Believing God in Christ maybe won't save a believer is probably pretty close to vain, and potentially unbelief. People obviously read the same words and come to believe entirely different conclusions.
Same thing as prior. A person can certainly fall in this present life back into unbelief. I don't deny that many fall victim to our mutual adversaries into same. That does not automatically equate to God in Christ abandoning them. We've covered this prior at length.
Same as prior. We can both read for example that many of Israel fell into unbelief. Romans 11:25-32 says they shall be saved anyway, even enemies of the Gospel.
It's the same principle. Believers fall in this present life. Doesn't mean God in Christ abandons them.
Sorry, no. There is a CONDITION in each of the verses I posted. You are saved "IF". Why do you think Paul puts these conditions upon salvation? Isn't it redundant if you are saved anyway? So, Paul says "you are saved,
if you hold it fast..." So what happens IF we don't hold fast? Well, according to you, we are saved anyway. So, why say it? Your view makes Paul look like a fool throwing around empty threats. It's obvious what he means, you just can't accept it because your ears are being tickled by the fantasy of "eternal security".
What you see is merely a limited reflection on the matters. Above there is a scripture set showing how Israel fell in unbelief, yet are saved anyway. Not seeing the fact of it is a form of unbelief in the readers. It can be right there in print and some still can't believe it? Why? They too suffer in unbelief of that particular matter. Will God in Christ save them? Yes according to Paul
Stated multiple times now. We have mutual adversaries of our faith and believers encountering same can certainly fall in unbelief in this present life. This does not equate to them not being saved. There is exactly zero statements showing any of the above NOT being saved. Only that they fell into unbelief in this present life.
So, if a person "falls into unbelief", he is still saved? If Hymenaeus and Alexander did not repent of their blasphemy, and they were "handed over to Satan", they would be saved anyway? Do you see how ridiculous this is?
Judas is a great example. Satan entered Judas. Should we view Judas alone then or should we rightfully see Judas and Satan in the same lump of flesh? Some just can't see the factual state of Judas and see only Judas. That too is a form of spiritual blindness. It can be shown in black and white that such are taken by our mutual adversary, but readers still can't see the fact of it.
OK, so Judas was saved (had faith in Jesus), and God allowed Satan to "enter" Judas so that he was damned? How does this bolster your case?
That's what your sect teaches you, that you can believe matters that are outright contrary to scriptures because 'they say so.'
This is in response to my statement:
"This is really beside the point. Every doctrine that is taught in Scripture doesn't need a named example to be True."
Where does the Catholic Church teach that "named believers" are not necessary for a doctrine to be true? Point me to the Encyclical. It is simply common sense that something can be taught within Scripture (or anywhere else) and be true WITHOUT actually naming a person who holds it or is a real life example of it. If something is being taught within the document, THE AUTHOR is a person who holds the opinion or doctrine. Have you ever read a simple textbook? If the author says "1+1=2" does he have to also say "and Dwight K. Schrute has always held this to be true", for it to actually be true? Can't you simply believe the author, especially when it comes to Scripture?
Not every believer is going to get sucked into those dead end angles and will prefer scripture presentations. Your particular sect has a plethora of things I can't accept because they don't exist in the text. Too many for me to recount in brief. Yet many buy those positions. Your sect claims that if a person doesn't buy every one of their solely determined positions they are potentially damned. I don't buy that either.
You are sounding more and more desperate with each line. Where does Catholicism teach this drivel? She doesn't. You are again trying to build a straw-man because you can't touch the arguments of the real one.
The fact is there is not one single named example of what you present. Not a one showing a believer who falls victim to our mutual adversary to be abandoned by God in Christ.
Are you forgetting Judas? He had faith and "fell victim" to Satan.
And there are many scriptures showing an exactly opposite position, that God in Christ never ever abandons them. Your belief as stated prior effectively requests others to NOT believe outright statements of scripture. It is in effect a request, even a demand to NOT believe.
Really? Where did I say this? Just paste my words, Smaller. Another Straw-man. Your credibility is taking quite a hit here.
I have said more than once that I believe (please read these words)
God doesn't abandon us, we abandon Him by our sin. Does this sound vaguely familiar?
If his salvation was hinged on him doing as you think above why wouldn't he judge himself??? That might seem rather critical. That was my statement prior.
What does this mean?
Well thank you for acknowledging the obvious.
This was in response to my statement:
"No one is "abandoned by Christ", This is a common straw-man used by the "presumptuous" crowd. WE abandon Christ through sin, He doesn't abandon us."
You seem to understand that this is my position, because you say, in the very next sentence:
Your claim is that people abandon God in Christ.
So why do you keep bringing up this straw-man and trying to tie it to my "sect"? Can you say "desperation"?
My sight is that they are taken in unbelief, victims of the god of this world who blinds their minds. Christ never abandoned them and there is more than just the person in that equation.
Ultimately your sect potentially damns you for every sin in thought, word and deed that you do unless you yourself incorporate certain rituals and exercises of incantations.
Yeah, right. There goes the last shred of credibility. You need to get you head out of Jack Chick tracts and try and understand what we really believe. I have a feeling you won't, though. It's just easier to hate a boogie man of your own creation.
I don't buy that entire package. Christ's sacrifice was entirely sufficient on the issue of sin. The only factor is a believers recognition of that fact and reconciling themselves to the matter in belief.
So, works salvation, then?
God in Christ saves sinners. And not on the basis of rituals and incantations, but by His Action and Power. I'm not into substitute methodologies.
No, but on the basis of recognition of facts and reconciling, right? Two "works" that must be done to earn salvation, then.
You don't, even can't see the outright circular logical fallacy in your own statement. If his salvation was based on his performances WHY WOULDN'T HE JUDGE himSELF for his sufficiency? Why would Paul NOT judge himself? If you say it is God alone who judges is it then some mysterious measure that only God in Christ knows but has not disclosed?
I'm not saying it, Paul is. You just need to humbly accept his words.
When any Pope sits in the chair of St. Peter, supposedly infallible in his groups determinations, he sits there as a sinner along with everyone else in his group who came to their conclusions. It will remain entirely unlikely that any man or group of men can have 'infallible conclusions' seeing only in part, as sinners and as through dark glass.
Take this same principle to the Scriptures. It is IMPOSSIBLE that a mere sinful man can write God-breathed words, UNLESS IT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO GUIDES THEM. After reading the above, I doubt whether you even believe the words of Scripture are inspired. They were written by fallible, sinful men, "seeing only in part, as sinners and as through dark glass", right? So I suppose the entire basis for your theology is subjective reading of a fallible book.
Go read Romans 11:25-32 and we'll see if you have any reading skills.
What do you think this proves? I asked "Where is the "named believer" who is
being influenced by "our mutual adversary" and Jesus, the latter eventually winning out?" Do you mean the entire Jewish people were being influenced by the Devil? Where do you get THAT from these verses?
Will have to cut to the chase on this last count as the post is getting too long and the balance is just a rehash of the basic differentials we've already covered.
OK, fine. When you get some time, will you please answer the questions you are skirti...EErrrr...don't have time for? I'll post them here again so it'll be easier for ya. You're welcome.
Believers down to the last one
reflect what they think they see in scripture. They are reflections ONLY of their own hearts and
certainly not reflections PERFECT.
Often those reflections vary.
Me: So, are your "reflections" open to subjectivity? Could you be wrong in your interpretation? Could you be wrong in your subjective JUDGEMENT on whether you are saved? Humm....If the answer is "yes", can you really have a 100% assurance of salvation? Or is it that you view EVERYONE ELSES "reflections" as "not PERFECT", but your reflections are perfect? After all, if there is even one little doubt in your mind, you go from an assurance to "maybe". Welcome to the club.
You: For every scripture set that presents fallen salvation, it pertains to their present state
not their eternal state. There is an equally compelling scripture set to reflect and to show otherwise on the eternal scale as well.
Me: No there is not. The verses you posted, and others, don't claim 100% assurance or a guarantee of salvation. It's simply not there.
You: So in the final analysis,
all presently having imperfect reflections, some imperfect reflections
will have less light and will have some doubts.
Me: Do you fit into this mold with the rest of us, or are your reflections "perfect"?