compared to "simple faith": accept the simplicity of the message of Christ which is to love others as a little child and DO IT. Raise the dead: (awaken those who...
  19. A

    Proof of Jesus?

    You should have asked him to prove that Christ didn't exist. The only way you can prove Christ is to become like Christ and let non believers see Christ in you by your actions of love. If you see someone and need and give to them, they will see Christ in you. LOVE is the only way non...