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Dancing in Church


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When you see someone rejoicing you know it is for joy by the very sight and you will be glad and happy for them. It is not the dance that some are referring people. If you want to refer it, you can call it leaping not dance.

(Luke 1:41) And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
(Luke 6:23) Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward [is] great in heaven, For in like manner their fathers did to the prophets.
(Acts 3:8) So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them -- walking, leaping, and praising God.

Leaping in Joy is not the same as dancing.

Similarly in David's case the word actually means whirling (not dancing). So, David wasn't dancing to tunes but playing music and whirling out of joy.

The actual word for dance [H4246 מְחוֹלָה mchowlah] is not used in David's case but the word used is whirl [H3769 כָּרַר karar].

If you refer to Julia E. Smith's Literal Translation, one of the best literal translations ever, she referred throughout the event not as dance but leaping.

Hence, it's not dancing that is referred and I will fight against anything irrelevant to Christ creeping into churches for if it is not from Christ, it must be from Satan.

So you are saying that one can leap during a worship service instead of dance?
What kind of dance would that be?

Women move sexy through the Holy Spirit for glorifying God? What kind of nonsense is that dance doing inside the body of Christ?

These needs to be stopped and rebuked which the Pastor of the church exactly did.

Which is fine if the pastor and the elders of a church deem a style of dance inappropriate. Classik also said she respects her elders and they ceased from any further provocations.

What you have been arguing for now, though, (in 7 pages and counting) is a total and absolute ban on any kind of dancing in the church, and have tried to use the Bible to justify it, when the only times its mentioned at all are in a positive light.

I will concede "dirty dancing" in church is inappropriate if you're willing to concede that not all dancing is dirty and may be appropriate for a given church and style of worship.

Fair enough?
So you are saying that one can leap during a worship service instead of dance?

Are you asking me you want to leap inside the church for no reason? If you look into all those verses, they leap with joy through the Holy Spirit.

When you are touched by such a joy from God you wont be standing as a statue but leap out of joy. This does not mean let the whole church jump to show everyone that the whole church is having that joy. Paul clearly explains order inside the church. God is not the author of confusion and everyone jumping in every direction is not something from God.
High jump is perfectly acceptable if they don't wear those skimpy track and field shorts. :thumbsup

Do you think there's enough money in the church's budget to buy hurdles? I'm sure they can be very useful...

Remember Christian, leap don't dance, and don't wear skimpy clothes. :grumpy

Are you asking me you want to leap inside the church for no reason? If you look into all those verses, they leap with joy through the Holy Spirit.

When you are touched by such a joy from God you wont be standing as a statue but leap out of joy. This does not mean let the whole church jump to show everyone that the whole church is having that joy. Paul clearly explains order inside the church. God is not the author of confusion and everyone jumping in every direction is not something from God.

Am I allowed to leap over the pews?
Am I allowed to leap over the pews?

As I said, God is not the author of confusion. If you create confusion in the middle of the service and distract others and disturb the sermon or their praising, then it is not from God.

You can do ANYTHING that is from God. When you do it, you know it where it is from.
As I said, God is not the author of confusion. If you create confusion in the middle of the service and distract others and disturb the sermon or their praising, then it is not from God.

You can do ANYTHING that is from God. When you do it, you know it where it is from.

Thanks, :thumbsup
I'm glad it is one of the 'ONE OFs'. You must find someone who don't agree with the youth.

One of our pastors isn't quite comfortable with us dancing the way we want . Some criticised our youth, saying our women move (or sort of dance) sexily , and Some dance in some ways that don't glorify God

Thanks for clarifying it so that it makes it better for me to explain.
If you look at what the original post by Classik was:

What kind of dance would that be?

Women move sexy through the Holy Spirit for glorifying God? What kind of nonsense is that dance doing inside the body of Christ?

These needs to be stopped and rebuked which the Pastor of the church exactly did.

And let me clarify it further:

The critics are always few and powerful (never positively). They are the people who don't find anything good about the youth. And I know these critics are undoubtedly in your church too - these people who'd always find something against the youth.

Take the microphone, read the bible aloud, read it to the hearing of the church. The critics would tell you: that voice sounds so sexy - they should have done it in a husky voice.

Turn to the next page of the bible! The critics would say: did you notice her fingers moving seductively as she opened the bible?

If you say hi to a sister or whisper goodbye to her, the critics would say, 'Do not mind them - that must be an immoral whisper. He told her to secretly visit him'

If a brother sits next to a sister:
the critics would say, 'Romance in disguise - they must have exchanged contacts - they must have planned where to meet next'

when you move, (they criticise you)
when you speak (you spoke out of a sexy voice)
When you dance, (they'd see nothing, except your waist)

frankly, these people are the people killing the church.

Nothing a youth ever does glorifies God (to these people). Youthful exuberance is all about sexual immorality. That's how they define ' the youth'. So why would they not find something against the youth when all day their desperate obssession is to find a fault?

Why should they condemn a youth Christ has not condemned, a youth that is pure in heart?
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Why should they condemn a youth Christ has not condemned, a youth that is pure in heart?

Church is not a place for you to put a show for others to see you. So, please shut sit down and listen to what the elders are preaching in church and don't create any confusion.
Church is not a place for you to put a show for others to see you. So, please shut sit down and listen to what the elders are preaching in church and don't create any confusion.

I can see your stand in this thread is: ban everything music and dance.

No one is creating confusion! The elders are planning to purchase more sophisticated musical instrumests. Our elders are not there to ban music which they themselves started.

A single individual stands up and tells the church, 'let's ban music in this church', and the elders would preach on banning music. It doesn't make sense to me.:shrug

Perhaps I should have titled this thread 'The critics who don't like the youth' (critics vs the youth)

I'm not refering to you, Felix.

It's time for soccer commentary now
As I said, God is not the author of confusion. If you create confusion in the middle of the service and distract others and disturb the sermon or their praising, then it is not from God.
You can do ANYTHING that is from God. When you do it, you know it where it is from.

However, this doesn't appear to have much to explain on your stance on church music and dancing. Besides, what we do is a collective dancing. Watch the rythm, watch the tempo - there are some old people:lol

despite the nature of music played you'd find these particular few glaring at you. You'd understand my intent better when you sit and inspect the music and dance session. You yourself would testify that these people (always very few) have something against the youth - if not against music in its entirety
However, this doesn't appear to have much to explain on your stance on church music and dancing. Besides, what we do is a collective dancing. Watch the rythm, watch the tempo - there are some old people:lol

despite the nature of music played you'd find these particular few glaring at you. You'd understand my intent better when you sit and inspect the music and dance session. You yourself would testify that these people (always very few) have something against the youth - if not against music in its entirety

So, it's a show by multiple people doing a collective dancing. Sorry, that is not what church is for. Neither is church an entertainment center nor it is a studio or a club.

You said about dancing with opposite sex.

My answer is simple: if the girl (which the critics say about being sexy) can dance with Jesus Christ (assume He is dancing in your church) with the same moves which you had mentioned, is acceptable for God, then your heart is pure and you can use the same dance steps. If its not acceptable, then try to follow Christ.

[Note: Christ didn't even dance either for rejoicing nor for praising. Hence, assuming Him to be dancing itself is unbiblical]
Classik, please take this advice in the spirit it's offered (which is only to help.)

First, ignore the people here who just want to keep beating this issue to death. You're not accountable to them.

Second, don't lose your youthful zeal for the Lord over issues like this, but temper that zeal with responsibility. Paul said we are free to do many things in Christ, but not at the cost of causing a weaker brother to stumble. If dancing offends some in your church, they are the "weaker brothers." Don't let your freedom in Christ to worship Him with dance cause others to stumble. Keep the dancing to a minimum or do it where they won't notice you doing it (a church's cry room is a great, out of the way place to worship as the Spirit leads and not distract or offend anybody.)

Finally, do whatever you do both for the Lord and out of love for your brothers and sisters in Christ. And again, ignore the people who are telling you that you are not free in Christ to dance. You are accountable to Christ, your parents, and your church in that order, not strangers you meet on the internet.

Hope this helps and - more importantly - I hope it ends this discussion.
So, it's a show by multiple people doing a collective dancing. Sorry, that is not what church is for. Neither is church an entertainment center nor it is a studio or a club.

You said about dancing with opposite sex.

My answer is simple: if the girl (which the critics say about being sexy) can dance with Jesus Christ (assume He is dancing in your church) with the same moves which you had mentioned, is acceptable for God, then your heart is pure and you can use the same dance steps. If its not acceptable, then try to follow Christ.

[Note: Christ didn't even dance either for rejoicing nor for praising. Hence, assuming Him to be dancing itself is unbiblical]

1 Dancing is prohibited in churches
2 Entertainment is not allowed in churches.
3 A couple or anyone who ever dances (even mistakenly, for a second) with the opposite sex has no part in Christ.
4 Church is strictly, take the sermon - go home

Classik, please take this advice in the spirit it's offered (which is only to help.)

First, ignore the people here who just want to keep beating this issue to death. You're not accountable to them.

Second, don't lose your youthful zeal for the Lord over issues like this, but temper that zeal with responsibility. Paul said we are free to do many things in Christ, but not at the cost of causing a weaker brother to stumble. If dancing offends some in your church, they are the "weaker brothers." Don't let your freedom in Christ to worship Him with dance cause others to stumble. Keep the dancing to a minimum or do it where they won't notice you doing it (a church's cry room is a great, out of the way place to worship as the Spirit leads and not distract or offend anybody.)

Finally, do whatever you do both for the Lord and out of love for your brothers and sisters in Christ. And again, ignore the people who are telling you that you are not free in Christ to dance. You are accountable to Christ, your parents, and your church in that order, not strangers you meet on the internet.

Hope this helps and - more importantly - I hope it ends this discussion.

Oh thanks!! I feel so Barçaful about this:):wave
Thanks to handy too:salute


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