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Dancing in Church


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I don't bother dancing always in church. I seldom do and choose when to. Besides, instrumentalists don't always have that absolute freedom like the rest of the congregation who dance freely.

Trust the youth. We don't care what our fathers and mothers think. We dance and shake the whole church. We dance and show how elated we are: we blow our whistles, some fly the handkerchieves in the air, some run round the Church, some only jump. (Very few don't dance at all - they are mean and boring).

At times we dance with the opposite Sex. At times we do some daredevil stunts. Some do the breakdancing. There are many dance steps and styles. :sing:guitar
Youthful exuberance!

One of our pastors isn't quite comfortable with us dancing the way we want. Some criticised our youth, saying our women move (or sort of dance) sexily, and Some dance in some ways that don't glorify God. Live us alone:sad
My question is: why criticising the dancing waist? Why not look away? Don't be a killjoy.

But I remember how King David danced. His dance was criticised - Yet God was happy with it.

This pastor had to Openly rebuke the youth. Guess what? The next Sunday no single youth danced. We were all sad. (However, we are gradually getting Back to our dance). I don't feel comfortable worshipping in a church that doesn't dance :shrug

So, People, is there anything wrong with the youth (in particular) dancing in church - and in our own way?
The church I attend is traditionalist, which means no dancing, no live bands and certainly no whistles.

I did attend one church while on vacation that had all that and stage lights. I spent the first 30 minutes waiting to see if Bon Jovi were coming on!

I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying church, and if dancing is one of those things then, hey, bring it on, but, like you said, some may take the "dance" too far and begin dancing like Shakira or Beyonce, and church is definitely not the place for that.

Every church is different in it's approach to worship, but I think if expressionism is warranted then off you go. Just keep it clean!
Dancing in church is a lot like crossing oneself, raising one's hands, or bowing...something the Christian has full freedom to do, or not. However, Classik, there are some things about your view that could use some prayerful thought...

Think about what you've said here:

Trust the youth. We don't care what our fathers and mothers think. We dance and shake the whole church. We dance and show how elated we are: we blow our whistles, some fly the handkerchieves in the air, some run round the Church, some only jump. (Very few don't dance at all - they are mean and boring).
Trust the youth...OK, but remember the Scriptures teach us:
You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.

In regards to those who choose not to dance, do they not have the same freedom to be still as you do to dance? Why should your brother or sister be called mean and boring if their spirit is more in tune with God in stillness.

You ask, "is there anything wrong with the youth (in particular) dancing in church - and in our own way?"

The answer is, perhaps there was...if some were dancing to the point that it became immodest. God loves our exuberance, but He also says this in regards to our worship services:

But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.

In the Corinthian church, there were also exuberant people who were getting carried away...perhaps the issue was more speaking out, shouting out in tongues and prophesies, rather than dancing, but the principle is the same. Of this, think of what we are told:

Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil be infants, but in your thinking be mature (and) Let all things be done for edification. (see 1 Corinthians 14)

What happens in corporate worship should be done for the edification of all. If the dancing was getting to the point that it wasn't edifying, but rather distracting and disturbing to those who are also there to worship God...then out of love for your brethren you should respectfully reign it in.
But I remember how King David danced. His dance was criticised - Yet God was happy with it.

Do you really think God is seeing your great dance skills and He is happy about it? If you think so, then you haven't known God. God sees your heart - not your dance and musical skills. If your heart is away from Him and you play music, it is a sound that will be brought down to hades as in Isa 14:11. Miriam also danced and Moses did not and yet, when she spoke against Moses, she became leper.

Jesus Christ is the role model for us to follow and not David. Jesus Christ didn't dance and He was perfect and holy. Not once it is mentioned that He danced. If He hasn't taught any of his disciples to dance, who are you following? Jesus or David? So, Dancing is neither a worshiping way nor any form of praising if you follow Christ and dancing is absolutely unnecessary and God did not expect it from us.
Do you really think God is seeing your great dance skills and He is happy about it? If you think so, then you haven't known God. God sees your heart - not your dance and musical skills. If your heart is away from Him and you play music, it is a sound that will be brought down to hades as in Isa 14:11. Miriam also danced and Moses did not and yet, when she spoke against Moses, she became leper.

Jesus Christ is the role model for us to follow and not David. Jesus Christ didn't dance and He was perfect and holy. Not once it is mentioned that He danced. If He hasn't taught any of his disciples to dance, who are you following? Jesus or David? So, Dancing is neither a worshiping way nor any form of praising if you follow Christ and dancing is absolutely unnecessary and God did not expect it from us.

'Jesus Christ is the role model for us to follow and not David. Jesus Christ didn't post on net forums and He was perfect and holy'

But he did pratice what he preached.
'Jesus Christ is the role model for us to follow and not David. Jesus Christ didn't post on net forums and He was perfect and holy'

But he did pratice what he preached.

I never said 'posting on net forums' is a form of worshiping God. However, according to the original post,

I don't feel comfortable worshipping in a church that doesn't dance

... is something that is not from the spirit of God. .. looks like another spirit is in action.
I never said 'posting on net forums' is a form of worshiping God. However, according to the original post,

... is something that is not from the spirit of God. .. looks like another spirit is in action.

This is what you preach, but not what you practice.

Jesus Christ is the role model for us to follow and not David. Jesus Christ didn't dance and He was perfect and holy. Not once it is mentioned that He danced. If He hasn't taught any of his disciples to dance, who are you following? Jesus or David? So, Dancing is neither a worshiping way nor any form of praising if you follow Christ and dancing is absolutely unnecessary and God did not expect it from us.
The Scriptures teach that dance is an acceptable form of worship of God:

“Hear, O LORD, and be gracious to me;
O LORD, be my helper.â€
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness,
That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent.
O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever. Psalms 30:10-12

Praise the LORD!
Sing to the LORD a new song,
And His praise in the congregation of the godly ones.
Let Israel be glad in his Maker;
Let the sons of Zion rejoice in their King.
Let them praise His name with dancing;
Let them sing praises to Him with timbrel and lyre.
For the LORD takes pleasure in His people;
He will beautify the afflicted ones with salvation. Psalms 149:1-4

Praise the LORD!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty expanse.
Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-NASB-16398"></sup> Praise Him with trumpet sound;
Praise Him with harp and lyre.
Praise Him with timbrel and dancing;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe.
Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD! Psalm 150

God even promised that He would restore the virgins of Israel that they could once more go forth in dancing:

Thus says the LORD,
“The people who survived the sword
Found grace in the wilderness—
Israel, when it went to find its rest.â€
The LORD appeared to him from afar, saying,
“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.
“Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt,
O virgin of Israel!
Again you will take up your tambourines,
And go forth to the dances of the merrymakers. Jeremiah 31:2-4

As for me, I'm not all that comfortable in "rock-n-roll" churches myself. I tend towards very traditional type of worship services. I'm not a dancer and the times I've moved in dance during worship can be counted on one hand, with a few digits left over.

I look at 1 Corinthians 14 and look at how Paul described the Corinthians services...I wouldn't feel all that comfortable there either...but obviously the Spirit of God was working within that church...warts and all.

Classik, I don't think that you're following a different spirit...(simply disagreeing with you Felix...not the first time, I know! ;)) but I do think that you and your fellow exuberant worshipers would do well to take the correction of your elders and be sure to keep all things decent and orderly.
We live under the New Covenant not the old. Where, where is any scripture found in the NT that there was dancing in the assembly? I will say this and stand by it: any man who says (whether in or out of the church) that he can take a woman in dance and sway etc. and not be affected wrongly by it is either a LIAR or a DEAD man! Why do we keep adding more and more trash into what we call the church?
We also live by the Scriptures...and the Scriptures that Jesus, the Apostles and the early Church all found to be profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness includes those I posted above.

I'll let Classik correct if I'm wrong...but I doubt that they were coupling up and swaying, man to woman, in their assembly.
Where in the NT scripture is it prohibited?

A sound question my friend.

Where does anyone get the idea that, if something isn't specifically mentioned in the New Testament...even though it was not only mentioned, but even established by God in the Old Testament, then we are somehow prohibited from doing it?

Yes, the Old Covenant of law and death has been replaced by the New Covenant of grace and life...but, that doesn't mean that everything...every single thing that God's people did in worship prior to the cross must then be wholly rejected...and only things that the apostles mention...sometimes just in allowable.

If this were true, then it makes a mockery and a lie of 2 Timothy 3:16. For the only Scripture that the early church had was the Old Testament. How could the Old Testament possibly be profitable for teaching, reproofing, correction and training in righteousness...if anything and everything that was part of life and worship in the Old Testament is to be prohibited unless specifically mentioned by either Jesus or the Apostles? Why were the Bereans praised for searching the Old Testaments to test Paul's teachings, if we can only go by what Paul, or the other Apostles say?

hmmm...this might be getting too far away from Classik's dilemma. :chin
Hitch wants to know: "Where in the NT is it prohibited?"

One good rule of Bible study is what some have called the rule of "inclusion and exclusion." If there were a "thou shalt not" given in the Bible for everything the book would be so bulky we could not handle it. Certainly we can't seem to handle what little He has given. So we keep adding what we like and taking out what we do not like.
If when a child your mother gave you a list and sent you to the store and the list said to get bread, milk, eggs and butter would that have authorized you to get anything else?
Seems like I read sometime in the scripture not to go "beyond that which is written." Sorry sir, I shall respect what is written and not add my wants, preferences and wishes.
Hitch wants to know: "Where in the NT is it prohibited?"

One good rule of Bible study is what some have called the rule of "inclusion and exclusion." If there were a "thou shalt not" given in the Bible for everything the book would be so bulky we could not handle it. Certainly we can't seem to handle what little He has given. So we keep adding what we like and taking out what we do not like.
If when a child your mother gave you a list and sent you to the store and the list said to get bread, milk, eggs and butter would that have authorized you to get anything else?
Seems like I read sometime in the scripture not to go "beyond that which is written." Sorry sir, I shall respect what is written and not add my wants, preferences and wishes.
Well you've seen some of the OT passages brought up here. Dont like them do you?
Its petty of you to insist that something must be specifically authorized by the NT and then complain when the very same coin is overturned. tsk tsk.
BTW---still waiting for that scripture which authorizes dancing. Please keep in mind its Christ's church we are talking about. I suppose these man-made churches can add and mix anything they wish but better be careful when we are talking about the church of the Bible.
BTW---still waiting for that scripture which authorizes dancing. Please keep in mind its Christ's church we are talking about. I suppose these man-made churches can add and mix anything they wish but better be careful when we are talking about the church of the Bible.
Its probably real close to the one that authorized choirs, windows, hymnals, bathrooms ya know stuff like that.
Hitch wants to know: "Where in the NT is it prohibited?"

One good rule of Bible study is what some have called the rule of "inclusion and exclusion." If there were a "thou shalt not" given in the Bible for everything the book would be so bulky we could not handle it. Certainly we can't seem to handle what little He has given. So we keep adding what we like and taking out what we do not like.
If when a child your mother gave you a list and sent you to the store and the list said to get bread, milk, eggs and butter would that have authorized you to get anything else?
Seems like I read sometime in the scripture not to go "beyond that which is written." Sorry sir, I shall respect what is written and not add my wants, preferences and wishes.

How is dancing going beyond what is written...when you see right in the Scriptures where it is written?

How do you apply 2 Timothy just New Testament passages? How is that even logical?


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