RobertMazar said:
You stated that you can not think of any scriptural parts to the Mass? Well that is because you have a non functioning brain and are incapable of logical and analytical thinking. The scriptural parts to the Mass are:
(1)The Apostles and Nicene Creeds(Except for the part "We acknowledge
Baptism for the forgiveness of sins").
(2)The Gloria Prayer
(3)Sign Of The Cross(Luther retained the practice of making the Sign Of The
Cross in the Lutheran Church. Luther was Born Again and if he thought
the Sign Of The Cross was not scriptural then he would not have retained
it in the Lutheran Church.).
(4)The Penitential Rite(The I Confess To Almighty God Prayer)(Except for
the statement "and I ask blessed Mary ever virgin and all the angels and
(5)Readings from the Bible
(6)The Lord's Prayer
(7)Prayers to Christ
(8)The Eucharistic Prayer(Except for the mention of the intercession of the
Virgin Mary and the Saints) that contains the words of Christ from the
Last Supper.
And Satan is not the god of the RCC because the Apostles and Nicene Creeds state "We believe in one God, Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and earth". If I have dispensed with the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass then I am not in bondage to Satan. I am not being guilted by Satan into remaining in the RCC. The reason that I am choosing to remain in the RCC is that I am more comfortable with the liturgical worship of the RCC then the non liturgical worship services of Fundamentalist Protestant Churches. Another reason that I am choosing to remain in the RCC is so that I can attend church on Saturday Vigil instead of on Sunday morning in order to do other things on Sunday like laying around until going out to lunch and shopping. And I do not consider indidividuals at mots Fundamentalist Protestant Churches to be hypocrites. And who says that if someone does not grow in Christ that they will not gain entrance into Heaven? And yes I am only concerned about gaining entrance into Heaven because that was the whole reason why Christ had to be crucified on the Cross so that mankind could go to Heaven after they pass away. :painting:
I guess I should explain that they "read" from the bible but do not teach it in its context. In other words, they can make up whatever they want it to mean to fit their own needs or purposes. When I was Catholic they NEVER encouraged the church to go read it for themselves. That way they could stay in control. They brainwashed me into thinking I couldn't understand it so I might as well just stay away from it, and that I did.
There's a big problem with your number 1 (besides what you mentioned): We believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church. That is nauseating.
#3: sign of the cross. Are you sure? It looks upside down to me when I see people do this. If not, it's the sign of Baal. Either way, it's devil worship. And hey, news flash...Luther didn't know everything!
#4: another one that YOU have a problem with. What you pointed out is basically the main idea of that Rite.
#5: Already commented on this area.
#6: I don't have a problem with that prayer however, that was a sample prayer. It's one the catholics run with and pray over and over again. It's very repititious, which God is against those types of prayers. Just like the Hail Mary, only it's worse because it's a prayer to her. And the rosary is blasphemous! Prayer is to be reserved for God only and praying to her is offensive to God. It's sin.
I know you, Robert, do not believe in prayers to Mary but I just wanted to point this out for others who may read this.
#7: Shouldn't it ALL (the whole mass) be about Christ?
#8: Mary AGAIN!? Last I checked, she did not die for me and she cannot interceed on behalf of prayers because Jesus is our connection to God. Only Jesus. Getting back to the eucharist. The heart of Catholicism. His body and blood are not present during the time of consecration - period. Although I'm not sure if you believed in that or not but even if you don't, this is something all catholics are taught to be very serious about. Did you ever wonder what the letters meant that are written on the eucharist? IHS. It's going back to the whole Son God worship again. I wrote about it in another post. Anyway, Pagan Rome worshipped Isis, Horus, and Seb. The round disk wafer IHS symbol of Isis, Horus, Seb, was eaten as food for the soul. This was integrated into Christianity as The wafer used in the eucharist is round with IHS engraved on it. And this pagan Trinity of Isis, Horus, Seb was represented by IHS which was then made the Christogram for Jesus Christ.
I'm not going to go too deep into it now but do a little research if you have any interest.
Here's another bit of info you might find interesting. Did you know that the catholic belief is that when the bread and wine is (supposedly) turning into Jesus' body and blood, during that time they believe the priest himself BECOMES JESUS?!! Is that a stomach turner, or what?
In your last paragraph, it seems that you are more concerned with whether or not you are "comfortable" with things at church. Why would you even think God is supposed to fit into OUR comfort zones? We are to adjust to His Word. You also seem to like being in the catholic church because you can go on a Saturday so your Sunday won't get goofed up so you can LAY AROUND or go to LUNCH & then GO SHOPPING! Are you kidding me???? Jesus died for you and you're worried about how much time you have to be a bum? Thanks for your honesty but I'm really surprised that someone with such logical and analytical thinking would think such a thing! :wink:
Also, I NEVER said that if you don't grow in Christ you won't go to heaven. I believe I said something about possibly not being blessed here on earth or may miss out on some rewards in heaven.
So, you admit that all you care about it getting into heaven. So, who cares about the rest, right? That's what you said basically. You just want to make it in by the skin of your teeth. You don't seem to care about serving God right now, therefore how in the world can you be doing His will? As a Christian, isn't it a desire to grow and learn? I don't know why you bother even going to church since half of it isn't even in your heart or beliefs. You're not kidding anyone but yourself. You're especially not kidding God.
Best wishes to ya, Robert.