Mike said:I believe you stopped short in your definition of "gnostic". "gnostic" actually means: possessing knowledge, esp. esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters.
So, with a word that has the prefix of "a", this means "not" or "without". Therefore an agnostic is one who is "without knowledge of spiritual matters" as it relates to this conversation.
I would submit that posing theists as those with "beliefs in god/gods" and gnostics as those with "knowledge" is not being intellectually honest. I'm not saying you're doing this purposefully, but it does create a superiority hierarchy. I've never heard the word term "agnostic *anything*" being associated with an absolute knowledge of something. It's just been the lack there of.
I'm not sure if I understand what you're saying, but I don't think I associated "agnostic" with absolute knowledge anywhere...I tend to think of "agnostic" as meaning uncertainty. I would say if you're 99% certain in your belief but 1% uncertain you're still an agnostic.
Ex. If I said "I'm a Christian and I'm extremely certain that my beliefs are right but I could be proven wrong", then I would be an agnostic theist (an agnostic Christian theist)...so the 2 and 3 categories cover a wide spectrum of people.
(sorry if I misunderstood what you were trying to tell me)
An "agnostic" doesn't know if there is god, but doesn't believe it there is.
An "atheist" knows there isn't a god.
A "theist" believes there is a god.
A "Christian", believes in the True Living God. This is not "believes" as in uncertainty, but actually in being certain. We have faith, and as Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
I don't agree with your definition of atheist because I'm an atheist but I don't claim to know there isn't a god. I don't believe in any god but I think there's a chance I could be given evidence that there is a god (I think it's a slim chance), so I think that prefacing my atheism with "agnostic" makes it clear that I'm not one of those people who claims to know with absolute certainty that there is no god. None of the atheists I know claim to be certain that there is no god, they just lack a belief (they're a-theist or without-theism), so they're all also agnostics...I'm rambling but I hope you see what I mean!