This is what bothers me about some of the posts on this thread. There are semantics which go unaddressed.
Psalm 119:105 Scripture is an lamp for the feet, a light for the path
I suppose it's not surprising that we can't see the whole path with just a flickering little lamp, we would need a floodlight or sonshine to see it all at once.
Was Christ tempted? Yes he was tempted by Satan because Satan directly tempted him. But was he tempted as if he considered with any validity the propositions of the tempter? No, he was not tempted in that way for he was full of Truth. So here are two connotations of the word 'tempted' that are not the same since they end up with opposite answers.
Likewise Adam was not deceived by Satan, but Eve was. 1 Timothy 2:14 is not saying Adam knew exactly what he was doing as some of you suggest.
I'm still trying to figure it out how much he knew and about what, exactly.
This scripture is being taken out of context when being used to say Adam was not deceived and therefore knew exactly what he was doing. For why would Paul be saying, let the person, who knowingly and willingly distrusted God, be in charge of the one who was gullible but had to be fooled into distrusting God? That's like saying let the fox guard the hen house. So context matters.
There are two people who sinned; Eve is said to have been 'in the transgression' which means guilt. She was deceived about something, but in order to be guilty she could not have been deceived about everything.
Therefore; She's not an innocent hen... it's far more like a weasel guarding a badger's nest.
So, what's God's options:
Kill someone, make another someone to replace them ? ( DO OVER! )
Give dominion to the one who sinned AND shows incompetence, but still repented, or to the one who sinned, but is not and never was incompetent and who has now repented ?
I mean, does the scene about the fig leaves mean anything to you at all?
Or how about God doing the no-I-don't cow tow to animal rights activists, and God kills an animal to prove the point and make leather clothes for the man and woman so that they look like a biker gang and by his example teaches them that killing is a good way to make clothes, and let Adam know that God can wipe you out in an instant and make clothes out of you if you ever cross him again. A permanent reminder that you're gonna DIE someday! So, it's not like Adam is in charge... really...
Scripture specifically says that Adam's mistake was that he listened to the woman who was deceived.
I think it was a mistake ... but which verse is that, which specifically says it was a 'mistake' ?
I recall God saying something like, because you-listen [ aorist tense ] to the sound of your wife, and eat the fruit, she will re-turn-home to you [apostrophe] and groan but you will Lord it over her. ( That groaning part can be fun for some women, just not the grief part that I didn't mention. )
Adam was probably with mixed feelings, not knowing what to make of the slander about God presented by the serpent. Remember they have no knowledge of good and evil yet so it cannot even be ascertained that they knew what a lie is, or what guile is. Being unsure, Adam probably would have leaned toward dismissing it, but the conviction of the woman was against his better judgment and he therefore doubted himself, so he ate. Happens all the time between women and men. Men think higher of women than they ought.
Yeah. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Regarding those mixed feelings: There is a saying, "He who hesitates, is lost." and another saying about the voice of wisdom generally saying "watch them do it and see how it's done", whereas the voice of experience always says "OW!"
I made lots of excuses for why my girlfirend's actions were innocent years ago when I seriously doubt they were innocent, now. So I really hear what you're saying.... and back then, I really was an idiot who was controlled by my "feelings" ; however, those strong feelings which intoxicated me, I'm noticing, are exactly the same ones caused by seeing a woman's nakedness, that sort of sneak up and numb the intellect part of the brain in favor of the body -- and from what I read in Genesis, Adam didn't show signs of sexual passion difficulties until after eating the fruit... so, I think you're very close, but slightly off somehow.
Finally we have scriptural proof that Adam was indeed deceived in following the woman who followed the serpent, for Adam was already like God without the knowledge of good and evil.[ There is a false premise presented in the serpents temptation, which is where it gets its power to tempt. That is, that if you eat you will become like God, knowing good and evil. Genesis3:5. More semantics. Adam already was good in countenance and in righteousness, but since he did not know what evil is, he did not know what that goodness was that he already possessed. Therefore he was malleable.
God in his essence is all Good. In fact, really, only God is Good. God does not change. Therefore God is not 'malleable'.
God therefore, as God -- cannot 'know' (experientially) evil within himself. More of that semantics stuff...
But, assuredly, God who is all Good can still know *about* evil that is outside of himself.
Therefore it is not necessary to "know" evil, in order to "know" what Good is ; otherwise God would have to do evil, in order to know he is Good -- and that's as contradictory as Calvinistic double predestination stuff.... I'll never believe it.
That's why I agree with Malachi, I'm pretty sure the serpent said you will be like gods (ambiguous) -- and I don't think the serpent said you will be like God because I seriously doubt the Devil could even speak God's *personal* name for he hated him so much.
And in the end, God did say, the man has become like "ONE" of us, not like "all" of us, or united with US, or "one, like us", or even "us" as a whole; rather -- the speech singled out only "one of us", therefore I'm pretty sure it's not the trinity, because In the bible regarding the trinity, drawing from two places, the logic works out that:
When you have seen the Son, you have seen the Father -- for the Son is doing everything the Father doing.
So, I don't think there is an 'image' of God, or a likeness, where it doesn't apply equally well to more than one of the persons in the trinity.
Hence Adam must have become like the gods who knew evil because they were divisible (image wise) in a way that I don't think the trinity can properly be divided.