- Nov 8, 2003
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pro-life or pro-choice doesn't matter- if you take away someone's rights to do something (especially when it comes to their own body) then you're taking away their God given gift of free choice. now i will say certain times that some abortions are performed are worse than others... The first trimester is plenty of time to know one is pregnant, so that is when i feel the decision should be made. after that is just really sad...
people (whether you believe it or not) have ways of justifying to themselves when something is and isn't right- it's not up to you to judge or stop them unless it directly affects your life... that's God's job.
i'm 23, i have a son, as well as an abortion under my belt- call me evil or "un-Christian"... but this is how it is- i don't regret my decision, because that's just a stupid way to live, and i will not try to put a stop to someone making a decision for themselves.
censorship is evil- no matter how you look at it- even if it's "censoring" something "evil"... taking the option from someone to come to their own conclusion is, in every sense of the word, wrong. How can someone know good, if you're hiding the bad? how can they determine what is and what should never be? that is how we learn...
people (whether you believe it or not) have ways of justifying to themselves when something is and isn't right- it's not up to you to judge or stop them unless it directly affects your life... that's God's job.
i'm 23, i have a son, as well as an abortion under my belt- call me evil or "un-Christian"... but this is how it is- i don't regret my decision, because that's just a stupid way to live, and i will not try to put a stop to someone making a decision for themselves.
censorship is evil- no matter how you look at it- even if it's "censoring" something "evil"... taking the option from someone to come to their own conclusion is, in every sense of the word, wrong. How can someone know good, if you're hiding the bad? how can they determine what is and what should never be? that is how we learn...