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Aspiring Authors?

I guess I'm an on again/off again aspiring author. Every November, I participate in NaNoWriMo and by January I'm usually off of writing until the next November. Oh well:sad
Writing is really what gets it done. I've spent four years researching my book. That might sound impressive, until you realize it's science fiction. I could've done the research in six months and written it in three months or less. I've been working on actually writing my book for nine days, and I've pounded out 22,655 words. At my current pace, I'm forty-five days ahead of schedule.

One of the best pieces of advice I ever received from a guy who is actually self-employed (successfully enough) as a full-time writer (paraphrased for dinner conversation):

"Sit down, shut up, and start writing!"
Writing is really what gets it done. I've spent four years researching my book. That might sound impressive, until you realize it's science fiction. I could've done the research in six months and written it in three months or less. I've been working on actually writing my book for nine days, and I've pounded out 22,655 words. At my current pace, I'm forty-five days ahead of schedule.

One of the best pieces of advice I ever received from a guy who is actually self-employed (successfully enough) as a full-time writer (paraphrased for dinner conversation):

"Sit down, shut up, and start writing!"

Great advice! LOL
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received from a guy who is actually self-employed (successfully enough) as a full-time writer (paraphrased for dinner conversation):

"Sit down, shut up, and start writing!"

Ha ha! Love it Zom! I've been writing a book on forgiveness. I think most of us know we should forgive, but we don't live that way! I see so many people in church who are angry with parents , spouses, coworkers, or children and they are so used to living with grudges they don't even recognize them!

I post here fairly frequently and also have started a blog at

Those posts can also be a book someday! So far I've gotten little to no recognition but I'm trusting in God and doing what he tells me to do!
Before I got married, I wrote two novels and was always writing something. Once I got married and started having kids, and having to be a full time dad and husband, I put writing on the back burner. The desire has always been there. Where when I was younger, I would stay up late to write, write write, Now, I rather sleep. With so many ideas for fiction books, people tell me all the time to write again. I want to, and I just need to be more discipline, carve out some time and get it done.
I write, yes. I consider myself a very serious writer but I have not attempted publication. I'd like to write a grand narrative some day and also maybe something of a loosely interconnected collection of short stories--but introspection is probably my strength. My writing style is pretty lofty, really. I'm not sure anyone would actually want to read it as it's a far cry from how I'm writing this message; it employs complex ideas and allegory which may or may not be apparent, as well as a puffed up and often archaic vocabulary. I lack the discipline and the vision to write something straight up of considerable size, so my "works" are fairly short. Whenever the wind of inspiration seizes me, I write something, usually a philosophical meditation and archive it in a text document. If I collect enough meditations, I'll release them as a volume some day, perhaps.
I am trying to write short stories right now, mostly for a preteen audience. I want the stories to teach a lesson or be inspirational. It's just coming up with the ideas!

Zom, your advice ("Sit down, shut up, and start writing!") is perfect!
I'm not myself, but I know several since I work at a library. It's an extremely tough field to break into. One young lady I know has just published her first about a month ago and has 18 novels finished. Finding a publisher was a nightmare and now getting noticed is just as bad. Another wrote one about 15 years back and those are sitting in his garage and yet another has had the same misfortune. Today's print on demand does solve that problem though but still with 2400,000+ just on Amazon the odds are stacked against they young author. In traditional publishing I've read over 80% of promotion money is spent on 5% of the authors. The rest are fighting for crumbs. The solution, write because you love it, not for the money!
Are there any aspiring authors here? What are you doing to accomplish that dream?
By giving my book away to all who want to read it for free on line. There is more to sharing than there is to keeping because there is more to others than there is to self.
hello.. I write on my time off and my book just flows from my Spirit. its a living testomony of how the Lord changed my life.. its a fabulous pass time. its goes through all the ups and downs of my life till i finally surrendered to God..
My husband has illustrated a few children's books and is working on one about Noah,
Drawing, and a Christian sci-fi one.

I'd like to write a book myself just wouldn't know where to start.
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I am writing my first books. I have two written and a third one on the way all in a series. I plan on publishing them on Kindle but I haven't yet got my first one up. It should be available shortly.