My answer to your question was ONLY Scriptural. I didn't rely on ANY teaching from the Catholic Church to answer your question, did I? But, true to form, you ignore my SCRIPTURAL ANSWER and attack my Church.
I am not aware that scriptures present maybe salvation to believers.
And again. More evidence you have no answers to simple Scriptural arguments. Just more vitriol.
As noted prior there are exactly zero scriptures showing a single believer being eternally lost. Zero. What you think you see isn't even there to see.
You mean like Paul? Here are the verses in question AGAIN. Try and take your focus off the Catholic Church, if you can, and simply address the verses that teach that salvation is a process and that Paul wasn't assured of his justification because he doesn't judge himself.
If what you think you see is true why would Paul
not judge himself? Don't you see the frailty of that view?
There is no doubt that any believer can be taken by our mutual adversary back to blindness. This doesn't mean such warriors of faith were/are/will be eternally abandoned by God in Christ. Were there a single named given example of otherwise you'd have a point.
Really? Why not? What does assurance of salvation have to do with reading and understanding the words of Scripture?
Well, that was kind of
the point of the observation.
Obviously such topic matters from scripture presentations have been in play for quite awhile.
I already did. You are ignoring it in favor of attacks against the Catholic Church. Please try and focus.
Maybe salvation is an idea set that your sect has taken and continues to teach. It's the idea, not the unit. Nothing personal. I don't think any less of them for their ideas.
Wow. That's quite presumptuous. I see myself as justified, but I know I'm a sinner who trusts in the mercy of God, and LIKE PAUL, don't judge myself because it's not my place. I'm not God.
Of course you do. I've always gotten a kick out of people who believe they may be lost at any given point in time. They never believe it for themselves at any point in time. Their idea is only put upon others.
But the reality is if your salvation by your own view can be no more than a maybe it can also be a maybe not at any given point in time. Perhaps even now. Simple logic dictates that if you can not say you are saved or that you may be lost, that you may in fact be lost as we speak. You can't really say you are factually saved by your own statements. Only that you might be.
I don't believe in an absolute assurance of salvation because it's not taught in Scripture. Salvation is a lifelong process and it can be lost, as the verses I posted prove.
If you are an aficionado of Word, then you certainly know there is quite an extensive scripture set for eternal security. I acknowledge that faith warriors fall.
This does not equate to eternal abandonment.
Huh? Paul says: "I pummel my body and subdue it, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified"
Were these kinds of statements only matters of the believer or of Paul you'd have a point. There are however adversaries of faith to view in these matters.
Adversaries tend to prevail within those who fall in this present life. This does not eliminate them eternally:
Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Romans 8:
38For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I acknowledge that some faithful are not as persuaded.
"I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby justified. It is the Lord who judges me"
"I am NOT, thereby justified..." This does not sound to me like someone who has an absolute assurance of his salvation. When he says "...are being saved", there is only one way to honestly interpret those words; that salvation is a process, not a one time event.
Paul certainly did not pin his justification upon himself.
Romans 3:24
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
What will you tell Paul, that he was wrong? Do you really put yourself over Paul? Over Scripture?
I don't doubt that believers can be influenced to potentially doubt their salvation by our mutual adversary in this present life. In those who see that way, I do not say it is them alone in that view.
I do not see their imposed doubt as able to eternally fumble them as it is not a question of themselves alone. There are influences on believers that are not them and there is also the working of God in Christ. The latter will ultimately prevail for them.
What difference does being a "named believer" make? Does every doctrine have to have a named example for it to be orthodox?
Well, one might think that in order to cast a believer
'eternally' aside
there might be at least one example?
The fact is, just because Scripture doesn't NAME a person who lost his salvation, doesn't mean Scripture doesn't teach the concept, as the verses above prove.
Those verses do not prove what you claim whatsoever. You infer that a person who falls in blindness is eternally lost. The scriptures do not make that case and also require other scriptures such as the few I cited above to be eliminated or reworded to suit
what you think you see, but really isn't there at all.
Those who call upon the Lord shall be saved? Or 'maybe' saved, maybe not? That was a simple example prior.
My Church stands on Scripture. This will be the the third time I have attempted to get an answer out of you for a few simple verses, and the third time you will ignore them in favor of snarky comments and attacks.
I understand what your sect teaches. Not agreeing with the notion is merely a rejection of their limited ideas on this particular subject matter. If they don't believe they are saved what can I say? Has nothing to do with attacks or snarky comments. It is a comparison of views, period.
Believers down to the last one reflect what they think they see in scripture. They are reflections ONLY of their own hearts and certainly not reflections PERFECT.
Often those reflections vary.
For every scripture set that presents fallen salvation, it pertains to their present state
not their eternal state. There is an equally compelling scripture set to reflect and to show otherwise on the eternal scale as well.
So in the final analysis, all presently having imperfect reflections, some imperfect reflections
will have less light and will have some doubts.
Nothing personal.