It is neither your faith in marriage being sanctified by God nor your faith in certain foods being sanctified by God that saves you, nor de-saves you. Yet that’s exactly what he’s talking about here that some people will fall away from. Frankly, it couldn’t be more clear what he means by falling away from the faith here. And it’s not salvation or even faith in Christ. You said it yourself, the demons cause some to fall away from the TRUTH (even capitalized it). The truth is, God has sanctified marriage (even for the Apostles and bishops) and God has sanctified all food. But departure from that true doctrine doesn’t de-save you.
If your goal is simply to copy/paste ‘the SAVING FAITH that is found in Jesus’ into the passage in 1 Tim 4:1/6, then just say so. And we can just agree to disagree. If you want to exegete the passage in 1 Tim 4:1-6 then hang with me and answer my questions and I’ll answer yours.
Correct, in addition to forbidding certain foods, because that’s exactly what Paul is saying here.
nice claim but where’s your reasoning... let’s look at what you said:
who said anything about being saved or not saved by either forbidding marriage (which is departing from the true faith about marriage) or permitting marriage (which is the true faith about marraige)??? Not Paul and not me. The idea of salvation (or de-salvation) coming about only by being 100% accurate in all your doctrines/rules IS your OP’s question, right? Do you already know this answer?
If nothing else from my reply is considered or considered convincing, consider this as compared to what you just said to me
Now the Spirit explicitly says ...
By teaching these things to the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, trained in the words of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed faithfully.
1 Timothy 4:1,6 - Timothy 4:1,6&version=LEB
If the Holy Spirit “explicitly says” those words to Paul (and He did), I want to get the ... accurately detailed. The ... words are “these things” I asked you to specifically comment on. They ARE “these things”. If you don’t desire to speak in detail about these words then I’ll simply and graciously bow out.
You’re not gonna like this ... but ... (just kidding) the word details matter here too

actually he said “true child”, not just a child.
Here, I’ll post it and comment on 1 Tim 1:2 (although we were supposed to be working backwards through 1 Tim 4:1-6 and either agreeing or disagreeing (with evidence) on what “
these things” are specifically from that passage.
to Timothy, my true child in the faith. Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 Timothy 1:2 - Timothy 1:2&version=LEB
To answer your question specifically, he’s writing these detailed words that followed (there’s that stuff I cling to, too much again) to Timothy as doctirnal instructions (rules) so that he can get them right. 100% right, not just s passing grade. So yes (to answer your question) it’s about RULES. Though I’m not quite sure why you shouted rules, but whatever.
Paul’s very precise in his language so that Timothy isn’t lead astray by other people’s doctrine (rules) such as doctrines (rules) about marriage and eating meats. These being either sanctified by God as good rules or not. Didn’t we agree that the marriage or meats question doesn’t decide one’s salvation status one why or the other. I’m pretty sure we did but I could go back and check if you don’t agree.
What translation are you quoting?
And what are “these things” from 1 Tim 4:1-6 if you don’t agree with my list?
When Paul speaks about saving faith in Christ, he says so. Then it becomes OBVIOUS. (Oh my, did I just shout at you??? Just kidding. AGAIN)
Yes there are sound doctrines and unsound doctrines found in the “words of the faith”. Words are important!
I’ll wait for you to either agree or disagree with evidence why on my list of “these things” from the context of 1 Tim 4:1-6.