glorydaz said:
I do believe in the manifestation of the Spirit...please don't claim I don't. I just don't believe in the manifestation you preach. And it is not "just a fact of scripture". It's certainly the way you choose to interpret scripture, but that does not make it line up with the Word. When I see someone claiming the manifestation of the Spirit is working signs and wonders that were afforded to the Apostles and prophets by means of miracles are to be practiced today, then I will challenge that. When I see someone claiming the manifestation of tongues, which were given at Pentecost and have been changed into something else, I will challenge that, as well. One's personal experience doesn't trump the Word of God, and we obviously do not see eye to eye on the what the Word teaches.
The debate seems to be over the word "perfect", which Paul uses elsewhere as "full grown" and "mature". I see him referring to the sanctification of the believer ...putting off childish things and moving on to "more excellent things" as Paul goes on to teach. And the fact is, tongues did cease...for nearly 1800 years. They were brought back and are being greatly abused in many churches across this land. They do not lead people to Christ, but they certainly do distract the church from it's mission of preaching the message of salvation to all the world.
You can not claim to believe in the manifestations of the Spirit and then call speaking in tongues gibberish. That would be impossible !
The nine manifestations of the Spirit are listed in I Corinth. 12:7 - "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal"
Verse 8 - "For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit"
verse 9 - "To another faith by the same Spirit ; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit"
verse 10 - "To another the working of miracles ; to another prophecy; to another discerining of spirits; to another kinds of tongues, to another interpretation of tongues"
Now comes verse 11 - "But "
all" these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, cividing to everfy man serverally as he will"
And lets not forget verse 3 which states that no man can call Jesus Lord, except by the Holy Spirit. And in verse 4 it states , that there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And in verse 6 it tells us that it is the same God which worketh all in all".
None of these gifts , which are called manifestations of the Spirit have ceased as of yet. That is because we only know in part, and speak in part, and manifest in part. That which is perfect has not yet come.
The same with baptism - I Corinth. 12:13 - "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body ----- and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. < This is the one baptism in the unity of the Spirit.
Paul tells the church in I Corinth. 14:5 - "I would that ye all spake with tongues" < This is not gibberish ! This is one of the manifestations of the Spirit.
Then Paul tells the church in verse 13 - "Wherefore let him that speaketh in a tongue pray that he may interpret. < All of this is encouragement by the Apostle Paul, not discouragement !
Those who have not come to this spiritual growth, Paul tells them that not all will speak in tongues and manifest. For them, Paul states in I Corinth. 12:31 desire earnestly the best gifts, which is charity = agape love, which never fails.
Paul did not want those who still needed to grow spiritually , to lack understanding. He wanted them to understand, that if you have not believed to manifest yet, that you still can put on love, which never fails. Paul goes on to explain that tongues is a sign unto those who have not come to believe as of yet. But that interpretation of tongues and prophecy is for those who have come to believe. They who have come to believe, understand the manifold wisdom of God. This is why they bring forth words of comfort, exhortatin and edification. And Paul states in I Corinth. 14:5 that interpretation of tongues and prophecy edifys the church. < Then and now ! "
That the church may receive edification"
The Church has not ended. The church still needs edification from God. And this comes about through the manifestations of interpretation of tongues and prophesy. < These two are "
for" the church unto edification !