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Dancing in Church


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Originally Posted by handy
I'll let Classik correct if I'm wrong...but I doubt that they were coupling up and swaying, man to woman, in their assembly.
I'm trying to figure what you are trying to say.

The suggestion has been made (by another member here) that dance is nothing more than foreplay. I think you can take it from there.
Perhaps a perfect church is one where femalessit at the LHS and males at the RHS:chin
And keep their heads covered and mouths shut. :bigfrown

Not only that. We need two churches today, chuch A and B. Females attend A and males attend B - and we are holy before God;)
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Jesus drank and mingled with prostitutes and sinners. Would you rather have the youth of a church doing that???

Jesus drank but wasn't a drunkard. Jesus mingled with prostitutes and sinners but not as a customer but to save them. btw, he started his ministry at the age of 30 (the same age to for a person to work in temples in ot).
Back a million years ago i was a teenager! Pentecostal parents dancing was indeed a sin..... Movies were a sin..... sometimes i thought smiling was sin...:sad

I dont like dancing in the church but that is my hangup I dont like that coffee is served in worship .. or that adults cant sit for 20-30 minuties with sipping a bottle of water.

These guys who cant get their minds where it belongs want the women to behave in certain way because of their sin not the woman's. Sorta like i have a problem with lust so you cover up in a burka mentality

Ecc 3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
So, Dancing is neither a worshiping way nor any form of praising if you follow Christ and dancing is absolutely unnecessary and God did not expect it from us.
Thanks for your input.

I don't agree with this, Felix. God and Christ are the same. The book of psalms talks about dancing and praising God. What happened to the walls of Jericho?

That means there is no such thing as dancing in your church, eh?

Do you sing hymns? If yes, do you nod or stamp your feet while singing hymns? No? Yes?

When you Stamp your feet and nod your head in the course of a chorous - it is part of dancing
Classik, I don't think that you're following a different spirit...(simply disagreeing with you Felix...not the first time, I know! ;)) but I do think that you and your fellow exuberant worshipers would do well to take the correction of your elders and be sure to keep all things decent and orderly.

There is a reason why I said this: Classik said, I don't feel comfortable worshiping in a church that doesn't dance

None of the new testament churches worshiped the Lord by dancing and I can't find a single reference that the Spirit of the Lord makes a person dance.

I can only see the Satan's "The Toronto Blessing and the Laughing Revival" coming back in a different form to the youth who is absolutely unaware of it as they does not know how to discern the spirit.
Not one NT church had air conditioning or electric lights... nor do we wear robes The Psalms are very clear....
There is a reason why I said this: Classik said, I don't feel comfortable worshiping in a church that doesn't dance

None of the new testament churches worshiped the Lord by dancing and I can't find a single reference that the Spirit of the Lord makes a person dance.

I can only see the Satan's "The Toronto Blessing and the Laughing Revival" coming back in a different form to the youth who is absolutely unaware of it as they does not know how to discern the spirit.

The statemet doesn't say 'I would not worship in a church that doesn't dance'.
Not one NT church had air conditioning or electric lights... nor do we wear robes The Psalms are very clear....

And, in case anyone missed it, here is what I wrote on another thread about Christians putting up Christmas trees:

I can't find any biblical support for driving cars, baseball, apple pie, football, ice hockey, prom night, "whitie-tighties", basketball, airplanes, pasta, "Air Jordans", movies, popcorn, neckties, indoor plumbing, or the internet, either (to name a few.)

Since there is no biblical basis for these things and yet we know you've done at least one of them (internet usage), what do you have to say for yourself? :grumpy

As to why I do and have done these things - including displaying a Christmas tree - even without biblical support?

It's because I can. :thumbsup That's the freedom we have in Christ to enjoy the things of this life.

Given that the Bible is completely silent on indoor plumbing, can we please go back to the days of digging holes in the back yard? :toofunny
Lucifer was a musician! God loves music. Prayer moves mountains - but music moves God. If heaven has musical instruments, and does music...please, join me and let us dance to the glory of God:)
And, in case anyone missed it, here is what I wrote on another thread about Christians putting up Christmas trees:
Given that the Bible is completely silent on indoor plumbing, can we please go back to the days of digging holes in the back yard? :toofunny

I can't find any biblical support for driving cars,baseball, apple pie, football, ice hockey, prom night, "whitie-tighties", basketball, airplanes, pasta, "Air Jordans", movies, popcorn, neckties, indoor plumbing, or the internet, either (to namea few.)
why would you mention football?:bounceball:bigfrown

Football is biblical
<sup>{10} </sup>"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10 (NASB)

Legalism steals the joy we have in Christ and - as I have noted elsewhere - legalism is based upon a sense of false piety and self-righteousness. According to Paul, the "weaker brother" is the one who relies on the Law to keep them holy.

The "stronger brother" knows what his freedom is in Christ (and knows that the Holy Spirit is what makes and keeps us holy, not keeping rules), though Paul asks them not to do so in the presence of a weaker brother if doing so will cause the weaker to stumble.

This doesn't mean that we have license to sin, but it does mean that we have license to enjoy the things in this life God has given us, and to redeem for - His purpose - those things the world has corrupted.
why would you mention football?:bounceball:bigfrown

Football is biblical

I've never found a verse either for or against the NFL, NCAA, Pop Warner or Pee Wee Football. If you have, I'd love to see it! :thumbsup
(Although, from a purely American point-of-view, I'm pretty sure God hates Soccer. :biggrin )
Thanks for your input.

I don't agree with this, Felix. God and Christ are the same.

God and Christ are NOT the same. There is a difference between they are one and they are same. Trinity is very different from Sebelanism. What you just said is Sebelanism is a false teaching and not a part of core christian doctrines.

The book of psalms talks about dancing and praising God. What happened to the walls of Jericho?

I believe the word used in ancient Israel which was translated to English as dance is actually 'joy' and not 'dance'. There are some words that cannot be exactly translated into another language and sometimes, they try to fit based on the understanding of the translator and the environment which may not be exactly correct.

For example,
(Ps 30:11) You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,
(Eccl 3:4) A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance;

Well, the correct translation for us to understand would be mourning into joy (not dancing). I believe the word was used by ancient Israelites was to represent a form of joy (not worship).

There is absolutely no problem replacing the other two instances where dancing occurs with joy.

(Ps 149:3) Let them praise His name with the joy [dance]; Let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp.

'Joy' on the other hand, the entire NT is filled. Joy is even a fruit of the spirit as in Gal 5:22. In fact, joy in Holy Spirit is the kingdom of Heaven.

Different words translated into English as dance:
H4246 מְחוֹלָה mchowlah
Miriam, daughter of Jephthah, daughters of Shiloh,the people who sang 'Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands', dancing while worshiping the calf in Sinai.
H3769 כָּרַר karar
However for David, it was only mentioned in two places and it was used to refer only the same incident by David. If you take LXXE, a translation into Greek in 300 BC to get a glimpse of what the actual meaning of it is in ancient Israel is, you find it interesting to note that,

Then David danced before the LORD with all [his] might; and David [was] wearing a linen ephod. (2Sam 6:14, NKJV)
And David sounded with well-tuned instruments before the Lord, and David [was] clothed with a fine long robe. (2Sam 6:14, LXXE) - [no dance is mentioned here]

Hence, the actual meaning in dance of David is not really the dance that matters but the joy was often misrepresented in English as dance. I would consider the actual meaning would be 'rejoicing'.

The walls of Jericho falling was not due to any dancing. Neither did the Lord command anyone to dance for the walls of Jericho to fall.

That means there is no such thing as dancing in your church, eh?

Do you sing hymns? If yes, do you nod or stamp your feet while singing hymns? No? Yes?

When you Stamp your feet and nod your head in the course of a chorous - it is part of dancing

Dancing is very different from rejoicing in the Lord out of joy.
Lucifer was a musician!

He was. He was the choir commander when he was still in heaven. The reason I mentioned him is simple: all about heaven (not really all - I guess a better part of the activity), with him leading the band, was music
Classik just maybe that is not a good thought for your argument :toofunny

It is, reba.

And don't forget the boiling pot. Go check that stuff before it burns:lol


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