I appreciate the time and work the OPer put into this. And I must say, I have never read a more compelling argument.
But this kind of thought comes to mind:
always let Scripture interpret Scriptures.
As well as Bob's contribution:
Sure - Adam that's clear. The "serpent" (whatever it was) doesn't count since satan (who animated it) wasn't part of the Adamic race - which is all the Bible is concerned with: "Adam and HIS decendants".
And the Biblical record states that Eve was "Deceived", Adam apparently WASN'T and committed the sin of REBELLION (iniquity) - and "Brought Sin into the world by his premeditated and willful act.
The SECOND MAN - Jesus - fully associated with Adamic Humanity - did what the FIRST man didn't, and provided the "Way of escape" from judgement for all of us.
Simple as that.
It's all about INTERPRETATION when it comes to the Bible and CERTAINLY SO when it comes to much of Genesis and Revelation.
This is good food for thought, but I wonder just what God wants us to do with the passages quoted - or the whole BOOK, for that matter. There are many of us with too little intellect to understand ANYTHING more than what Bob posted.
Was God only speaking/writing to those of superior intellect? I think not.
A wise pastor once counseled me long ago, when I was working too hard (in his eyes) in "figuring out" the bible. He said,
"Mark, be careful about over-intellectualizing God's word. He did not intend for us to do that - but instead to accept where we are, and understand His instructions for us on how to live, how to treat one another, and how to honor and even fellowship with him."
Did Adam and Eve eat an apple? Did a serpent speak to them?
I don't know, I can't tell, and I DO NOT CARE. And what of it? Did Adam condemn me to a world where:
My sister is slowing dying from M.S?
Babies are aborted like the pouring out of sour milk?
Mental patients (like my grown son) suffer from schizophrenia?
Lives are cut short by Cancer - and often end in painful, sorrowful ways?
The Bible says he did. Your long, drawn out, carefully written and researched piece tries to answer some hard questions... but can it answer this one: WHY?
No, it can't. It is not time now to look back on all of this... it's time now to live, to look for the good we can all do around us, to honor God in the way He asks us individually to.
I don't know what He has for you,... but right now, I must deceide if I am going to give up on finding a wife, a love, and a life - and instead take in my sister and care for her for 6 months to 30 years.
Forgive me, but I really don't
care what Adam did or didn't do so long ago. I haven't the time. But I guess you do - lucky you.