"Vic C." said

Hey, I'm just passing through, but I do have a question.
Sparrow, you said:
Sparrowhawke said:
Am I the only one here who thinks that God is able to confound those who consider themselves wise and that He has purposefully hidden certain things? Unto God is the secret(s) and unto us is what is revealed. He has designed the length of the hour so that it isn't 60 minutes (contrary to popular opinion). The hour is hidden in mystery but the length of the day can be lengthened or shortened.
My question was twofold: First, do any agree (or disagree) with the idea about Jewish length of hours being tied to the day itself? and secondly, "Can we shorten the day" or can this only be done by God. If Scripture shows that "we can" do so, how?
"The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law."
Is this in reference to Jesus saying:
Mat 24:22
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
- Yes, as the Lord shows you things for me to consider -- it really looks like that fits in perfectly![/*:m:d441cl1v]
Are we reading this as if He is talking about the actual changing of time
(duration or # of hours, etc.) in a day
(or days) and not about shortening the number of days in the tribulation?[/quote]
- Again, YES! But hmmmm.... maybe both? He is pretty smart isn't He? And I think we can find a scripture or two about He delights to show men who are wise intheir own sight to be foolish and to show the 'simple' who are in Him to be wise.[/*:m:d441cl1v]
<thus concludeth the Word thru our brother Vic C.> Thanks Vic C. ----> here's another recent gleaning from the Word:
but first....

SPARROWS LOVE POPCORN!!! SHHHH, I am undone! Don't tell anyone to what lengths I'll go for popcorn.... I'll make ya a deal ... Vic C. I'll "fetch" scripture for popcorn and trade ya anytime you want? Please? It isn't a good thing to see, making a bird beg like this but do I care?
Vic -- this isn't something that I've been taught by somebody so it might not be so smooth.
There is a parable about our NOT knowing the time of his coming. Is it in the first "watch" or in the second "watch" or in third watch? Right? I could pull out my concordance and get it - but everybody knows that one. Probably worth reading with a critical eye though.
Well then I'm wondering about this - and haven't had time enough to study it
< "I don't want to hear any of your excuses!" an echo in my head says to me, an excuse, I know> and I know that God "can't be pinned down" in these things like I tried to do when I thought I was brilliant and figured out that the world would end in 1988 because it didn't.
So to that there comes a scripture that I hadn't counted on - Psalms 90 seems to say that a "watch" is a 1,000 years and although that doesn't make sense to me exactly it does make more sense than "Figs = 1948 + One Generation 40 = 1988," at least in retrospect.
Here is the scripture specific but the Psalm (song) general is illuminating too. Vic - pardon me for "teaching" here but since this is a public board I feel the need. Newbs need instruction as do I and it helps me personally sometimes to "put my thoughts out there" so I'll wander a bit with a "story" about who else? me. My dad died at 57 years of age and I've worked it out in my head that my life expectancy according to my family history and actuarial tables and all that (used to work as a computer systems analyst / tech at a $5 billion insurance co.) - but worked it out in my genius stupid mind that I would die pretty quick or could at least reasonably be expected to. So when I'm reading in Psalms 90
< the Lord led me to a church to check it out last Sunday - and they preached it > one of the things that was shown was:
Psa 90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
So that one caught my "ear" and there is too much for me to understand in one bite there too! A real hidden source of good data < the computer analyst in my says > so I "flag" that for reading later too like the true procrastinator I can sometimes be. And also there are scriptures that apply to other things too and this one kinda "hits" me:
Psa 90:4 For a thousand years in Your eyes are as a day, yesterday, when it passes, and as a watch in the night.
Now the way the church I went to (for the first time) taught it was that this verse demonstrates the length of vision that the Lord has. The pastor held up his left arm like he had an invisible dance partner - to show us his forearm. He pointed to the crook in his elbow and asked us to imagine the Lord looking at the earth in this matter - the start of a thousand year period would be there near his elbow and we - "us today" would be down at the other end of the timeline - near his fingertips. We were being shown that the Lord sees us this way - and remembers all the promises made to our ancestors and family history from a 1,000 years ago when He thinks and considers us. And I was struck by the Majesty and magnified the Lord with him in my spirit. And then later I'm like,
"huh?" "Did the bible say something about a "watch" in the night?"
So, the pastor continues to point to the scripture and the 90th song and I notice this one is a "song of Moses" and am wondering about that too -- here's verse 1:
Psa 90:1 A Prayer of Moses, the Man of God. O Lord, You have been our dwelling-place in all generations.
And then the pastor says that we've been taught about the length of our time allotted on the earth and some think that we are somehow guaranteed a certain period - like maybe the word suggests we
"should" be able to live on the earth for 70 years. So he brings:
Psa 90:10 The days of our years are seventy; and if any by strength live eighty years, yet their pride is labor and sorrow; for it soon passes, and we fly away.
The lord knows my mind at any given moment --- and to Him nothing is impossible and I know that He's only suggesting things to let me see as a quick glimpse and I also know that my eyesight is pretty poor but my lovesight isn't. My ears pick up and I am hearing answers to prayer about mysteries and sacred secrets. Not like I can say OH!!! OH!!! Urethra!! I've Found it (to quote Kelly Bundy from 'Married with Children' TV series) but because he is showing me something maybe?
First, I don't have to die at 56, second - there is no guarantee that I'll die at 70 either. I have asked the LORD in faith and believe this prayer has "risen up" that He lengthen my days to see a certain thing promised accomplished - I've asked to catch a glimpse of the "bride" and to hear her voice as she starts the firststeps of the procession as she is walking on the earth
<sorry for my feeble speech - I can't do it justice - can't say it 'right' -it is too holy for speech> because there are daughters many and queens but "she" is above them all --- so I'm in Hope always to see this -- but <there> --- right there! He said that by strength
"my" years could be 10 more years also. "Psa 90:10
The days of our years are seventy; and if any by strength live eighty years, yet their pride is labor and sorrow; for it soon passes, and we fly away." I'm hearing the first notes of the song that flows between Jesus and his Bride, the "body of Christ" even now - so I get pretty excited sometimes. I hear it in you and in everybody - but maybe that's just my earnest desire singing song?? I think no - I can't make something this beautiful! The truth of this causes me to turn my eyes to Him in wonder and to make me "magnify the Lord Almighty" and to look wondrously around me at my brothers and sisters with a new VISION.
We know what the bible means when it speaks of a "watch in the night" -- the guards take shifts. The angels are the guards in a spiritual sense and there are "assigned times" -- so the Lord is dropping all these things into the fertile soil which is my mind ('cause HE BOUGHT IT that's why -- so mockers can just shut up about that - I love him and don't care if I look the fool to men. HE's my vindicator, not me)
<sorry Vic - more "voices" in my head brother - not meant to you but to another whose reading the truth of what I am saying> I'm kinda free with my thoughts aren't I? Didn't used to be.
Anyway if you appreciate this? I think you need to pop one of those popcorn kernels up and let the wind catch it and bring it my way!
Oh! And sharing my treasure is my way of "greeting you with an holy kiss" too just so's-ya-know.
And the Lord shall cause His voice to be heard and you shall have a song in the night. Come to the Mountain of the Lord! See His glory and His might.