awaken said:
In reality, there is only one view which is accurate, right? Only God's view is the correct view. Fortunately, God wrote down His view in a Book so that we can know what to believe.
But if God's view is written in the Bible for everyone to see, then why do Christians have so many contradictory views about just about every doctrine? ..... one reason is because most Christians have never honestly and prayerfully tried to find all of the "puzzle pieces" in Scripture for this doctrine and then tried to fit all of the pieces together properly.
......... imagine three blindfolded men who have never seen an elephant. One man feels the elephant's leg and confidently states, "An elephant is tall and stout like a tree trunk." Another man feels the elephant's trunk and declares, "No, you are completely wrong. An elephant is long and flexible like a large snake." The third man feels one of the elephant's tusks and says, "You are both wrong. An elephant is solid and curved, and it ends in a sharp point."
Notice that each man is basing his belief on accurate information, but each man's belief is based on incomplete information. Each man is totally convinced that he is right and the others are wrong. But when those three men remove their blindfolds then they will be able to see the elephant in full view, and they will instantly realize how shallow and inaccurate their original opinions were.
Do you see how this analogy relates to the way that we study the Bible? It's important to try to get the full picture in Scripture concerning our Christian beliefs and doctrines, because otherwise we might form wrong conclusions just like the blindfolded men formed wrong conclusions about the elephant. Our Christian beliefs might be based on accurate information (from the Bible), but our beliefs might be totally wrong if they are based on incomplete information.
It's uncomfortable to realize that our Christian beliefs tend to be based on incomplete information (and therefore they might be wrong), but God is showing me something even more unsettling. ....He is showing me that just like most Christians, I have definite opinions on various Christian doctrines. However, even though I believed that the Bible is true, I had never taken the time to fully discover what the Bible says about all of these doctrines.
So do I really believe what the Bible says!
Keep in mind that it doesn't matter what our parents believe. It doesn't matter what our friends believe. It doesn't matter what our church believes. It doesn't matter what anyone else believes. We are going to be judged on what we believe, because our beliefs influence our words and our actions.
I am in the process of searching for the greatest weight of Scriptural evidence for the various Christian doctrines, no matter where my search leads, even if it leads me to the conclusion that some of my pet beliefs are false...and it has in many areas.
The Holy Spirit was left here to guide us into all truth! But the problem is...we do not always listen to His guidance...
Actually, the Word of God is simple. What complicates our understanding is that someone put a false thought into one's head. We now try and solve the understanding with scripture, and try and make a square block fit into a round hole. And the irony in all of this , is that people accept those things that they can deal with, or accept, because it fits into their daily lives.
For instance -- There is nothing wrong with assembling together into one place to pray and worship the Lord God. But why do people think that they need a building to worship in ? The word clearly states that we as christians are the temple of God. And that God dwells in us. So why build a huge building and pay for maintenance and upkeep, and heating or air conditioning etc ? And why call the building a church ? Again the Word is clear, that we are the church. And some will say that the building is not the church, it is just a place to gather. If this were true, then why all of the relgious symbols within these buildings ? We find crosses, altars, painted windows, and the list is just endless.
We can find no records in the book of Acts, nor in the seven church epistles, nor in the latter epistles of any record speaking about building buildings for worship within the grace dispensation !
The problem is simple and the solution is simple. If we would only come back to what the Word of God says, and stop adding to it, or taking away from it, or changing it. And people, I am not talking about your bibles, because man has already added to it, subtracted from it, and changed it.
I am talking about walking by the Spirit. Where have you read that Paul told the church to open your bibles to such and such a chapter and verse ? The only times scripture was actually quoted, was when the OT was quoted. After that, came the writtings of the NT. The knowledge in the NT is important. But without the Spirit of truth one would be just guessing. Some would read the additions to the NT , which were added by man, and are not of God. And they would read those additons as if God spoke them into manifestation. Reading false words added by man will only cause confusion.
So how does one sort all of this out ?
We must come back to the foundation of the truth.
Now you are asking, what is the foundation of the truth ? Actually, the first five chapters of Genesis is a starting point for the foundation of the truth. If one can not understand the first five chapters of Genesis, then everything they read after that will be pure speculation by the reader. And as it is true, that it is God who opens up our understanding. And this is why we should pray and believe. The simplicity of the truth still falls under the true meaning of simplicity and spiritual logic.
The whole Word of God is a mirror image of itself. One the literal, the other the spiritual, which can not be seen with your physical eyes. Like - The first Adam and the Last Adam < One the literal , the other the spiritual. This is why Jesus Christ is not the Last Adam. But
Christ Jesus is the Last Adam = Christ as the head of the body of Christ. Male and female, and the two become one in the Last Adam. But because they have not yet become one -- Christ the head is sitting at the right hand of the Father, and the body of Christ is here still upon this earth. Christ the male, and the body of Christ the female. Together they make up the Last Adam = the Last man. Spiritually, we see both as one, even though this will not actually happen until the gathering up of the saints.
Keep it simple