- Aug 10, 2006
- 7,793
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wavy said:Let me lay this out for you...
Firstly, it's not as simple as a dictionary definition. For example, see atheism here from wikipedia. (if I recall, Vault already posted this).
Wikipedia. Oh, yea, the dictionary that people can change and add to it as they see fit... Wonderful. How about if I go there and change the defintion, and then post it...
Let me lay this out for you...
The prefix clearly defines what "atheism" is... The OPPOSITE of theism. If theism is a conviction of the existence of god, how is "atheism" merely a lack of belief???
You are confusing agnosticism with atheism again.
wavy said:Secondly, having a strong opinion (or 'firm conviction') is not the equivalent of saying that you 'know'. So in that regard you were clearly wrong. What you said is either a refusal to acknowledge this or you're intentionally being dishonest.
Really? What is the difference between "I know" and having a "firm conviction"? Another of those "differences without distinctions" presented earlier. If I knew something, I have a firm conviction of it, and vice versus... More sophisms.
wavy said:Third and finally, I don't need to have 'evidence' for the existence of my opinion (that's self-evident otherwise I wouldn't even waste time engaging you). That's simply a personal fact. That's like me asking you to provide 'evidence' that you believe in God as opposed to evidence that he exists (two different things).
Naturally. People have opinions for absolutely no reason at all...
Perhaps it is YOUR "personal fact", but people generally have reasons for such large questions in life, rather than "because".
Not sure on your analogy, either. It is perfectly fair game to ask me to provide "evidence" for my belief - OR evidence of His existence. Again, another "distinction without difference"...
wavy said:Now if you're asking me to 'disprove' God's existence, that's another matter and a request that's futile because I cannot disprove God's existence. That would be trying to prove a universal/infinite negative (how many times do I need to repeat this?).
I happen to agree with you, so repeat it again, if you want... This VERY THING is WHY you cannot BE an atheist by definition. Unfortunately, this has escaped your comprehension...
One cannot be an atheist AND logical at the same time. It is a belief in something that is "unprovable", as you said!
wavy said:In any event, I'm 'firmly convinced' that God does not exist because I see no reason to believe that he does (that's your job to tell me where to look, which is why the burden of proof rests on you). That's as simple as it gets.
Reason has nothing to do with the existence of something or not. The uninitiated has no reason to understand why butterflies exist, and yet, they do. Your inability to "see a reason" makes no difference to the existence of another independent being, God or not.
wavy said:I'm trying to be patient with you (beyond my normal threshold) until it sinks in, because nowhere have you provided any source (dictionary or otherwise) that says atheists are generally defined as those who 'know' god/s don't exist.
Yes, I note that you are being patient beyond your normal self, and I do appreciate it. I hope that you can understand MY point of view, as well.
Very well, if the word "conviction" is better for you, you may use it. "Knowing" something and having a conviction of an existence is synonymous for this conversation. We aren't talking about absolute knowledge, since NO ONE can have that knowledge of ANYTHING except their own existence. I have already said I am not entering into that whirlwind of philosophical mumbo-jumbo.
I "know" or have a firm conviction that my car will start tommorrow. I "know" or have a firm conviction that China is a country. Choose either word, it matters not to me. But they mean the same in this conversation.
wavy said:What, have I started the fallacy train now? Unless you can show me where in the world I've built my case on an 'argument from ignorance', I must assume you're just parroting rhetoric that you don't even understand.
Yawn. More of your ad hominem and refusal to see that your argument is BASED upon "not accepting the evidence" as proof, which IS "argument from ignorance. I even gave you an historical axiom, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence..."
And yet, you continue on this "I don't belief in God because of the lack of evidence"...
What more do you want to show your logical arguments are fallacious?
Eric, may I suggest you just call yourself 'agnostic" and that would end this discussion very quickly and allow you to save face? It is a logically acceptable argument, albeit one I disagree with. Atheism, properly defined, is an illogical position.