CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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Hi BrightfameWe are sanctified by the Death of Christ !
Heb 10:10
10 By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
We know that Christ could not have died or has offered Himself for everyone with exception, simply because one the accomplishments of His Death or Offering [same thing] is that it [ The Death] sanctified forever those He died for !
That word sanctified means , they were set apart for a Holy Purpose of God, permanently !
The word sanctified in the greek is in the perfect tense which means :
The perfect tense in Greek corresponds to the perfect tense in English, and describes an action which is viewed as having been completed in the past, once and for all, not needing to be repeated.
Jesus' last cry from the cross, TETELESTAI ("It is finished!") is a good example of the perfect tense used in this sense, namely "It [the atonement] has been accomplished, completely, once and for all time."
Those Christ died for have been sanctified once and for all time !
When an Elect sinner is born into this world, since Christ died for them over 2000 yrs ago, they are born as sinners, dead in trespasses and sins, children of wrath By Nature as others, enemies in their minds against God, however that said, they are perfectly set apart by God for a Holy Purpose to perform for God. Like Jeremiah Jer 1:5
5Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
But guess what ? Jeremiah was still born a sinner, by nature a child of wrath as others [Eph 2:3], an enemies to God in his mind by wicked works [Col 1:21]
So every elect sinner born into this world that Christ died for and consequently sanctified them for the Holy Purpose of God, must be born again to fulfill that purpose. It is inevitable, they must and all be born again by the Spirit, a Sanctifying Work of His 2 Thess 2:13
13But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
Oh Yes, Like believers of the Truth today, so did Jeremiah need the same work of the Spirit to bring Him to Faith in the Truth ! So He could Preach the Gospel of Imputed Righteousness Jer 23:6
In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
He had the same righteousness revealed to him by the Gospel as believers do today Rom 1:16-17
16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
17For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Now if everyone Christ died for does not come to experience the Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit as described in 2 Thess 2:13, Christ's death has failed its purpose of God. The Death of Christ alone has ensured and made certain the setting apart experimentally of each member, or person of His Body He died for, for each one has a Holy Purpose for God to perform 1 Cor 12 ; Eph 2:10
Now, If Christ died for these Matt 25:41 then they also had to be sanctified forever for God's Holy Purpose, which is absurd !
Above you wrote:
When an Elect sinner is born into this world, since Christ died for them over 2000 yrs ago, they are born as sinners, dead in trespasses and sins, children of wrath By Nature as others, enemies in their minds against God, however that said, they are perfectly set apart by God for a Holy Purpose to perform for God. Like Jeremiah Jer 1:5
I just started looking at this thread again and would like it if you could explain the above.
If the elect were known from eternity past, then how could they be born lost?
Eternity means forever from beginning to end.
Was there a break in eternity somewhere along the line?
If there was, how is it eternity?
If there was no break and eternity was continuous, as it really is, then how could an elect baby be born lost? (He'd have to be born saved already).