awaken suggest wrong. The scripture has been quoted before on here, I took for granted everyone knew the rest of the verse. But I did notice you did not answer my questions..
So which manifestations of the Holy Spirit do you consider signs and wonders?
So you say tongues and healings have ceased? Can you show me a scripture where they have ceased?
So you say if someone claims these gifts and they are manifested in there lives..that they(gifts) are not of God but the anti christ?
I believe I did answer your some detail.
This verse says these signs will follow them that believe....if you choose to pick out a couple of those signs as being for believers today, then you must take them all. Are we to tempt God by picking up serpents? Or drink deadly brews? Are you claiming that believers can lay hands on the sick and they will recover? If so, you are claiming we can perform miracles. That's a big claim and certainly not supported by reality. Therefore, this verse is intended to show the true signs that will follow those who are saved. We cast satan out when we're saved. We are healed of our transgressions by the work of the cross. We are protected by God, sealed with the Holy Spirit...and all things work to our good. These are all things that Christ did for us. As we place our faith in Him...and preach the message of salvation, these signs will follow ALL who believe.
Miracles are signs and wonders used by God for a particular time and for a particular reason.Mark 16:16-18 said:He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
The tongues spoken of in Acts, were a miraculous event. That was a miracle like the parting of the Red Sea, raising the dead, etc. Tongues, as a prayer language, will never really cease because mankind, of every religion, often has his own prayer language. Even the pagans share that trait.
God heals by His mercy...not as a gift of healing given to any man....we don't have "healers", in spite of the many claims. It is not a is God's grace and mercy in answer to our prayer. He does not always heal. He is God, and our entire life is in His hands.