Should there be alternatives to sin? Believe it or not man has created alternatives to sin....and these alternatives they think are just okay or very negligible.
I believe Pauls prophetic look into the future in his writing to Timothy expresses this very thing
2 Timothy 3:1-5
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.<SUP class=crossreference value='(
A)'></SUP> <SUP class=versenum>2 </SUP>People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,<SUP class=crossreference value='(
B)'></SUP> boastful, proud,<SUP class=crossreference value='(
C)'></SUP> abusive,<SUP class=crossreference value='(
D)'></SUP> disobedient to their parents,<SUP class=crossreference value='(
E)'></SUP> ungrateful, unholy, <SUP class=versenum>3 </SUP>without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, <SUP class=versenum>4 </SUP>treacherous,<SUP class=crossreference value='(
F)'></SUP> rash, conceited,<SUP class=crossreference value='(
G)'></SUP> lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— <SUP class=versenum>5 </SUP>having a form of godliness<SUP class=crossreference value='(
H)'></SUP> but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
we see in this scripture Paul adressing people as lovers of pleasure, lovers of money.............but the one that stands out to me is they will be "Lovers of themselves"
the alternative to picking up prostitutes and one night stands is to be your own lover, and make love to yourself
this is also seen in Pauls writings to the Ephesians 2:3
<SUP></SUP>All of us also lived among them at one time,<SUP class=crossreference value='(
A)'></SUP> gratifying the cravings of our flesh<SUP class=footnote sizset="24" value='[
a]' sizcache024057846864314858="3">[
a]</SUP><SUP class=crossreference value='(
B)'></SUP> and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.
lovers of themselves, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts these are not new sins to mankind, they are what many Christians consider an alternative to another sin