Even though you say there is no clear answer to make a connection, the rest of your post was very well thought out and articulate.Poet,
There are no simple answers to establish a clear connection between Divine healing and the use of natural remedies. Perhaps this will help:
1. Sickness, disease and death are a result of sin.
2. God has used signs, wonders, and miracles of healing from time to time, particulary when Christ and His apostles were on earth. The primary reason was to authenticate who Christ was and that the Gospel and the apostles were from God.
3. Towards the end of this period "the prayer of faith" was the method to obtain Divine healing (James 5:13-18). It is still in effect.
4. God has placed healing properties within numerous plants, and many have been discovered and used very effectively. But the ultimate Healer is God Himself, who has power over life and death. So God is not against the use of medication.
5. Manufactured pharmaceuticals are generally synthetic and have serious side effects. The profit motive dominates. These are the first resort for doctors and the last resort for patients.
6. God does not necessarily answer every prayer for healing today. In contrast, when Christ was on earth, anyone and everyone who came to Him for healing was healed. How do we explain this? It is one of God's mysteries.
7. God's ultimate goal is to "heal" every human being from "sin", and all its deleterious effects (sickness, pain and death). That is only in and through Christ.
8. There will come a day when every Christian will be absolutely perfect (body, soul and spirit) as well as glorious (emanating light). That condition will be for eternity, and will bring eternal glory and praise to God.