Hey, and God our Heavenly Fathers peace be upon you all, in Jesus Christ mighty name I pray. Amen!
The Story Behind $1 Impact Initiative
Growing up, I always believed in the power of giving. Whether it was offering my last bit of change to someone in need or going out of my way to help a...
John 14:16-17
16 And I will pray to the Father, and he shall give you another
Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive,
because it sees him not, neither knows him: but you
know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in...
The Holy Spirit , The Helper .
I was reading my Bible one evening and I got to this verse in the Book of Matthew chapter 27 .
46And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
As I read...
I always wanted to know while I'm reading the Holy Bible that who is the angel of God is he the Holy Spirit or he is the God favourite angel?
Hello, we're going to discuss the Holy Spirit tomorrow in our home group. I have a couple questions that one of our newer members has asked: Matthew 1:18 - I have checked my NIV, ESV, and NLT and it's similar in all, but the study notes do not mention this bit. Where it says "Mary...became...
I grew up in the Christian Church and knew about the power of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. There was a time in my life at age 14 after hearing about the unforgivable sin, I believed the lie of the pharisees when they said that Jesus has a demonic spirit and I feel like it's too late...
An Emoji Devotional for Mon, 19th September 2022
Topic: Life without the Holy Spirit
You haven't received the spirit of slaves that leads you into fear again. Instead, you have received the spirit of God's adopted children by which we call out, "Abba! Father!" Romans 8:15...
An Emoji Devotional for Wed, 27 August, 2022
Topic: Surviving on every word that God speaks
Jesus answered, "Scripture says, 'A person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks.'" St. Matthew 4:4
Jesus was hungry, he had just fasted forty days and forty nights...
I have made a petition Objection that Muhammed (Islamic prophet) is the final messenger of God.
Please read for further information if this interests you.
https://www.change.org/BlasphemyLawFinesAppeal - Please share if you understand and want action!
Thank you for your time! Suzelle
An Emoji Devotions for Thursday 5th August, 2021
Topic: My Father, my son, and my Holy Spirit
Daniel answered: Your Majesty, not even the smartest person in all the world can do what you are demanding.
But the God who rules from heaven can explain mysteries. And while you were...
Greetings in the name of the Lord. The promise word for the month of May 2021 is “spirit of power”. When we read 2 Timothy 1:7For God did not give us a spiri...
How do you know you have the Holy Spirit? This question kept coming up at a Bible study. What are your thoughts? How do you recognize the Holy Spirit in your own lives? God bless.
Unfortunately, many cults and religions deny the truth of the Trinity. From Mormons to Jehovah Witnesses to Muslims they simply call Jesus a prophet or great teacher or anything other than God. However, from Genesis when God says, "Let us make man in our image" to the Jesus' Great Commission...
«Then he [the angel, Zechariah 4:1] said to me [the prophet Zechariah], "This is what the Lord says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. Nothing, not even a mighty mountain, will stand in Zerubbabel's way; it will become a level...
When communicating, many people get caught up in personalities, and I am no exception to the rule. Self-will agendas and stories that has nothing to do with Truth become the norm. These typical responses are a waste of life energy and gives the spiritual opposition (satan)...
Hello all,
In christianity, Jesus said that there will be Comforter to come after his ascension. And he already said that he will do some works. But, I currently read a book which assummed Muhammad as the Comforter. The author gave me strong explanations that Muhammad is the Comforter.
What do...
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