jwu said:
If you think you have some evidence or proof that the universe was as today, physical only, and not as the new heavens will be, give it to us and settle the issue, -pretty simple.
What would such evidence look like? Please provide specific examples.
I don't think there is evidence it was the same, that's the point.
If we look at decay, we see it does decay, at a certain rate, and we see things like daughter material that is produced by decay. But, if there was no decay pre flood, but some other process involving the spiritual component as well, that udsed the daughter material in that process, that explains the daughter material. Then, the change happens, the process becomes one of decay, and the now 'daughter' material is asssumed to have come from the decay, because that is the way it is NOW produced. In actual fact here, the daughter material was already here at the start of the decay process. So it was NOT produced by long ages of decaying. In this case, radioactive decay is NOT evidence the process USED to be the same, just how it now works.
Light, also, pre split would have been in a spiritual and physical universe, and able to get here from far away almost right away. The split happens, we are left with our physical, temporary universe light coming in still, but as is -slow as molasses.
We see evolution happen now in very slow rates, and assume any adapting that went on was also such. In the different than physical only present universe, adapting happened very very fast.
What you need is to be able to say, hey, look at this..........exhibit
Y this means that it HAD to be a physical only universe in the past, because, ......blah blah blah. But there is NOTHING that says that, because the past WAS different as the future will be.