Paul is warrening the gentile Christians to not be so high and mighty.
While this is true, it doesn't address the primary warning, which is being IGNORANT (or ignoring) the MYSTERY pertaining to ISRAEL.
The primary context of Romans 9-11 is the NATION of Israel..
God has blinded the Jews bringing in the way of Salvation of man through them… And a time will come when they will see. He , God, does not stop loving the Jews just because he loves you too. There will be a time when Jew and gentile, gentile and Jew will be of the same root which is Christ
I think that it's important to understand that the nation of Israel is blinded IN PART.. ie, they are partially blinded.. and we know that any Israelite can become a member of the body of Christ by faith in Jesus, just as any GENTILE can.. and so it's important to understand the timing of this partial blinding.. UNTIL the fulness of the GENTILES be come in..
IMO, the partial blindness is with respect to that nation and its ordinances pertaining to them, and their ministry to the LORD in all things... because again, the whole context of Romans 9-11 is with respect to the nation of Israel.
It doesn't mean that all JEWS are blind to the fact that Jesus is the Son of God and Saviour of the world.. because many DO believe, and they are therefore members of the body of Christ, which is His church, and which is being built upon the confession of Jesus of Nazareth being the Son of God.
The NATION of ISRAEL rejects that.. the gospel, and that is why THEY are ENEMIES concerning the GOSPEL.. and yet that nation is beloved by God because of its Fathers.. the countless patriarchs of Israel mentioned throughout the OT and NT... those who trusted in the promises of God long before Jesus came onto the seen.
So this is what the MYSTERY is.. that the nation is partially blinded until God calls in the fulness of the GENTILES.. and then we're told that the deliverer shall come from SION and He will turn ungodliness from JACOB..
Remember Jacob... the one who wrestled with God all night.. the one who was deceived into believing that the son of his old age was dead.. and later in his old age learned that he was ALIVE and RULER over all.. ? ?
Remember JACOB.. the one who had his name changed to ISRAEL in the morning of that Day, when the Sun rose upon him.. after he wrestled with God all night.. ?
Here in Rom 11 I see the beginning of the 2 sides ( Jew and gentile) becoming one. His body
Ultimately ALL THINGS will be gathered together in ONE, even in CHRIST.. things on earth and things in Heaven..
ISRAEL is an EARTHLY entity with earthly ordinances... the CHURCH is a heavenly entity with heavenly promises.. and our citizenship IS in HEAVEN.. not on earth.. If I have told you of earthly things and ye do not believe, how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things..?
The gospel teaches us that when the Lord comes again and then sits upon the throne of His glory, that His Apostles will also sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of ISRAEL.. that's a future promise in the word of God.
The Revelation shows us that there will be twelve thousand sealed from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.. and it also mentions a multitude which could not be numbered from every tribe, nation, and tongue.. there is clearly a distinction here between the two.. and we also know from countless OT prophecy that the nation of Israel will endure a severe tribulation in the TIME OF THE END.. Daniel 12 aligns perfectly with Revelation 12 concerning Israel being with child (born again) and then delivered in the wilderness for a period of 1260 days or three and a half years..
In my estimation... the evidence is completely overwhelming and beyond dispute that the LORD is going to save Israel in the end and that THAT NATION will once again minister to Him in all things right here on earth.. when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.. in that Day, the Day of the Lord, the Day of Jesus Christ.. which shall be a thousand years.. when the LORD does come again He will divide the sheep from the goats and His sheep will inherit the Kingdom at that time..
In contrast... Amillennialism believes that this present evil world is the kingdom of God, and that there is no future kingdom because it's happening right now.. that misses the forest for the trees imo... but nonetheless, multitudes embrace this doctrine and therefore miss the distinction between the Israel of God which is earthly, and the church of God, which is heavenly, and is His future bride to be.