I haven't even touched on the big lie. Oh ok, I will now while I'm'a drinking my morning coffee. Aliens. Now certainly you wont make me substantiate the coverup by Washingtom concerning aliens and UFO's, lol. You know who the aliens really are? They are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim spoken of in Genesis 6, Numbers 13, and a couple other places in scriptures. Evil spirits in other words. Oh, aliens are not disembodied, you say. Well you're right. But why do you think that in thousands of UFO cases, cattle are found mutilated with blood and body organs taken with what appears to be very surgical procedure? AND, many of the UFO abduction reports testify to the fact that their reproductive systems are toyed with by the aliens? They are genetically engineering bodies for the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. But make no mistake about it, they're evil spirits man. They are not inter-galactical, they are hyper-dimensional spirit beings. One clue, is that (we have hubble) we never see ufo's way out in space, but people report that ufo's do seem to just disappear many times. That's hyper-dimensional. The lie is going to be open contact with "aliens" who come from a distant planet to help us. (but first we have to do away with Christianity, what a coincidence).