- Apr 22, 2011
- 30,949
- 16,435
I think there are two reasons why I'm being so stubborn about this issue:
1. I was forced to go to school for twelve years or so even though I was basically a bully target both physically and emotionally.
2. At my old church they pretty much had the same attitude that if you weren't there every Sunday they thought that there was something wrong with you, and those dudes were scary and made me think that God was scary. If it wasn't for you, I would still be afraid of Baptists.
These are not very good reasons for stubbornness, but cop-outs as I went to school for twelve miserable years being bullied and put down all the time because we were on welfare. Many literal fights between me and some class mates would break out as I was ridiculed. I've been to social club type churches that made you feel like you didn't belong so I searched out others that welcomed me with opened arms not even knowing who I was.
There is always an excuse for not going, but when we stand alone before the Lord on that day there will be no excuses for the things we did or did not do while here on earth. One is not going to grow if they are not fed and will eventually die.