Speaking only for myself......when you post such long posts with one comment or question after another, I for one can not respond to it.No, the folks reborn of God's seed do not commit sin.
His seed cannot bring forth liars, adulterers, or thieves. (1 John 3:9)
I find teachings enabling a true servitude to God, liberating.
So true, but it only applies to those who still walk in and after the flesh, instead of in and after the Spirit.
Rebirth gives us a new nature.
One that reigns in those whose old self/nature was crucified with Christ.
Can you tell me if Spurgeon ever actually repented of sin?
Or did he die in his disobedience ?
He is speaking from the perspective of still being in the flesh.
A circumstance those in Christ have forsaken.
The narrative of his life prior to his conversion, (Rom 7:5), would surely include those words.
The narrative of Paul's pre-conversion life would surely include that message.
Thankfully, he wrote Romans 8:2, which magnifies the difference his pre-conversion life with where he was when he wrote Romans.
Rom 8:2..."For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."
He had been freed from what you call..."his sinful nature/slave to the law of sin" by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus".
You can be freed too.
Thankfully, rebirth from God's seed alleviates the slavery you write of.
Nobody in the OT.
But God has cleansed the heart of all that submit to Him; by the blood of Christ Jesus. (Acts 2:38)
OT writings that apply to those still living an OT lifestyle.
There are righteous men on earth since we have been enabled to walk "in Christ".
It is those outside of Christ that walk in the flesh and not in the Spirit.
I disagree.
Did they do that, or did they opt to die in their sins ?
I hope they obeyed a Godly exhortation.
Thank God for an apostle's admonissions and guidance !
If we walk in the Spirit, we won't be able to do do the things of the flesh !
Perfectly apt, as it addresses those who walk in darkness.
As do verses 6 and 10.
If we walk in the light, though, all or past sins can be washed away buy the blood of Christ. (1 John 1:7)
So those walking in the light/God, can say they have no sin !
Your rebirth is different from the one I believe in.
Chafer is right.
Thank God for making it possible to have but one "nature", after the old one was is destroyed and a new creature is raised with Christ to walk in newness of life ! (Rom 6:4,6)
Thank God !
If you want to have a conversation I would encourage you to ask or post ONE comment at a time as I just can not answer you in the way you are posting.
Now, allow me to say to you that in my 50 years of service to God, I have run across several individuals who have either claimed sinlessness, or strongly argued that sinlessness also known as sinless perfection and entire sanctification which is what you are trying to do here, is achievable.
Even without studying what the Bible says about the possibility of sinlessness, simple observation of people attempting to live the Christian life causes me to KNOW that what you are propossing is completely wrong. Observation of people who claim sinlessness absolutely reinforces my doubt which is why I asked you to allow me 5 minutes to speak with your wife.
One would think that if sinlessness is possible, the Bible would give us an example of someone who achieved it.
And then there are verses such as the following:
“Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins” (Ecclesiastes 7:20).
“…and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12).
“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8).
But of course, there is a difference between what is supposed to be our goal and what the reality of our existence tells us. Of course, sinlessness is supposed to be our goal. In Matthew 5:48 Jesus says, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Sinless perfection is the goal we should all be striving towards......and we will achieve that when we are Raptured or die in Christ.
No matter how many Scriptures you post without your correct understanding, the Bible does not teach that sinlessness is possible in this boy we have with the ever present Sin Nature in it.
The people in my life whom I would describe as the most spiritually mature would never claim sinlessness. In fact, part of true spiritual maturity is being cognizant of the subtle sins in your life. True progress in the Christian life is honestly and humbly recognizing how much further you must go.
If you think you have arrived at sinlessness, think again. Unless you have arrived in heaven at the feet of Jesus, you still have work to do.
1 John 3:2.............
“Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is.”