"The Barbarian"]It's hard to believe that people actually think that crime went up after we stopped making kids pray in public schools.
How does one stay that ignorant in a modern society?
freeway 1: murder arrest among 13 - 18 yr olds up nearly 5X since 1962-3
Yes! let's take a look... I said form 1960's on... you only shown 93 to 2003 and I do agree that the crime has dropped some in those years but you show nothing of the 70's and 80's... but again.. lets look form the early 60's to 2006...the population has not quite doubled but the murder rate has gone up over 300%...not to mention the others, rape, theft
this one show how many school shooting that have occurred since 1960...sad...
Until very recently, teen pregnancies have been declining. The issue seems to be the "abstinence only" programs, many of which give false information
yes teenage pregnancies have declined, do to programs like "abstinence only"... and I thank God for women like "Leslee Unruh" here is a link from plan parenthood.. "which PPH is the #1 abortion center world wide.. so you know they don't like her or her "abstinence only program.. after all their plan PPH has almost the mentality of let them get pregnant and we will just abort them....A sure form of birth control..
http://www.plannedparenthood.org/issues ... h-6248.htm
And this study is by an evangelical Christian group. If your argument is right, this means that praying is bad for society. I don't think so. More likely, you're just stuffed with prunes.
So let me get this straight whenever someone does not agree or have a different opinion than yours you resort to name calling and rude jokes... that's deep... you worried you might and have been proven wrong...
Christian along with non christians do get divorce's sadly but true, I and I repeat I never have said Christian are any better than non christians, we all sin and fall short of the Glory of God.. but as a Christian yes we are and will be forgiven, because we are covered by the blood of Christ.
violent crime has skyrocketed also up 995%
again see link above... all across the board up up and up....since the 1960's gee what happened back then to make such a difference..... wait I know! they started teaching evilolution only....and again your chart... just a few years is all it shows... hell I can do that .....
[quote:9d390]13: SAT scores has plummeted since 1962-3. the US was once one of highest for its sat scores but now the US is ranked near the bottom of the world average...
just google it and try just once to stay away form the Christian hating atheistic websites... if you can handle the truth... but from your post .... no you can't..
Looks like you trusted the wrong folks, um?
wrong folk uh?... well by the way I see it and all you have to do is check it out and stop looking at those site that hate christians, or get all the info ... yes its out there.. or here's an idea! open your eyes....
Oh the SAT's I looked at your site, "I'm not afraid to check what the other side has to say, even if it so full of holes that it will never hold water.... the SAT looks to me as if they dumbed them down to get a better over all grade... I know you won't agree but oh well again!!
[quote:9d390]Why, the answer is easy If you teach kids, that eventually grow into adults that they come from monkey.. well they will act that way...
Who said they come from monkeys? You honestly believe that? No wonder you hate education[/quote:9d390].
Let's see, says the teacher: little johnny you see the single cell that I drew on the caulk board! millions and millions years ago that is where all life as we know it came from... yes little johnny life came from non life,,,, and that is where we get the evilvolution tree of life from..Oh but please but ask me to prove it "thinking to herself"
[quote:9d390]teach them there is no God and there is no one to answer to but themselves
You think schools teach that? Honest to God? You've been out of the loop for a long time, fella.[/quote:9d390]
Are you that blind.... come on, teach them evolution, but don't give ID or creation a fair shake..umh...what could they be scared of.... again I know!!! God, more precise Jesus!
[quote:9d390]and as far as ignorant....gee go down to your New York or LA school and many all across the US and visit ... of course after you pass through the metal detector... or are those imaginary also... :crazyeyes:
Most places, yep. I've never been in a school with a metal detector. And I used to consult with a lot of them.[/quote:9d390]
they say a picture is worth a thousand words.... so take a look again are those imaginary..
http://www.schoolsecurity.org/resources ... pment.html
http://www.coveringeducation.org/school ... ctors.html
I've got a load of them for you. You've got a lot of stuff you're going to be seeing for the first time.
I agree you have a load,,but that load need to be flushed.... You sir fall way short on this one... you usually make a good argument, but this time you lose big time... I to have a lot of stuff you need to see... but I know you won't
and as far as this debate on crime, school and things since God has been removed from school, again all I say to you or anyone reading... take a look.. don't take someone word for it or you will be blinded too.. I will not answer any more in this thread.... goodnight.... freeway..
One last thing...... Jesus is the answer to all the problems, no matter how small or great... Give Him a chance..... and lets get rid of the darwin garbage....