Keep in mind that all available versions of the Bible, and all Bible commentaries, and all Greek or Hebrew dictionaries, and all books, and all articles, and all websites, etc., were all written by humans. For that reason, not one of them will ever be 100% accurate. The original texts of Scripture were infallible and inerrant, but everything else is fallible (meaning that it might contain errors). So just because a well-known, well-respected author or preacher or teacher has said or written something (whether in a Bible commentary, a Greek dictionary, a website, etc.), don't automatically assume that he or she is always right. Jesus is the only perfect person who ever lived, but the rest of us make mistakes and get things wrong sometimes.
Since we are human, we will get things wrong as well. One of the biggest ways that we get tripped up is by our own biases and preconceived ideas. .... most of us have simply absorbed our doctrinal views from family members, friends, our church, etc., rather than doing our own thorough and prayerful study of Scripture. But those people that we absorbed our doctrines from, how many of them have actually studied those doctrines in a thorough and prayerful and unbiased way for themselves, and how do we know that they came to the right conclusions? Probably most of them simply absorbed their views from other people (who absorbed their views from others, and so on)! The only way to be comfortable that we have proper Scriptural views is to study these things for ourselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and to be willing to discard any views we have which are not supported by the greatest weight of Scripture.