Mike, could you go into more explanation about some of your points?
The word was not originally "camel", it was a Greek word that may have meant camel in English.
You mentioned a misquote of Scripture to fit my understanding. First of all, I hate when people do this, so if you think I did it, what part was misquoted? Was it the word "gate"? Right, Jesus didn't say "gate", but does that matter per the discussion? I might add that the reason I started the thread was to draw upon the considerable knowledge resident at this forum. I don't know all the answers, and wished to gain a higher understanding by asking the right people.
I agree that it is the mentality of a rich person that is the main hindrance to entering the kingdom of Heaven, as it is so much more difficult to realize how much we need the Lord. I think we're in major agreement here.
I have already read the entire chapter in question, including the part highlighted in red. I'm missing the pertinence. My original point was that this scripture *may* be subject to a basic translational error (in "camel"). Yes, God could just think it and camels would be falling through needle-eyes and lost souls flying up to Heaven en masse. How does that relate to a translation error?
That's all I have for now, but do you think your syntax is bordering on the ad hominem? You appear to be addressing me directly vs. the ideas I put forth. I think the TOS makes specific reference to this.