That is a picture of flight 93's crash zone. Note how you can see in much detail the outline of a large passenger jet.
Looks just like the outline of an angled missile or arty shell impact.
Here is a Arty crater.
Today's artillery can engage targets at over 27km away. :wink:
The pictures of the plane crashes you posted look like low energy type crashes. A plane at landing speeds, or one on a trajectory that is not steep, etc.
The first one no, the second one yes.
Imagine a 757 on a sharp barrel roll down going at nearly top speed with full tanks of jet fuel. That is a tremendous amount of energy that is released upon impact.
Wow now its barrel rolling? Top speed? you mean terminal velocity?
Regardless it is a tremendous amount of energy your correct, however all that would do would fling debris over a larger surface and create a bigger crater. Please note that the 2 6 ton titanium and steel engines are still uncounted for these would not disintegrate. and because of there weight they would bury themselves rather then fly away due to the kerosene fireball (kerosene does not posses enough heat or energy to destroy items like that, The shock wave is simply not strong enough to vaporize steel, because the explosion was so brief and heat to little.
It is not hard to imagine that plane shattering like glass and throwing the pieces back into the air.
First of all not one plane ever in the history of the world "shattered like glass"
And even if they did your forgetting one thing, gravity. What goes up must come down....wheres the debris?
Heck I've found 1/8" think fuses that were attached to a 100 pound 155mm artillery round still intact and barley scratched, explain that?
I would like for you to find one credible source that says a plane crash like that would not leave a crash site like we see in the picture.
*EDITED* But if you wish. and i quote " that was no plane crash, Never in the history of the world has any plane crashed like that" Major Jennings at 0800hrs THIS MORNING.
And we have the video and numerous witnesses of the twin towers. Note
in the video you do not see in intact plane come out the other side, or any large piece at all. It enters and is disintegrated in the large amount of energy that is released from the impact and the jet fuel
Yes of course, because the plane got wrapped around the steel pillars inside, however small debris still made it through and they found many, many remains while cleaning up the tower site.
So in conclusion, a plane can crash into a huge tower, endure intense heat and a collapse and there is plenty of big pieces of debris, yet a plane of the same size can hit the ground, leave a small crater, disintegrate the engines (the most dense part, times 2) the fire ball dissipated quickly leaving small fires and yet the only remains are coke can sized? Hmmmm
Here you go, factor this into your considerations.
Remember this?
Lets look at what they found from this "high energy" crash.
Did you notice the "WORKING" black box? After all that, the Black Box survived, Hmm flight 93 must have been nuked to disintegrate like it did.
Hmm what else can survive ( well not quite ) a high energy blast?
AHA! This house!
" Heat radiation charred the paint on this house, which had been painted white to reflect heat rays. The charring instantaneously produced the smoke. However, precautions had been taken to prevent this typical U.S. house from being destroyed by fire, because the test was made to enable engineers to study the effects of blast, rather than fire. The house was demolished by the 5-psi overpressure blast that struck seconds later, but it did not burn. "
Hmm heat so intense it vaporized the paint on that house and a show wave so powerful it blew it to splinter, yet look at all the debris.