Classik, please take this advice in the spirit it's offered (which is only to help.)
First, ignore the people here who just want to keep beating this issue to death. You're not accountable to them.
Second, don't lose your youthful zeal for the Lord over issues like this, but temper that zeal with responsibility. Paul said we are free to do many things in Christ, but not at the cost of causing a weaker brother to stumble. If dancing offends some in your church, they are the "weaker brothers." Don't let your freedom in Christ to worship Him with dance cause others to stumble. Keep the dancing to a minimum or do it where they won't notice you doing it (a church's cry room is a great, out of the way place to worship as the Spirit leads and not distract or offend anybody.)
Finally, do whatever you do both for the Lord and out of love for your brothers and sisters in Christ. And again, ignore the people who are telling you that you are not free in Christ to dance. You are accountable to Christ, your parents, and your church in that order, not strangers you meet on the internet.
Hope this helps and - more importantly - I hope it ends this discussion.