Heidi said:
Paul clearly says that anyone who follows teachings that do not come from Jesus or the apostles than it is a false teaching. And John 1:1-3 says the Word is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus also said we have one teacher and that is the Christ. I'm sick and tired of people who call themselves Christians who think Jesus is a liar.
Heidi, don't imply I think Jesus is a liar. The problem is that you are working on a such a narrow understanding of Christianity you don't understand what the bible is or Holy Tradition. Holy Tradition is the teachings of Christ and the apostles. The Catholic Church is made up of apostles, successors of the first ones appointed by Christ- yet you reject them. You follow man-made notions like sola scriptura.
What your paragraph has to do with sola scriptura is beyond me. Sola Scriptura teaches that you go only by the bible, that is, what was WRITTEN DOWN. Not everything the apostles taught was written down, although a summary of the life of Christ, which was taught by spoken word, was recorded and these are our four Gospels.
Catholics reject Sola Scriptura because it teachs that you must reject some of what the apostles teach, simply because it wasn't written down.
We believe in the FULL word of God, but you only believe in PART of the Word because it wasn't written down. This, despite the fact that even what was written down doesn't say only to follow what was written down!
You are rejecting the word, because the protestant reformationists, who were not apostles, taught it! Do you not realize that you are rejecting the word of God because of the teaching of fallible men?
Just as the Holy Spirit protects the written word, so does He protect the spoken Word of God, Holy Tradition.
"In the beginning was the Word....And the Word became flesh." The Word is Christ! So if you say you follow Christ, then you better put your money where your mouth is and believe your Lord and savior instead simply saying you do. The bible has been around for thousands of years.
I expect atheists to disagree with Jesus and Paul but there is no excuse for someone who calls himself a Christian to do that. :evil:
I agree. But realize what you believe and where it comes from.
I believe in the FULL word, you only believe in part of it.