VZ4M -
4.Dawkins is NOT the only scientist with a phd in biology.
My point exactly.
Not only is that true today -- it has been even MORE true for those who GAVE us the science disciplines that we have today!!
5. Natural science deals with nature by default, rather than some conspiracy.
Or at least "IT SHOULD".
As DAwkins exposed it in his 11 second befuddlement interview --- HE adds HIS OWN explanation starting with the rank censorship and dark ages pogrom ranting "they truculently asked for an example" in support of darwinism.
The scientists and journalsts experiencing extreme censorship (in one case at Iowa State it begins with the RELIGiON department's advisor to the ATHEIST and AGNOSTic society attacking an ACTUAL scientist who entertains the idea of I.D evolutionism) as SEEN on the "Expelled no Intelligence Allowed" movie -- makes it "Clear to all".
The "academic freedom" that was choked so that scientist COULD NOT be allowed "to follow the data where it leads" SHOULD be considered "Shocking" by an measure of objective science standards.
Hint: See the movie - then object based on the facts.
6. The improbability of the whole scientific community being ran by some group who are secretly trying to destroy religion. There is no conspiracy.
No need to listen to atheist darwinist story telling on this one -- allow yourself the luxury of understanding the debate then objecting to whatever side you please.
"The point" is not that these guys "call each other and decide who to censor" the point is that the blind faith RELIGION of atheist darwinism FORCES the hard-core atheists and their followers to INSTANTLY reject ANY form of EVOLUTIONISM that does not "Accomodate atheism".
No "phone calling" no "back room strategy planning" needed. They simply "leave the door open" to the jiihad holy war of atheists opposing any form of evolutionism that precludes atheism and then "let culture do the rest".
However the head of the national academy of Science IN the movie INTERVIEW segment DID admit to a PLANNED program to shut down opposition to Darwinism starting in the late 70's.
Watch the movie - THEN come up with your objections.
Understand the debate -- then take a side.
Leave yourself the luxury of letting going where the data leads.
7. If there were actual competing theories
Hello! "There are".
The "blinders on" model is not going to work here.
Scientists that SUPPORT the "competing theories" are "being shut down"?
Get it?
When DArwinism runs out of road with untestable origins of primates (no way to predict, test, apply that story telling) SOMEBODY should be ALLOWED to object.
8. The flood is unscientifically feasible,
There is NO "Science that tests the proper way to flood the earth" but there IS science to OBSERVE that even the highest mountains were at one time under the oceans AND that incredible mass extinctions at a moment in time took place in the past.
By using the darwinism-only blinders there "IS A way" to ignore that data -- but blind devotion to such censorship of the data should NOT be confused with actual "Science" as you have done above.
9. Argument by assertion is fallacy.
My point exactly!
Hopefully we have a darwinist taking that to heart here.
Maybe this debate would gain some ground.
Now see - a part where we agree!
in Christ,