Not really. The problem is with problem of logical absurdity, not God.
Of course not and such isn’t implied. God is love, is he not? When we love are we therefore using God?
Because circles and squares are mutually exclusive.
God could dissolve said exclusivity. Just because we, personally, cannot
fully comprehend that, does not limit God. We can't
fully comprehend God either. And besides, some athiests argue His very Existence is "logically impossible".
Could God make a woman pregnant and not pregnant at the same time? Such an idea is a contradiction and logically absurd.
Absolutely. No, it would not be absurd, it would be God showing that He
can do anything He wants to. Can God make new things without needing existing things?
Doing so is impossible with man. But it is possible with God. "Whatever....", not "whatever with exceptions".
It’s a belief based on logic and is no way whatsoever illogical. What is illogical is positing that God and do the logically impossible.
It is illogical to belittle God. It is based on finite human knowledge. What do you think muslims reaction will be when they find out this belief?
The ontological argument goes that God is the greatest concievable Being.
So then a God who CAN do all logically impossible AND possible things is greater than one who cannot do either. Therefore God can truly do all things. Just like the Bible says.
When was the "God has hard limits" belief invented?
He cannot because it is logically impossible; it is nonsense.
"He cant because something that is not God makes it so He cant". How is that not weakening God?
But, if under the premise God IS logic, then you are confirming that God effectively cannot because He will not.
Also, Circular reasoning.
Premise 1: A thing is logically impossible.
Premise 2: God cannot do the logically impossible.
Conclusion: God must not be able to do it.
So if your belief is correct, everything is somehow logically possible. The "logically impossible" is then something humans made up to gloat about how God has limits besides His desires.
But if its incorrect then its incorrect.
So can God do the "logically impossible" or is the concept of "logically impossible" a manmade invention? Pick one, it's logically impossible for both to be true!
But only God has the ability to make both be true, yes?
God cannot sin, otherwise he is not perfectly holy.
He values Holiness. He wants us to be holy too.
I can't build a rocket, but if i wanted to, i could get the knowledge to do so and capabilities, just give me time!
God can or "cannot" based on His desire.
If i will absolutely refuse to eat a bug then i
effectively cannot eat the bug.
Effectively cannot and
actually cannot are two different kinds of cannot.
Can I destroy the sun by tapping my spoon on wood? No. This is an example of ACTUALLY cannot.
When the Bible says "God cannot lie" that is
effectively cannot. We can know from the Bible that God is not limited. We know that God is the greatest Being. Ironically logic leads one to believe in a God Who can truly do anything, logically "impossible" or not. Not just certain things.
2Ti 2:13 if we are faithless,
he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself. (ESV)
Effectively cannot.
The sense of the word "cannot"is not specified. But given that God can do anything man cant, no exceptions given, we have to interpret Scripture with Scripture and accept that logic and the Bible point us to the Omnipotent God, not a " semi " Omnipotent One.
If you do not accept then you create a Bible contradiction.
Either whatever is impossible with God is impossible with man, or some things are impossible with God, contrary to the Bible. But if your belief is true, then you cannot use the term "whatever" without being wrong. You believe it is "logically impossible" for God to lie or be wrong? Well then your belief is logically impossible and therefore God cannot be like your belief says He is. So then "whatever" should mean "whatever".
Now logic breaks down. You cannot see that your "God is bound" belief destroys itself and becomes nonsense itself when you look deeper? It is self refuting! Take out that belief that He is bound and you can probably enjoy God's Omnipotence better and potentially have a fuller relationship with Him.
Or should we ditch Luke 18:27 as a "fraud" because "This i know because my human knowledge told me so"?
Heb 6:18 so that by two unchangeable things, in which
it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. (ESV)
Effectively impossible. If i lock a door, it is impossible for me to open it without breaking something. But my locking it, and therefore it being actually impossible to open it, is based on desire, not actual impossibility.
If God has any actual impossibilities it is only because He wants them there.
Jas 1:13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for
God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. (ESV)
Not at all. I’m implying the biblical teaching that God cannot go against his nature. If he could, he wouldn’t be God and would be completely untrustworthy and unknowable.
No. Gos is the ground of all logic because it is a part of his nature, just as love and light are. Logic exists because God exists. God cannot do the logically impossible because the thought is logically absurd.
Perhaps it would be best to not fallaciously poison the well or commit an ad hominem, especially in a discussion on logic.
Fair enough.
Your understanding of omnipotence is incorrect. God cannot sin, lie, or be tempted by evil and you’re implying that that means he isn’t omnipotent. Do you really want to make that argument?
Omnipotence means God can only do that which is logically possible, which means he cannot go against his nature. He is infinitely more powerful than us, but in no way whatsoever does that mean that he can do absolutely anything.
No, cannot.
Yes, in a sense, because we tend to do evil with our fallen, sinful natures. Ours is the lower nature; the higher nature is to be so holy that sin is impossible. The flip side is that God can only do good, which we cannot.
You really need to more deeply study the nature of God, as your biblical understanding of him is insufficient.
Likely not. The intelligent ones would likely think a God who can do the logically impossible is nonsensical. If they laugh, I don’t care. We are to speak the truth, not keep silent in case people may laugh at it.
That is an argument atheists often make, btw. That is not based on a biblical understanding of God. Logic is a part of God’s nature. He cannot cease to be logical anymore than he can cease to be loving or light or good or omnipresent.
Yes, I know.
Imcorrect. Again, your understanding of God is deficient, as is your understanding of logic.
By breakdown I mean logic itself ceases to be logical; it becomes a meaningless idea and ceases to exist.
I implied no such thing.
I highly recommend you read Logic, by Vern S. Poythress.