I think cigarettes are disgusting things. Smokingis the height of rudeness to non smoking people around smokers. They should wash the stink out of my clothing they put there grr.
Most smokers I know don't give a rats about others they sit next to you and light up. One sat next to my kids at McDonalds under the no smoking sign smoking next to the kids play equipment full of kids. That day I had a an overwhelming urge not to be normal me and point it out loudly and embarrassingly to the smoker and everyone else what they were doing. ( I just got out of church). Smokers suck they knowingly shorten their lives to leave their children without parents when they need them. Surely every child wants to take their children to their grandparents house, not the graveyard. Thats what is happening to the family across the road from me. Her mum smoked now there is no grandmother for the little girls she died at 50 cancer got her too early, she was a heavy smoker.
Smokers test my love and patience resources to the max.
she died at 40 from lung cancer-
YouTube - The Waitresses I Know What Boys Like (I bet you cant watch it to the end. be careful it could stay in your head all day if you do)
I cant understand any intelligent person doing it christian or not.