- May 25, 2008
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:waving matthew~
I appreciate you reply below:
And I am thankful for the peace between us~ may God help us to keep it. :nod As I stated before, I simply do not believe that end times theology can be absolutely known. No view (including my own) can prove to be absolutley dogmatic. Therefore, we stand on two sides of the word in this area. Yes, I know that means somebody is wrong. However brother, I did not come to my conclusions through the lack of conviction, but rather in conviction.
The Lord can reach and teach us all, there is a purpose behind our dilema within the Sovereign control of our heavenly Father. I will be all the more patient, as the Lord gives me the grace, and expectantly so. However, I dare to say... I doubt I will ever change my view.
I have been searching the word for the view of end times that (God willed for me) not the one men taught me. I have done the work of study, and of prayer... though I am weak, and consider myself able to fail, the Lord will hold me up. AND He will hold you up, to The Day of our Redemption! That is what counts.
Love to you in our Lord Jesus Christ dear brother... sheshisown/bonnie :shades
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My friend, Bonnie, I understand your questions. I really do. I have asked them myself in the twenty some years I remained a dispensationalist. I, like you, loved the Lord and thought I was understanding the Word. But I grew more and more disturbed by the hermeneutical calisthenics I forced to execute in order to remain one. I wish you only the best, Bonnie. I wish for you the same growing discomfort I endured when dealing with time statements and the expectations on the part of those first-century believers. Every time you see a YOU or a WE or a SOON or a NEAR, I pray they will trouble you. As a dispensationalist, I had become so trained to overlook the force of those words, that I don't think I ever really saw them until someone annoyed me and pointed them out. That is perhaps why I sound harsh to you. The Scriptures can be understood, but we must always be willing to re-evaluate in light of further light. There are many things, even as a preterist, that I have not settled in cement in my mind. I am relatively sure that I am properly dividing the word of truth, but I force myself to come again to every passage as though I have never seen it before. Is there something I missed? Does this really say what I think it says? Am I reading something into it that simply is not there? I constantly ask these questions. I do not want to be wrong! I am sure you agree that God's Word demands our utmost respect and diligence. I think such an attitude is reflected in your heart from the posts I read. Keep an open mind. Do not judge us by what others have said. Remember, most preterists were once futurists! Some attacks against preterism are simply unfounded and reflective of misunderstanding. Keep studying, my friend!
Love, in Christ, Matthew24:34
And I am thankful for the peace between us~ may God help us to keep it. :nod As I stated before, I simply do not believe that end times theology can be absolutely known. No view (including my own) can prove to be absolutley dogmatic. Therefore, we stand on two sides of the word in this area. Yes, I know that means somebody is wrong. However brother, I did not come to my conclusions through the lack of conviction, but rather in conviction.
The Lord can reach and teach us all, there is a purpose behind our dilema within the Sovereign control of our heavenly Father. I will be all the more patient, as the Lord gives me the grace, and expectantly so. However, I dare to say... I doubt I will ever change my view.

Love to you in our Lord Jesus Christ dear brother... sheshisown/bonnie :shades