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What I'm having a hard time digesting is the reaction to this strain of coronavirus compared to past health outbreaks.

November 2002 to July 2003 the SARS coronavirus, which coincidentally also was first discovered in China, had a nearly identical modus operandi with a 15% mortality rate. By comparison based on current numbers, that is about 5.5 times higher than covid-19. Both are most dangerous to the same groups within the age and health level. The biggest difference is that SARS produced severe symptoms more quickly and so identification of infected persons was more prompt so we were able to contain more quickly. As a result, although it had a much higher death rate, the total victims were fewer already. But in either case, why did we not experience the quarantines and panic-stricken response to SARS as we have with covid-19 especially when it had such a high death rate?

April 2009 to August 2010 we had the H1N1 flu that infected over 24% of the world population in about 1-1/2 years, killing over 284,000 people world-wide (12,000+ in the US). Like covid-19, when the outbreak began we had no vaccine however we did have antivirals that helped with recovery, which we do not have with covid-19. Both H1N1 and covid-19 are spread from person to person very much the same way. Be that as it may, with the rapid spread of H1N1, why did we not have the same reaction with quarantines and lockdowns that we have with covid-19?

December 2013 to March 2016 we had the ebola outbreak which is by far more deadly, killing half (50%) of those that were infected. Fortunately, symptoms were very severe so identification and isolation of infected persons was easier. We never had any treatment options so the only thing we could do for infected persons was to try to keep them as comfortable as possible. But, with such a deadly and severe virus, why didn't we have the same reaction with quarantines, travel bans, and closures that we have with covid-19?

It doesn't make sense.

Here's a link to my information.
Hawai'i just now commited to testing any travelers arriving by air and cruise ships. They should've done this long ago.
17% of 330 million is 56 million people. There are not 56 million ventilators and hospital beds. There just isn't. Has to be spread out a bit so that all of that 17% don't try to visit the hospital all at once.

Essential services have to be maintained, so those workers should get first call on hospital resources. Non essential services can be brought back on-line gradually, as beds free up.

That said, the shopping thing could be done in a more orderly fashion. Long lines and empty shelves are counter productive. Some places tell people what days to shop, and their quota on scarce items. Everyone needs their share of food and meds.
We hope Hawai'i implements some sort of rationing to stop the hoarding. Shelves wiped out and Hawai'i has a delicately balanced supply chain.
Any new word on the ACE inhibitors exacerbating the corona? I see a skeptics site saying it is not proven, and that bubbled up to the top of the search engine.

I researched Quercetin based on the feedback from this site, and bought a bottle. But it looks like it has to be taken as a preventative; not a cure.
Any new word on the ACE inhibitors exacerbating the corona? I see a skeptics site saying it is not proven, and that bubbled up to the top of the search engine.

I researched Quercetin based on the feedback from this site, and bought a bottle. But it looks like it has to be taken as a preventative; not a cure.
Corona virus pandemic update number 37 has in depth info on Ace inhibitors. I stopped taking mine and will switch to calcium channel blockers. Each must make their own decisions regarding these serious health related conditions. I make no recommendations.
This board seems to have been pretty accurate so far. Someone said only 12 people in the US are even in the hospital from it, and sure enough....

CV Update 37 suggests the ARB's may be good against CV. Maybe not so much the ACE inhibitors. But no one's sure.
I said the same thing about global warming. Supposedly that is all a conspiracy by the big banks. Covid comes around, and the stock market erases 1/3 of its value in one week.
I said the same thing about global warming. Supposedly that is all a conspiracy by the big banks. Covid comes around, and the stock market erases 1/3 of its value in one week.

What is the regular person doing with there money at the moment, investing in the market or stacking up on food in fear and anxiety.
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I was thinking of taking advice and self isolating. But my employer won't have anyone to work so they go broke, I won't have any income so I cannot afford food to eat, the landlord where I live needs to pay there bills but I cannot pay them, I might have to cut the power because nothing is free.
Harvard said:
...this virus can hang out as droplets in the air for up to three hours before they fall.

3 hours. Think about that next time you shop. Has an infected person walked down that aisle in the recent 3 hours? Is the cashier you are standing close to infected? The public does need masks. Build masks, encourage their use, and train people how to use them.
Here's some more interesting data from the CDC.

It might be too early for accurate assessment, but early estimates indicate that persons over the age of 80 infected with the virus have about a 85% survival rate. How old this data is is not certain but you can see this information here.

When compared to the flu, it reinforces my lack of understanding with regard to society's reaction to Covid-19. According to the CDC, the flu is far more deadly for persons over the age of even 50, who have a survival rate of only about 43% and 80+ year olds only have about a 25% survival rate. It doesn't say for sure but it looks like this is US data and not world-wide. Here's a link if you're interested.

By this information, at age 61, my chances for survival are far better with Covid-19.