BobRyan said:
Patashu said:
Why do we have to accept that life/the universe is intelligently designed to also accept that certain electromagnetic wave signals that we know and have recorded that humans have invented, designed, coded information into and sent are intelligently designed?
You need to relax on this one and just let the light flow -- because this one is really really easy.
The point of the argument is that those who argue that SCIENCE itself is "incapable" or "insufficient" to DETECT design IF that design is SEEN IN nature -- have simply argued a fallacy as we see it so clearly debunked in the case of detecting intelligent design in electromagnetic wave form.
No one argues this. If we see, say, an organism that has traits that we would expect a breeder to select because it is benefitial to
him but not to the organism itself in its natural environment, we can posit that the creature has been subject to the artificial selection of man. (Modern cows are a good example of this.) Nothing unscientific about this.
Are you sure you're not misinterpreting 'science does not find design in nature' with 'science cannot find design in nature' or 'science cannot find supernaturally caused design in nature'?
The result is that EVERYBODY can easily see the fallacy in restricting academic freedom in ALL other areas of science (except of course those with the "papal impramateur of atheist darwinists" to continue their work in the area of design and detection) where the transparent hollow defensive arguments still linger about "science not being ABLE to know if design exists or whether it can be detected".
Again, no one argues that science
cannot detect design, just that what ID proponents propose as methods for detecting design in nature or evidence for design in nature are flimsy or refuted.
In addition, there is not a gigantic global atheist/evolutionist/satanist conspiracy to keep ID proponents down. They have their scientists, their labs, their scientific journal (ISCID, which has since become entirely defunct because they stopped submitting to it), it is no scientist's fault that they refuse to put out meaningful research.
And why was the radio invented before intelligent design was thought up
More circular reasoning is not helping your argument.
Radio was brought up before intelligent design was QUESTIONED and in science fields were it was going UNQUESTIONED - there the "first principles" regarding design flourished to the point of "commercial success" in building circuits capable of "discrimination" between factual design and merely "background noise" that rocks could easily produce "given enough time, mass and exposure to energy"
Get it?? "Academic freedom" -- what a concept Eh?[/quote:53626]
Do you actually think that evolutionary scientists deny the ability for design to be detected, period? I'll re-iterate as many times as neccesary: It is the
proposed evidence for design in nature that is being questioned and refuted, not the
ability to do so, as is clearly shown by the fact that even evolutionary biologists listen to the radio. If they really thought design was undetectable as you proposed they would not rely on any stimuli from their eyes or ears or anything else with regards to the built environment; something which, clearly, is not happening as even evolutionary biologists live in cities.
So, I would just like to ask who is it who is saying that science is incapable of detecting design, as opposed to
not detecting design in nature or life?
By the way, where did you get your supposed definition of intelligent design from? It looks more like a definition for academic freedom, which clearly can't be describing a branch of science. What would you say if I said that the theory of electromagnetism is 'the ability to follow the evidence wherever it leads'? While technically true, since that
is where the evidence leads, it does not tell us anything about the theory of electromagnetism itself.