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- #21
Those that be wise let them hear and understand that which the Lord has said.
The Antichrist, you have heard shall come, but little children even now there are
many Antichrist, whereby you know that it is the last time. Little children know
that there is only two religions in the world, that which is of the Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and that which is of the Father of our adversary the Antichrist.
Let it be know also little children that all have fallen short of the glory of our
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore judge not lest you first be judged, and
what judgement you pass so shall it be passed on also on you. Little children know
there was none that was born of flesh that was all good, no not one. Little
children look inside yourself and if there be the least bit of darkness then how
deep is that darkness, and make yourselves either all good or all evil, for you
cannot serve God and mammon both. Which of you thinketh saying this
denomination is better then that denomination, for the Lord sayeth those that
exalt themselves shall be brought down, and those that humble themselves
before the lord shall be exalted. Which of you thinketh you are better then
your neighbor, let it be know that if your righteousness does not exceed that
of the scribes and pharisees you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of
heaven, for even the scribes and pharisees thought they were better then there
neighbors and because they sought to exalt themselves above all others they
have and shall be brought down to the lowest depths.
Know that there are two wars in revelations, that which was before the first
resurrection and that which is after the first resurrection. Know that our adversary
The Dragon was cast out of heaven and unto the earth, woe unto the inhabiters
of earth and of sea for the Dragon does roam the earth to and fro and has gone
into perdiction, for he knows his time is short. Know that it was said that the mark
of the beast was 666, but also let you not forget that those that worship his image,
or his name also have received the mark of the beast. Let it be know that you are
either for or against the Lord, for a house that is divided shall not stand.
Little children think not that the Lord has come to bring peace on earth, but a sword
that proceeds out of his mouth and with it the Lord shall smite the earth. Know that
the sword was sent to convict the hearts of the world so that by it you would know
the transgressions you have done against the word of God, that by it you would
repent of your wicked and viperous ways. Know that the Lord did not come to heal
those that need no healing, but those that are sick that they may be healed. Therefore
knowing that no one is all good, that to all of us was the Lord sent, for all need to be
healed, and out of Love did Jesus Christ come so that all of us would hopefully choose
to seek the Lord for healing. The Lord left those of heaven that were saved to come to
earth to find those that were lost, Like the good shepard that left the 99 sheep to find the
one that was lost.
Know this little children the Lord has said there is a time and season for everything.
Those that say those that follow the Lord should always be meek and turn the other cheek,
Let it be known what our Lord done and said unto the moneychangers in the temple, or
unto the Fig tree when it produced no fruit, or when he said unto peter, " get thee hence
behind me satan." Little children let it be know that the Lord seeks those that will give
there lives for the Lord, by standing up for and upholding the the laws and commandments
of God even if that offends others. Know that the Lord said unto the people concerning the
centurion soldier that the lord seeks people like unto him, for the Lord seeks those, whom
will obey and follow and give their life for the word of God even if that means the world will
hateth you and do it without seeking to exalt yourself by thinking you are better then
everyone else.
Know this little children that which the Lord spoke unto those that exalt themselves above
others, " Well hath Elijah prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people
honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vein do they worship
me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the true commandments
of God, ye hold the traditions of men, Full well ye reject the commandments of God, that ye
may keep your own traditions."
Little children know that if you were, are, or shall be against the Lord then you were a partaker
of evil, are a partaker of evil , or shall be a partaker of evil, And if this being so then you were of the antichrist, are of the antichrist, or shall be of the antichrist, unless you repent and separate yourselves from this world. Again Which of you thinketh that you are better then your neighbor, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Therefore he/her who is without sin shall cast the first stone.
The Antichrist, you have heard shall come, but little children even now there are
many Antichrist, whereby you know that it is the last time. Little children know
that there is only two religions in the world, that which is of the Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and that which is of the Father of our adversary the Antichrist.
Let it be know also little children that all have fallen short of the glory of our
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore judge not lest you first be judged, and
what judgement you pass so shall it be passed on also on you. Little children know
there was none that was born of flesh that was all good, no not one. Little
children look inside yourself and if there be the least bit of darkness then how
deep is that darkness, and make yourselves either all good or all evil, for you
cannot serve God and mammon both. Which of you thinketh saying this
denomination is better then that denomination, for the Lord sayeth those that
exalt themselves shall be brought down, and those that humble themselves
before the lord shall be exalted. Which of you thinketh you are better then
your neighbor, let it be know that if your righteousness does not exceed that
of the scribes and pharisees you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of
heaven, for even the scribes and pharisees thought they were better then there
neighbors and because they sought to exalt themselves above all others they
have and shall be brought down to the lowest depths.
Know that there are two wars in revelations, that which was before the first
resurrection and that which is after the first resurrection. Know that our adversary
The Dragon was cast out of heaven and unto the earth, woe unto the inhabiters
of earth and of sea for the Dragon does roam the earth to and fro and has gone
into perdiction, for he knows his time is short. Know that it was said that the mark
of the beast was 666, but also let you not forget that those that worship his image,
or his name also have received the mark of the beast. Let it be know that you are
either for or against the Lord, for a house that is divided shall not stand.
Little children think not that the Lord has come to bring peace on earth, but a sword
that proceeds out of his mouth and with it the Lord shall smite the earth. Know that
the sword was sent to convict the hearts of the world so that by it you would know
the transgressions you have done against the word of God, that by it you would
repent of your wicked and viperous ways. Know that the Lord did not come to heal
those that need no healing, but those that are sick that they may be healed. Therefore
knowing that no one is all good, that to all of us was the Lord sent, for all need to be
healed, and out of Love did Jesus Christ come so that all of us would hopefully choose
to seek the Lord for healing. The Lord left those of heaven that were saved to come to
earth to find those that were lost, Like the good shepard that left the 99 sheep to find the
one that was lost.
Know this little children the Lord has said there is a time and season for everything.
Those that say those that follow the Lord should always be meek and turn the other cheek,
Let it be known what our Lord done and said unto the moneychangers in the temple, or
unto the Fig tree when it produced no fruit, or when he said unto peter, " get thee hence
behind me satan." Little children let it be know that the Lord seeks those that will give
there lives for the Lord, by standing up for and upholding the the laws and commandments
of God even if that offends others. Know that the Lord said unto the people concerning the
centurion soldier that the lord seeks people like unto him, for the Lord seeks those, whom
will obey and follow and give their life for the word of God even if that means the world will
hateth you and do it without seeking to exalt yourself by thinking you are better then
everyone else.
Know this little children that which the Lord spoke unto those that exalt themselves above
others, " Well hath Elijah prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people
honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vein do they worship
me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the true commandments
of God, ye hold the traditions of men, Full well ye reject the commandments of God, that ye
may keep your own traditions."
Little children know that if you were, are, or shall be against the Lord then you were a partaker
of evil, are a partaker of evil , or shall be a partaker of evil, And if this being so then you were of the antichrist, are of the antichrist, or shall be of the antichrist, unless you repent and separate yourselves from this world. Again Which of you thinketh that you are better then your neighbor, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Therefore he/her who is without sin shall cast the first stone.