You're right, I have avoided these like the plague but as a Vet can get them any time I wish. Instead I take Tramadol, Snake, Scorpion and Spider Poison. The world of medicine is not right!
Who is Heinen?
Did you know that Tramadol is an Opiate? It's in the same family as Heroin and is widely becoming the milder substitute to Oxycontin.
No doubt you've suffered both emotional and physical pain in your life both from the military as well as prior to going into the military. I would guess that the Tramadol helps with your anxiety and depression and over all feeling of well being. Thanks be to God that he put Opiates on this earth for this very purpose. When rightly used, everything God created has it's good purpose.
I've written this before, but it bears repeating. The Opioid receptors in the brain share the task of measuring both physical and emotional pain. In that part of the mind, both physical and emotional pain are not distinguished. Morphine, OxyContin, Tramadol, Percocet and heroin doesn't just cover physical pain, it covers emotional pain too. Here's how it works.
This is an easy concept that I came up with. It is not anatomically correct. But, think of a U and that's your synaptic circuit for your opioid receptor. At the tip of the left side, an endorphin is released. While it's suspended between the left and right side of the U, the mind feels the effects of that endorphin (well being). When the endorphin reaches the right side, it is taken back in and cycled back to the left side where it waits to be released again. For some people, that circuit doesn't work properly or in the case of pain reduction (or anxiety), we want to leave that circuit open for a longer duration.
What an Opiate does, is it blocks the reuptake of the endorphin. What do I mean by reuptake? It's the cycle where the endorphin is taken back in by the right side and then cycles back to be released by the left side once again. In short, the Opiate blocks the right side from taking the endorphin back in, thus leaving the endorphin suspended between the left and right side for a longer period of time. Remember, the endorphin is what gives us that warm fuzzy, it's gonna be all right nurturing feeling just on a much larger scale. When you were a child and you hurt yourself and when you saw your mother and you felt better, that was because your mind was releasing endorphins. It's the same circuit. That feeling that you were going to be ok when you saw the house, then got to the door, that was the dopamine kicking in.
Again, the Opioid receptors don't distinguish between physical and emotional pain. For some people, those circuits either never were established (we'll talk about that later) or they were damaged like yours were. Yes, all them years of drinking damaged your mind. That's what drinking and drugs do. The mind wants to level itself out, so it reduces the number of receptors. That's how tolerance is built. It's more accurate to say the mind was destroyed so it could endure. The mind simply starts discarding the receptacles in hopes to put itself back in balance. The chronic alcoholic, smoker and drug abuser may never fully recover simply because too many receptors have been eliminated. Some will come back, but not all of them. This is why you need your Tramadol and it works. If you didn't have the Tramadol, you might be inclined to go back to drinking because those feelings are stronger than your intellect. Oh, and by the way, all those years of alcohol abuse? It's taken part of your reasoning away. I'll talk about that in my next post.