ÃÂoppleganger said:
The JPS states the earth was unformed and void. But in Jeremiah 4:23 in both the JPS and KJV the prophet states: I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. The prophet was looking back in revelation, to a time when no man existed,
The prophet looked nowhere, that was God speaking, in case you missed that!
... From 'earth was without form, and void' we can clearly see that it could be equally interpreted after it was created that it "became a waste(land) and empty".
Why twist, it's better to look for a preponderance of scripture, and try to see what it means, if in doubt. "..tohu and bohu, which we translate without form and void, are of uncertain etymology;.."
http://www.studylight.org/com/acc/view. ... se=2#Ge1_2
When something is uncertain, better to look around the bible to see what fits, than to go wild on some pet theory.
[quote:49e5b]Some people refer to this as the Gap Theory, I think it's just there way of saying your wrong!
Better go back and do their homework, grasping at the straws of a few obscure verses to try to conform to what they thought was science is pretty lame.
If you don't understand what the Gap Theory is or by what I mean, your probably lucky.
Guess I was, not any more, apparently.
I think the earth became void because satan fell from grace which is why its a waste, since he's the ruler over erets-earth.
It wasn't a waste, it was a new planet, and He made a nice paradise garden for us, where we could live forever. I wouldn't confuse the creation process with something more sinister. When we create new planets, I suppose, it starts out like that.
They believe the words mean God created a formless earth and shaped it to his liking, but he sure didn't create the heavens without form.
Hey, the waters were not separated from land yet, and there were no features on the surface of the earth as we know them, don't make a mountain out of a mole hill.
But whatever, let me leave it at that. Some people also argue that because no man was created until the 6th day, that this is when Satan was created.
They can guess, but that don't amount to much.
They also point to the fact that Jesus was created on the 1st day, being the Light.
No, He was the beginning of the creation of God, and that was not this universe and world, in fact it says Jesus made the world, no? How could He make it if He was made afterwards Himself? Ridiculous. Also, to remove any doubt, there were beings made before the world. Prov 8 tells of one lady watching the creation! If Jesus was the beginning of the creation, what was she?
Nechunya ben HaKanah a Hebrew commentator on Genesis wrote more than 2000 years ago that the 42 lettered name of God had within it the answer to the age of the universe.
Whoopee do, millions know that, it was made in creation week.
His successor, Rabbi Yitzhak deMin Acco insisted that the 42 lettered name of God alluded to the 42,000 divine years which transpired between the beginning of creation and that of man.
He was wrong.
If a day is as a 1000 years to God, he concluded that a divine year, is 365 1/4 x 1,000 or 365,250 of our own years.
So Jesus was dead for how long then, before He rose from the dead? Ridiculous. Also, I haven't noticed a morning or evening that was 500 years long, have you!? The poor plants made before the sun would have thousands of years to wait for the sun as well. No.
Thus the time between the beginning of creation and the creation of man is 42,000 x 365,250 which equals 15.34 billion years! Pretty amazing HUH!
Yes! The depths people will sink to to try to make the simple word conform to science, rather than believing it!
... So adding 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 equals 15 3/4 billion years! Pretty much the same as cosmologists agree.
The cosmo guys base it on wrong assumptions, as do the gappers. Sounds like the gap might be between their ears!
It's possible some evolution took place, probably not like they want you to believe. And No it didn't take 6000 years!
Of course it did! Why would I take your version of timing, when you can't even figure out what a week is. Corporations would love you. 'Next day off is in 6 days, workers, that means, 13 billion years! How dumb do you think God is?
If Adam was placed in the Garden the 8th day, and came out on the 9th,
Boy, he sure named every animal in the world in a hurry, and recovered from the Eve surgery well! God mustn't have walked in the garden, He must've ran like a cheetah!
which was around 4000 B.C. Then calculating for 1000 yrs of our time 8 days back brings us to 12,000 B.C. The end of the Ice age.
So you think an ice age 12,000 years before creation is much better than millions of imaginary years now? Strange.
Or you can do the formulas for Nechunya ben HaKanah. Either way you come to the dawn of homo sapiens, civilzations and modern man!
Taking aplologetics to a new level of absurdity, I see.
Oh, by the way Dad what exactly is hyper-evolution? I'm interested! What is it? Like that Star Trek genesis bomb thingy? Joking! What is it exactly can you explain?
Evolution now works a certain way. I suggest it worked a different way in the past. I think there was a seperation after the flood a century or so, of the spiritual from the physical, leaving us where we are, in the physical only. That is why things were very different then. As different as the bible talks about from the present. For ecxample, no radioactive decay type different, and light that got here in hours from far stars different.