- Oct 7, 2014
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You're right on all counts brother. There are some people who the gospel will always be offensive to. Some have been delivered to reprobate minds, some have fallen in love with their sins, and some have idolized their own logic and reasoning from pride... it's sad and difficult to see. I have a couple of friends like this I've been trying my best with for awhile now and at the end of the day, nothing changes. They're invested in pop-occultism and new age philosophies and have let themselves become overly stubborn. Hearts of stone.My problem is...
...the gospel is offensive to those still in the world. I mean, just based on my few (former) friends and semi friends, Jesus doesn't sit well with a lot of people, especially if you are articulate enough to defend your beliefs. And there's such a thing as being too comfortable with the world and I think...well, we're human beings, you know...we can fall into temptation.
I dunno. There's also, I think, the fact that some of us may be called to reach out to the dregs while others may just reach out to those closest to them. Or those in other countries. I don't think there's a one size fits all rule of thumb for evangelism. Just my thoughts, of course.
And not all are called to "street" evangelism, like you said. Some of us make a silent witness to the world through our own choice to worship God without compromise, and that speaks volumes in and of itself. We are all given gifts according to our talents and personalities, and not everyone is talented or gifted on a soap box. But some may be gifted in one-on-one, confidant settings. We can't measure ourselves according to what someone else is doing, we just have to nurture our own abilities with the help of God.
We can't let ourselves become like the Essenes in our thoughts and totally abstain and hide from the world, not when we should be fishers of men. We can't be like the Pharisees who are over-zealous so much in the law that their hearts become dead to the transgressor, not when the whole of God's New Testament is love.